

释义 交1. to cross2. to deliver3. to exchange4. to hand over5. to meet6. to submit7. to intersect交 jiāoI v.1) hand over; give up; deliver2) meet; intersect (of place/time)3) reach (hour/season)4) cross; intersect5) associate with6) have sexual intercourse; mate7) fallII n.1) friendship; relationship2) business transaction; dealIII adv.1) mutually, reciprocally2) together; simultaneously交jiāoto hand overto deliverto pay (money)to turn overto make friendsto intersect (lines)variant of 跤[jiāo]交 n. 交接点crossover point春夏之交 when spring turns into summer世纪之交 at the turn of the century位于两县之交 be located on the border of two counties友谊friendship泛泛之交 nodding acquaintance多年之交 many years of friendship跟头fall v. 参见:交付[jiāofù];交纳[jiāonà]交考卷 hand in a test paper交会费 pay membership fees交关税 pay customs duty交去修理 hand over for repair交去抄写 hand over to be copied面交 hand over in person转交 pass on把任务交给我们办 hand the task over for us to do进入to reach明天交冬至。 Tomorrow is the winter solstice.快交冬季了。 It's nearly winter.参见:交叉两直线交于一点 two straight lines intersect at a point结交to make交朋友 make friends滥交朋友 make friends indiscriminately性交;交配to have sex; to mate adv. 互相mutually一齐,同时simultaneously风雨交加 rainy and windy交 jiāo 动 (把事物转移给有关方面) hand over; give up; deliver:  交党费 pay Party membership dues;  交公粮 deliver tax grain to the state;  交还 give back; return;  交活 turn over a finished item (product);  交枪不杀! Give up your arms and live!  他被交到警察手里。 He was delivered into the hand of the police.  他们以实物交税。 They paid their taxes in kind.  袁世凯逼迫皇帝逊位, 把政权交给他。 Yuan Shikai forced the emperor to abdicate and hand over power to him. (到某一时辰或季节) reach (a certain hour or season); set in; come:  交冬以后 when winter sets in;  今年交春早。 Spring set in early this year.  明天就交夏至了。 Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice. (时间、地区相连接) (of places or periods of time) meet; join:  春夏之交 when spring is changing into summer;  井冈山位于四县之交。 The Jinggang Mountains stand where the boundaries of four counties meet. (交叉) cross; intersect:  AB和CD两线相交于E点。 Line AB intersects line CD at E.  圆周内两直径必相交。 Any two diameters of a circle intersect each other. (结交) associate with:  交朋友 make friends (性交) have sexual intercourse (交配) mate; breed:  杂交 crossbed 形 (互相) mutual; reciprocal; each other:  交换 exchange 副 (一齐; 同时) together; simultaneously:  风雨交加 wind and rain coming at one and the same time;  内外交困 be beset with difficulties at home and abroad 名 (交往; 交谊) acquaintance; friendship; relationship:  点头之交 nodding (bowing) acquaintance;  多年之交 a friendship of many years;  建交 establish diplomatic relations;  绝交 sever relations; break off relations;  一面之交 a passing (casual) acquaintance  (书) (朋友) friend:  故交 old friend;  知交 bosom (intimate) friend (交易) business transaction; deal; bargain:  成交 strike a bargain; conclude a transaction; clinch a deal (跟头) fall:  跌了一交 have a fall;  他脚一滑, 摔了一大交。 He slipped and fell heavily. 交交 832A35  60.82  部居  畫數 6ㄐㄧㄠ [jiao1] N.(1)  Friend: 故交,知交 old friends;生死交 friends for life.Friendship: 訂交,結交 become friends;friendly relationships: 國交,邦交 international relations;絕交 break up or sever relations;復交 restore relations;深交,淺交 deep, shallow friendship;外交 diplomatic relations;交情,交誼 [jiao1qing2], [jiao1yi4]2↓.V.t.(1)  Hand over, transfer: 交付 [jiao1fu4], 交割 [jiao1ge2], 交卸 [jiao1xie4]↓;移交 hand over (duties of office, documents, real estate);交出 render up;交下 hand down;交辦 assign (work, task to subordinate);交到 deliver to;交上 present (to superior);送交 deliver by messenger boy;遞交 give to s.o. in person;點交 turn over item by item;交白卷 fail to answer any of the questions in an examination, (fig.) fail to carry out an assignment;交卷 turn in the examination paper;交卷主義 a get-it-over-with and devil-may-care attitude;交錢,交款 make payments or pay bills;交清 (of goods) all delivered;交貨 deliver goods;船上交貨價 F.O.B. (free on board);交稿 submit manuscript;交還 return, give back;交回 ditto.(2)  Be on good terms with, come into contact with: 交好 [jiao1hao3], 交歡 [jiao1huan1], 交際 [jiao1ji4]↓: 神交 (of two persons reciprocally) know a person by reading his works;交結 [jiao1jie2]1↓;交朋友 be friends, (of boy or girl) have girl friends, boy friends;交友 [jiao1you3], 交往 [jiao1wang3]↓.(3)  Come close to, join, alternate, engage in: 交兵 [jiao1bing1], 交鋒 [jiao1feng1], 交戰 [jiao1zhan4]↓;交頭接耳 whisper into each other's ears, talk confidentially;交談 [jiao1tan2], 交換 [jiao1huan4]↓;成交 close a business deal.(4)  Unite in sexual intercourse: 交媾 [jiao1gou4]↓, 交合 [jiao1he2]↓;交尾 [jiao1wei3]↓;性交sexual copulation.(5)  (Of two straight lines) to cross: 交點 [jiao1dian3], 交叉 [jiao1cha1]↓.Adj. & adv.(1)  Simultaneous(ly): 交加 [jiao1jia1]↓.(2)  Each other: 交互 [jiao1hu4]↓.Words1. 交保 [jiao1bao3], v.t., let (suspect) go on bail.2. 交拜 [jiao1bai4], v.i., (of bridegroom and bride) kowtow to each other to formalize the marriage.3. 交杯酒 [jiao1bei1jiu3], n., formerly, mutual toasting by the bridegroom and the bride on their wedding day.4. 交臂 [jiao1bei4], n. & adj., (1) n., a chance meet: 交臂失之 fail to meet s.o. by a narrow chance; n. & adj., (2) adj., arm in arm. adj., close together.5. 交兵 [jiao1bing1], v.i., to wage war, to fight (with weapons).6. 交叉 [jiao1cha1], v.t. & n., intersect, -ion: 交叉點 point of intersection.7. 交差 [jiao1chai1], v.i., render a report of what one has done in line of duty.8. 交鈔 [jiao1chao1], n., (MC) the paper currency of the Yuarn and Mirng Dyns.9. 交契 [jiao1qi4], v.i., be on friendly terms (with person).10. 交情 [jiao1qing2], n., friendship, mutual affection.11. 交代 [jiao1dai4], v.t., (1) (of two or more persons) succeed one another; (2) ([jiao1dai0]) bid, order, give instructions: 交代他不要嚕囌 tell him not to pester me; 交代的清清楚楚 have given clear and precise orders; (3) transfer of duties: 交代差事,辦交代 transfer duties; give an account of one's charge: 他沒有交代一聲就走了 he went away without leaving a word.12. 交道 [jiao1dao4], n., personal relations: 他很難打交道 he is hard to get along with.13. 交點 [jiao1dian3], n., a point of intersection.14. 交耳 [jiao1er3], v.i., to whisper into each other's ears.15. 交鋒 [jiao1feng1], v.i., engage in battle, fight with weapons.16. 交付 [jiao1fu4], v.t., hand over (things); pay (money, bills).17. 交感神經 [jiao1gan3shen2jing1], n., (physiol.) the sympathetic nerve.18. 交給 [jiao1gei3], v.t., hand to (s.o.).19. 交割 [jiao1ge2], n., a business transaction.20. 交媾 [jiao1gou4], v.i. & n., (have) sexual intercourse, coitus.21. 交關 [jiao1guan1], adv., (Shanghai dial.) very, extremely, exceedingly.22. 交好 [jiao1hao3], v.t., be friends with: 咱們交好有年 we have been friends for many years.23. 交合 [jiao1he2], v.i. & n., (have) sexual intercourse, see [jiao1gou4]↑.24. 交換 [jiao1huan4], v.t., to change, interchange.25. 交歡 [jiao1huan1], v.i., establish cordial relations with one another.26. 交互 [jiao1hu4], adv., mutually, reciprocally.27. 交鬨 [jiao1hong4], v.i. & n., wrangle, squabble, brawl, feud.28. 交戰 [jiao1zhan4], v.i., go to war, become a belligerent: 交戰國 a belligerent.29. 交加 [jiao1jia1], adv., all at once: 貧病交加 dogged by poverty and illness at one and the same time; 拳足交加 give (s.o.) both punches and kicks.30. 交接 [jiao1jie1], v.t., (1) come into contact with; (2) maintain friendly relations with.31. 交界 [jiao1jie4], n., boundary, frontier, borders.32. 交結 [jiao1jie2]1, v.t., (1) (of persons) associate with; (2) (of things) interconnect, intertwine.33. 交睫 [jiao1jie2]2, v.i., close one's eyes to sleep.34. 交節氣 [jiao1jie2qi4], n., (1) a sudden seasonal change; (2) relapse of chronic illness with seasonal change.35. 交際 [jiao1ji4], (1) n., friendly or social intercourse; (2) v.i., 善交際 be socially active; v.i., 交際花 a social butterfly; 交際費 allowance for entertainment, social contact, etc.36. 交頸 [jiao1jing3], v.i., “necking,” make love.37. 交口 [jiao1kou3], v.i., speak in unison: 交口稱讚 praise by one and all.38. 交流 [jiao1liu2], (1) v.i., (of air currents or water) to flow in opposite directions; (2) n., crosscurrents, (electricity) alternating current: 文化交流 cultural interchange.39. 交買賣 [jiao1mai3mai4], phr., maintain long-time patronage by clients.40. 交派 [jiao1pai4], v.t., assign as a duty.41. 交迫 [jiao1po4], v.i., (of pressures) come from all sides: 餓寒交迫 suffer from both cold and hunger.42. 交涉 [jiao1she4], v.i. & n., negotiate, -ation, discuss, -ion.43. 交響曲 [jiao1xiang2qU3], n., (mus.) symphony; 交響樂 [jiao1xiang3yUe4], n., ditto: 交響樂團 symphony orchestra.44. 交卸 [jiao1xie4], v.i., hand over the duties of office to one's successor.45. 交手 [jiao1shou3], v.i. & t., (1) to salute with the hands folded and raised in front; (2) hold one hand with another; (3) fight with fists.46. 交綏 [jiao1sui1], v.i., (of armies) to fight, be locked in battle.47. 交談 [jiao1tan2], v.t., talk with, discuss, exchange views with.48. 交替 [jiao1ti4], v.i., come one after another.49. 交錯 [jiao1cuo4], adj., interlocked, intertwined, intermingled: 縱橫交錯 arranged in a crisscross pattern.50. 交通 [jiao1tong1], n., (1) communications and transportation: 交通車 office bus; (2) traffic 交通警察,交通規則,交通事件,交通法庭,交通訊號 traffic police, rules, accidents, court, signals.51. 交子 [jiao1zi3], n., (MC) name of a paper note issued during the Suhng Dyn.52. 交往 [jiao1wang3], v.i., associate with, have dealings with.53. 交尾 [jiao1wei3], v.i. & n., (of animals and insects) copulate, -tion.54. 交惡 [jiao1wu4], v.i., become enemies.55. 交午 [jiao1wu3], n., noontime.56. 交易 [jiao1yi4]1, v.i. & n., interchange, (engage in) trade, (do) business transaction: 交易所 stock market.57. 交誼 [jiao1yi4]2, n., friendly relations, friendship.58. 交椅 [jiao1yi3], n., an armchair.59. 交友 [jiao1you3], v.i., make friends.60. 交遊 [jiao1you2], n., a circle of friends; v.i., make friends.61. 交運 [jiao1yUn4], v.i. & n., (have) a spell of good fortune.交1[jiāo](ㄐㄧㄠ)1.把事物转移给有关方面 hand over sth. to sb.; deliver; hand in; turn over:交活 turn over a finished item交税 pay tax交公粮 deliver grain to the state (as tax in kind)把任务交给我们这个组吧。Leave the task to our team. 2.到(某一时辰或季节 of a time or season)set in; come:交子时 around midnight明天就交冬至了。Tomorrow is the Winter Solstice.交九的天气 very cold weather 3.(时间、地区)相连接 (of points in time or places) meet; join:交界 (of places) be contiguous春夏之交 time of the year when spring gives way to summer太行山在河北、山西两省之交。The Taihang Mountains are located on the boundary between the provinces of Hebei and Shanxi. 4.交叉 cross; intersect:两直线相交于一点。Two straight lines intersect at one point. 5.结交;交往 associate with; befriend; mix with:交朋友 make friends; develop friendships建交 establish diplomatic relations 6.友谊;交情 friendship; friendly relationship:绝交 break up with sb.; break off relations with sb.; break off with sb.; sever, cut off or discontinue a relationship一面之交 mere acquaintance; casual acquaintance 7.(人)性交;(动植物)交配 have sexual intercourse (between humans); mate; copulate; breed (of animals):交媾 sexual intercourse; coition; copulation杂交 cross-breed; hybridism 8.互相 mutual; reciprocal; each other:交换 exchange; swap; commute交流 exchange; communicate; intercourse; give and take交易 business; deal; transaction; trade交谈 talk (with each other); converse; chat 9.一齐;同时(发生)together; simultaneously:风雪交加 snowing and blowing hard; snowy and windy; snowstorm饥寒交迫 cold and hungry惊喜交集 pleasant surprise; feelings of surprise mixed with joy交2[jiāo](ㄐㄧㄠ) 同 same as 跤 jiāo相关词组邦交 | 成交 | 初交 | 递交 | 缔交 | 订交 | 断交 | 复交 | 工交 | 故交 | 国交 | 混交 | 建交 | 结交 | 旧交 | 绝交 | 开交 | 立交 | 攀交 | 社交 | 深交 | 神交 | 世交 | 私交 | 提交 | 外交 | 相交 | 新交 | 性交 | 移交 | 杂交 | 择交 | 知交 | 至交 | 转交 | 打交道 | 够交情 | 拉交情 | 立交桥 | 套交情 | 外交团 | 忘年交 | 刎颈交 | 外交辞令 | 外交特权 | 远交近攻 | 悲喜交集 | 觥筹交错 | 环形交叉 | 立体交叉 | 目不交睫 | 内外交困 | 平面交叉 | 犬牙交错 | 失之交臂 | 世代交替 | 水乳交融 | 性命交关 | 八拜之交 | 不可开交 | 经济杂交 | 老实巴交 | 炮舰外交 | 水米无交 | 无性杂交 | 一面之交 | 有性杂交 | 副交感神经交班 | 交办 | 交保 | 交兵 | 交叉 | 交差 | 交错 | 交代 | 交待 | 交道 | 交底 | 交点 | 交恶 | 交锋 | 交付 | 交割 | 交工 | 交媾 | 交关 | 交还 | 交好 | 交合 | 交互 | 交换 | 交汇 | 交会 | 交火 | 交集 | 交际 | 交加 | 交接 | 交结 | 交界 | 交九 | 交卷 | 交口 | 交困 | 交流 | 交纳 | 交配 | 交迫 | 交情 | 交融 | 交涉 | 交手 | 交谈 | 交替 | 交通 | 交往 | 交尾 | 交卸 | 交心 | 交椅 | 交易 | 交谊 | 交游 | 交战 | 交账 | 交织 | 交白卷 | 交杯酒 | 交换机 | 交际花 | 交际舞 | 交流电 | 交通车 | 交通岛 | 交通壕 | 交通线 | 交通员 | 交响乐 | 交易所 | 交战国 | 交感神经 | 交换价值 | 交通工具 | 交头接耳 | 交相辉映交n.meet【数】交(集)CAP【数】交,求交运算;(表示两个集相交的)∩符号intersection【数】交,相交,交集vt.hand交,递,给,提供交1. to hand over; to deliver2. to join; to intersect3. to associate with交meet交[jiāo]动1. hand over; give up; deliver♦ ~还 give back; return♦ ~会费 pay membership dues♦ 把任务~给我们实验室吧。 Assign the task to our laboratory.2. (of places or periods of time) meet; join♦ 春夏之~ when spring is changing into summer3. reach (a certain hour or season)♦ ~冬以后 when winter has set in♦ 明天就~夏至了。 Tomorrow will be the Summer Solstice.♦ ~了好运气 have good luck4. cross; intersect♦ 这两条直线~于 P点。 The two lines intersect at P.5. associate with♦ ~朋友 make friends6. have sexual intercourse7. mate; breed♦ 杂交 形mutual; reciprocal; each other♦ 交换 副together; simultaneous♦ 饥寒交迫 名1. business transaction; deal; bargain♦ 成交 2. friend; acquaintance; friendship; relationship♦ 邦交 3. 同〖跤〗




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