单词 | 云 |
释义 | 文馨文馨★◀▶云1. to say2. to speak文馨☞雲ABCABC★◀▶云 yún1) cloud2) short name for Yunnan3) Surname云 yúnwr. say云yún(classical) to sayYúnsurname Yunabbr. for Yunnan Province 云南省[Yún nán Shěng]yúncloudCL:朵[duǒ]云指云南省Yunnan province n. cloud浮云 floating clouds雨云 rain cloud密云 thick clouds多云的天空 cloudy sky无云的天空 cloudless sky v. 说to say人云亦云 repeat what other people say他的话简直不知所云。 What he said was simply incomprehensible. auxiliary word particle used at the beginning, middle or end of a phrase我军士气甚盛云! our army's morale is very high!云 yún 动 (书) (说) say: 人云亦云 repeat what others say; parrot 名 (云彩) cloud: 浮云 floating clouds; 乌云 black (dark) clouds; 天空中飘浮着一朵白云。 A white cloud floated in the sky. 云已经消散。 The clouds have been dissipated. (云南) short for Yunnan Province (姓氏) a surname: 云敞 Yun Chang 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶云云 437A10 30.93 部居 畫數 4ㄩㄣˊ [yUn2] V.i.(1) (AC, LL) to say: 詩云 the Book of Poetry says;人云亦云 say what everybody says (slavishly);oft. used like Eng. “say”: 云誰之思 say, whom are you thinking of?(2) To mean:… 云然 which is to say, which means;玉帛云乎哉 do you mean that (rituals) merely mean the presenting of jades and silks?Words1. 云爾 [yUn2er3], n., particle., only, simply: 不思云爾 it is simply lack of thinking; n., just 徐徐云爾 just slowly.2. 云何 [yUn2he2], adv., (AC, LL) how, why: 云何不言 why not tell me? 云何不顧而去 why leave without saying good-bye?3. 云云 [yUn2yUn2], phr., and so forth, et cetera.云云 [yUn2yUn2], phr., and so forth, et cetera.林语堂☞雲云1[yún](ㄩㄣˊ)1.说 say; speak:人云亦云 repeat what others say; parrot不知所云 do not understand what other people say or mean 2.古汉语助词 (auxiliary word in classical Chinese):岁云暮矣。The year is drawing to its end.云2[yún](ㄩㄣˊ)(雲)在空中悬浮的由水滴、冰晶聚集形成的物体 cloud; airborne matter formed of water droplets and ice particles云3[Yún](ㄩㄣˊ)(雲)1.指云南 Yunnan Province:云腿(云南宣威一带出产的火腿)Yunnan ham (produced in Xuanwei in Yunnan Province) 2.姓 a surname相关词组彩云 | 愁云 | 低云 | 多云 | 风云 | 浮云 | 红云 | 凌云 | 青云 | 彤云 | 乌云 | 星云 | 烟云 | 疑云 | 阴云 | 战云 | 香云纱 | 火烧云 | 蘑菇云 | 白云苍狗 | 拨云见日 | 愁云惨雾 | 穿云裂石 | 翻云覆雨 | 风云人物 | 耕云播雨 | 行云流水 | 烘云托月 | 密云不雨 | 青云直上 | 人云亦云 | 腾云驾雾 | 闲云野鹤 | 风流云散 | 风起云涌 | 过眼云烟 | 九霄云外 | 判若云泥 | 响彻云霄 | 烟消云散 | 不知所云 | 叱咤风云 | 风卷残云 | 平步青云 | 响遏行云 | 大旱望云霓云板 | 云豹 | 云鬓 | 云彩 | 云层 | 云豆 | 云端 | 云朵 | 云贵 | 云海 | 云汉 | 云集 | 云锦 | 云锣 | 云母 | 云气 | 云雀 | 云散 | 云梯 | 云天 | 云头 | 云图 | 云雾 | 云霞 | 云霄 | 云崖 | 云烟 | 云翳 | 云游 | 云雨 | 云云 | 云片糕 | 云头儿 | 云谲波诡 | 云泥之别 | 云山雾罩 | 云消雾散 | 云蒸霞蔚云a.cloudy云的;云一般的n.carry〈苏格兰〉云;天空;云的飘动cloud云;云雾;烟雾,烟尘;星际云;电子云sky〈废〉云云1. cloud\\\\1·to say2. cloud云cloud双向☞朦胧--云斑--云云[yún]动书 say♦ 《诗》~:“战战兢兢, 如临深渊, 如履薄冰。” The Songs says:“In fear and trembling, as if approaching a deep abyss, as if walking on thin ice.”名cloud |
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