

单词 交互
释义 交互 jiāohùI adv.1) each other; mutual2) alternately; in turnII attr. lg.lg. inter-; cross-; reciprocal交互jiāohùmutualinteractiveeach otheralternatelyin turninteraction交互互相mutually学生们交互批改作业。 The students corrected each other's work.参见:交替两手交互地抓住绳索向上爬 climb upwards, each hand clutching the rope in turn【信】to interact交互终端 interactive terminal交互方式 method of interaction人机交互作用 interaction between man and machine交互式制图 interactive mapping交互 jiāo hù (互相) each other; mutual:  交互订正课外作业 correct each other's homework (替换着) interactive; alternately; in turn:  两种方法可交互使用。 The two methods can be used alternately. 交互安抗 reciprocal anchorage; 交互比较草图设计 alternate layout; 交互比较设计 alternate design; 交互变化 alternation; 交互查询 interactive query; 交互程序调整 interactive debugging; 交互承兑 cross acceptance; 交互处理 {计} interactive processing; 交互带状皆伐作业 alternate clear strip system; 交互迭代法 alternating direction iteration method; 交互对生叶 opposite-decussate leaves; 交互对生叶序 decussate phyllotaxy; 交互方式 interactive mode; conversational mode; 交互反复选择 reciprocal recurrent selection; 交互分离 alternate segregation; 交互分枝式 interramification; 交互工作 interworking; 交互共生性 consortism; 交互管理 interactive maintenance; 交互过程 {生} reciprocal process; 交互过程数据流分析 interprocedural data flow analysis; 交互绘图系统 interactive graphics system; 交互计算 interactive computing; 交互计算机 interactive computer; 交互接触带 mutual contact zone; 交互抗性 cross resistance; 交互铆接 cross-riveting; 交互凝集 cross agglutination; 交互配血法 crossmatching; 交互神经支配 reciprocal innervation; 交互生长 intergrowth; 交互事件 {生} alternative events; 交互输血法 reciprocal transfusion; 交互数字显示器 interactive digital plotter; 交互调试器 interactive debugger; 交互图形处理 interactive graphic processing; 交互图形识别 interactive pattern recognition; 交互维护 interactive maintenance; 交互系统 interactive system; 交互显示 interactive display; 交互信息 synentropy; mutual information; 交互询问 intersection query; 交互抑制 reciprocal inhibition; 交互影响 reciprocal effect; 交互影响分析 cross-impact analysis; 交互应答 alternate acknowledge; 交互杂交 mutual cross; 交互转换开关 seesaw switch; 交互转换中继器 seesaw repeater; 交互作用 interaction; 交互作用控制 interacting control; 交互作用预测 interactive forecasting; 交互作用自动控制系统 interaction automatic control system交互 [jiao1hu4], adv., mutually, reciprocally.交互[jiāo hù]1.互相 each other; mutual; one another:教师宣布答案之后,就让同学们交互批改。After he announced the answers, the teacher let the students correct each other's papers. 2.替换着 alternately; in turn:他两手交互地抓住野藤,向山顶上爬。He clutched the creeping vine, and climbed hand over hand towards the top of the cliff.交互a.cross相互的,交互的interactive【计】交互的,人机对话的alternate【植】互生的;交互的reciprocal相互的;交互的,有来有往的交互1. mutual; each other2. alternate; reciprocal; interactive; in turn交互alternation交互INTERACTING交互interaction交互interact双向☞倒数--交互--互易双向☞杂交--交互--横切双向☞交互--交互作用双向☞交互作用--交互双向☞互换--交互交互1. each other; mutual♦ 学生~批改作业。 Students corrected each other's papers.♦ ~校订译文 check each other's translations2. alternately; in turn♦ 两种策略~使用 use the two tactics alternately♦ 他两手~地抓住野藤爬上崖顶。 Holding on to the creepers, he climbed hand over hand to the top of the cliff.~处理 interactive processing~系统 interactive system~式 [计]interactive英華英華★◀▶英華☞Convertibly英華☞BLEND




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