

单词 于是
释义 文馨英漢☞於是于是 yúshìthereupon; hence; consequently; as a result于是yúshìthereuponas a resultconsequentlythushence于是so大家都同意,于是他也不反对了。 Everyone agreed and so he no longer opposed it.他让步了,于是问题解决了。 He gave in, thus the problem was solved.于是 yú shì thereupon; hence; consequently; as a result:  当太阳的辐射能落在地球上时, 就变为热能,于是, 地球暖和起来了。 When the radiant energy of the sun falls on the earth, it is changed into heat energy, and as a result the earth is warmed. 于是[yú shì]〈连词 conj.〉表示后一事紧接着前一事,后一事往往是由前一事引起的 [indicating that the latter immediately follows the former, and that the latter is oft. led to by the former] so; then; thereupon; hence:大家一鼓励,我于是恢复了信心。With your encouragement, I've regained my confidence.亦 also 于是乎 yúshìhū于是ad.then然后,接着,后来;于是upon〈废〉从此;因此,于是accordingly[作句副词用]因此,所以;于是whereupon[关系副词]据此;因此,于是;随之thereupon因此,于是thereat〈罕〉因此;于是hereupon随即;立即;于是conj.AND[用于句首,起承上启下作用]还;接着,于是于是1. thus; hence; thereupon; consequently; accordingly; as a result于是(又作‘于是乎’) so; then; thereupon; hence




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