单词 | 二 |
释义 | 二1. twain2. two二 èr1) two; 22) second3) different4) binary; di-二èrtwo2(Beijing dialect) stupid二 num. 数目two二层楼的房子 house with two storeys兄弟二人 two brothers二五得十 twice five is ten顺序second v. 两样,有区别be different不二价。 No haggling.不二法门。 It is the only method available.心无二用 one can concentrate only on one task at a time二 èr 数 (一加一后所得) two: 二两茶叶 two liang of tea; 二路公共汽车 No. 2 bus; 二嫂 wife of one's second elder brother; 二者必居其一 either one or the other; 三千二 three thousand two hundred; 一百二 a hundred and twenty; 二二得四。 Twice two is four. 二层楼 (英) first floor;(美) second floor 形 (两样) different: 不二法门 standard practice; 不二价 one-price; 二心 disloyalty; half-heartedness 林语堂林语堂★◀▶二二 431C50 30.30 部居 畫數 2ㄦˋ [er4] Adj.(1) Two (cf. 兩 31.42): 二三 [er4san1]↓;一二 one or two (days, etc.);二十,二百 twenty, two hundred;十二 twelve;二倍 double;不二價 one-price (sales system), 二八 [er4ba1]↓;(in writing checks, 貳 is used to prevent mistakes, as in spelling out amount).(2) Second: 第二 ditto;星期二 Tuesday;第二次 second time;二房 [er4fang2]↓;天下無二 not an equal in the world.Words1. 二八 [er4ba1], adj., sixteen (2×8): 二八佳人 a pretty young girl of sweet sixteen; (poet.) also used for sixteenth day of month; (Budd.) sixteen as a full round number: 二八弘規 the full regulations.2. 二把刀 [er4ba3dao1], n., (coll.) second-rate (knowledge of subject).3. 二半破子 [er4ban4po4zi0], n., see [er4ba3dao1]↑.4. 二百五 [er4bai2wu3], n.,(coll.) a stupid person.5. 二碴(兒) [er4cha2]([er0]), n., a regrowth of hair, of harvest.6. 二乘冪 [er4cheng2mi4], n., see [er4ci4fang1]↓.7. 二親 [er4qin1], n., father and mother.8. 二重唱 [er4chong2chang4], n., duet; 二重奏 duet performance on piano; 二重奏曲,二重唱曲 duet for instrument, for voice.9. 二等 [er4deng3], adj., second-class.10. 二二忽忽 [er4er4hu1hu1], adj., perplexed, undecided.11. 二房 [er4fang2], n., concubine.12. 二房東 [er4fang2dong1], n., landlady who herself rents room or house from owner.13. 二副 [er4fu4], n., second mate (navigation).14. 二乎 [er4hu0], adj., see [er4leng0]↓.15. 二花臉 [er4hua1lian3], n., (Chin. opera) number two in male role (also called 副淨, see 淨 63A.00).16. 二黃 [er4huang2], n., (Chin. opera) term for popular form of Chin. opera, said to come from 黃陂,黃岡 Huarngpir and Huarnggang, districts in Hupeh.17. 二婚兒 [er4hueer0], n., (coll.) woman who marries twice, also 二婚頭.18. 二混子 [er4hun4zi0], n., (coll. contempt.) a ne'er-do-well, who finds jobs either too high or too low for him.19. 二葷鋪 [er4hun1pu4], n., a cheap eating place.20. 二和 [er4huo4], n., second infusion, see [er4jian1]↓.21. 二胡 [er4hu2], n., a stringed instrument, slightly lower in tone than 胡琴 [hu2qin2].22. 二價 [er4jia4], phr., usu. 不二價 one-price system.23. 二煎 [er4jian1], n., second infusion of medical herbs.24. 二指 [er4zhi3], n., the index finger.25. 二老 [er4lao3], n., father and mother.26. 二來來 [er4lai2lai2], adv., all over again.27. 二藍 [er4lan2], adj., a color paler than dark blue.28. 二郎神 [er4lang2shen2], n., a popular Chin. god, good at fighting demons.29. 二愣 [er4leng0], adj., (1) stunned; (2) scared stiff.30. 二六板 [er4liu4ban3], n., (Chin. opera) name of a rhythm, marked one beat per bar.31. 二硫化 [er4liu2hua4], n., (chem.) disulfide: 二硫化碳 carbon disulfide; 二硫化鐵 iron disulfide.32. 二路腳兒 [er4lu4jUe2er0], n., (Chin. opera) secondary role.33. 二路兒 [er4lu4er0], adj., second-rate (goods).34. 二綠 [er4lU4], adj., light green.35. 二氯化汞 [er4lU4hua4gang3], n., (chem.) mercuric chloride; 二氯化錫 stannous chloride.36. 二毛 [er4mao2], n., (AC) grey-haired person: 二毛子 (Boxer Uprising) a Chin. working with missionary or white merchant ( 大毛)37. 二門(兒)(子) [er4men2] (i>ehl-mer-'l) ([zi0]), n., second gate leading to main court.38. 二面 [er4mian4], n., (dial.) see [er4hua1lian3]↑.39. 二拇指 [er4mu0zhi3], n., index finger.40. 二難 [er4nan2], n., (complim.) unusual brothers (難兄難弟);sometimes also unique host and guest.41. 二人奪 [er4ren2duo2], n., a sword or knife encased in scabbard shaped like walking cane; sword is exposed if s.o. tries to grab it.42. 二三 [er4san1], phr., (1) two or three; (2) (AC) 二三其德 of changeable character.43. 二色 [er4se4], (1) adj., two-colored; (2) v.i., keep a mistress or commit adultery: 不二色 never know another woman.44. 二項式 [er4xiang4shi4], n., (math.) binomial equation; 二項式定理 binomial theorem.45. 二絃 [er4xian2], n., a stringed instrument, smaller than 老絃.46. 二姓 [er4xing4], n., (1) two families of different clan names united in marriage; (2) two ruling houses of different surnames.47. 二性子 [er4xing4zi0], n., a bisexual person, hermaphrodite (see [er4xing2ren2]↓).48. 二心 [er4xin1], n., disloyalty of heart.49. 二形人 [er4xing2ren2], n., hermaphrodite, a bisexual person.50. 二水兒 [er4shueeer0], n., second hand (cover, shroud, etc.) which has been rented out before.51. 二豎 [er4shu4], n., (LL) evil spirit responsible for illness (allu. two boys hiding in body).52. 二碳化 [er4tan4hua4], n., (chem.) carbide: 二碳化鈣 calcium carbide.53. 二踢腳 [er4ti1jiao3], n., a double explosion firecracker.54. 二體人 [er4ti1ren2], n., hermaphrodite, see [er4xing2ren2]↑.55. 二次方 [er4ci4fang1], n., (math.) square, the product of a number multiplied by itself.56. 二屋(兒)裡 [er4wu1]([er0])[li1], n., as in 說到二屋裡 stray off in discussion.57. 二五眼 [er4wu0yan3], n., person of dubious discrimination or judgment.58. 二氧化 [er4yang3hua4], n., (chem.) dioxide; 二氧化碳 carbon dioxide; 二氧化錳 manganese dioxide; 二氧化硫 sulphur dioxide; 二氧化氫 hydrogen dioxide.59. 二儀 [er4yi2], n., heaven and earth.60. 二元論 [er4yUan2lun4], n., dualism(phil.).61. 二月 [er4yUe4], n., Feburary.二二忽忽 [er4er4hu1hu1], adj., perplexed, undecided.二[èr](ㄦˋ)1.数目,一加一后所得 two; sum of one plus one; 注意 NOTE:‘二’和‘两’用法上的分别, 另见 两 liǎng for difference in usage of the two characters, 二 èr and 两 liǎng 2.两样 different:不二价 no bargaining不二法门 one and only way心无二用 cannot keep one's mind on two things at the same time另见 数字 shùzì相关词组封二 | 一二 | 不二价 | 第二审 | 京二胡 | 十二分 | 店小二 | 不二法门 | 第二产业 | 第二课堂 | 第二世界 | 第二职业 | 接二连三 | 十二指肠 | 别无二致 | 毫无二致 | 哼哈二将 | 七十二行 | 三心二意 | 心无二用 | 一…二… | 一差二错 | 一来二去 | 一穷二白 | 独一无二 | 划一不二 | 数一数二 | 说一不二 | 黄道十二宫 | 一退六二五 | 三下五除二 | 第二信号系统 | 第二宇宙速度 | 一二·九运动 | 九牛二虎之力 | 第二次世界大战 | 第二次鸦片战争 | 不管三七二十一 | 一不做,二不休 | 一是一,二是二 | 第二次国内革命战争二八 | 二房 | 二伏 | 二副 | 二乎 | 二胡 | 二话 | 二黄 | 二婚 | 二老 | 二毛 | 二门 | 二审 | 二手 | 二天 | 二线 | 二心 | 二意 | 二战 | 二英 | 二把刀 | 二百二 | 二百五 | 二部制 | 二地主 | 二房东 | 二锅头 | 二花脸 | 二婚头 | 二极管 | 二进制 | 二郎腿 | 二愣子 | 二流子 | 二拇指 | 二年生 | 二人台 | 二人转 | 二踢脚 | 二五眼 | 二性子 | 二元论 | 二重性 | 二次能源 | 二道贩子 | 二级市场 | 二十八宿 | 二十四史 | 二十五史 | 二氧化碳 | 二七大罢工 | 二十四节气 | 二一添作五二a.two二(的);两个(的)twain〈古〉二(的),二个(的)deuce(尤指在游戏、运动或赌博中)二的dyad二的;一双的;二分体(或细胞)的;二价原子(或元素)的;并向量的dyadic二的;一双的;二分体(或细胞)的;二价原子(或元素)的;并向量的comb.formdyo-[用在辅音字母前]表示“两”,“二”,dyotheism (二元神论)n.two二;两个(人或物)twain二,二个deuce(纸牌戏中或掷骰得的)二dyad二;一双,一对swy二,两;两个二1. two二a 2 {It.}二DEUX双向☞两倍--两次〔词头〕--双双向☞双--两次〔词头〕--两倍双向☞二--打二拍双向☞打二拍--二双向☞双--二二[èr]数two♦ ~公斤 two kilograms♦ ~~得四。 Twice two is four.♦ 第~遍 the second time♦ ~路公共汽车 No. 2 bus♦ ~哥 one's second elder brother♦ ~层楼 (British) first floor; (American) second floor形different♦ 二心 |
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