

单词 云雾
释义 文馨英漢☞雲霧云雾 yúnwù1) clouds and mist; mist2) obscure places云雾yúnwùclouds and mist云雾cloud and mist拨开云雾见青天。 Clear the clouds and mist and see the sky.云雾 yún wù cloud and mist; mist:  拨开云雾见青天 scatter the clouds and see the blue sky;  山顶隐没在云雾之中。 The summit of the mountain is lost in the cloud and mist. 云雾爆震航弹 air fuel explosive bomb; 云雾径迹 cloud track; 云雾室 cloud chamber; fog chamber; 云雾天 soupy weather; 云雾物理探测仪器 sounding instrument for cloud and fog physics; 云雾移睛 vitreous opacity云雾[yún wù] 云和雾。多比喻遮蔽或障碍的东西 cloud and mist; mist; (fig.) veil; coverage; blockade; hindrance:拨开云雾见青天 see blue sky again after the clouds have dispersed云雾comb.formnephelo-表示“云”,“云雾”,“云雾的”,“模糊的”:nephelometern.cloud云;云雾;烟雾,烟尘;星际云;电子云云雾1. cloud and mist; mist云雾cloud and mist; mist♦ 拨开~见青天 scatter the clouds and see the blue sky~天 soupy weather




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