

单词 五代
释义 五代1. five dynasties五代 Wǔdàihist. Five Dynasties (907-960)五代WǔdàiFive Dynasties, period of history between the fall of the Tang dynasty (907) and the founding of the Song dynasty (960), when five would-be dynasties were established in quick succession in North China五代 wǔ dài the Five Dynasties (907-960), namely, the Later Liang Dynasty (后梁, 907-923), the Later Tang Dynasty (后唐, 923-936), the Later Jin Dynasty (后晋, 936-946), the Later Han Dynasty (后汉, 947-950), and the Later Zhou Dynasty (后周, 951-960)五代 [wu3dai4], n., the “Five Dynasties” (907-960 A.D.): 後梁,後唐,後晉,後漢 and 後周 see Appendix D.五代[Wǔ Dài] 唐朝以后,后梁、后唐、后晋、后汉、后周先后在中原建立政权的时期,公元907-960 Five Dynasties (907-960), namely, the Later Liang Dynasty (907-923), Later Tang Dynasty (923-936), Later Jin Dynasty (936-947), Later Han Dynasty (947-950), and Later Zhou Dynasty (951-960)五代Five Dynasties Period英華英華★◀▶英華☞GENERATION英華☞DYNASTY




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