

单词 事后
释义 文馨英漢☞事後事后 shìhòuafterwards事后我才知道事情的真相。 I only then learned the truth.事后shìhòuafter the eventin hindsightin retrospect事后afterwards事后宣布 make an announcement after the fact事后的批评 criticism after the fact事后报告 report afterwards他事后才明白上当了。 He only realized that he had been had when it was all over.事后 shì hòu after the event; afterwards 事后避孕药 postcoital contraceptive; 事后承诺 after consent; 事后从犯 accessory after the fact; 事后分析 ex post analysis; 事后剖析程序 postmortem routine; 事后审计 past audit; 事后数量 ex post quantities; 事后维护 a posterior maintenance; 事后追认 subsequent ratification事后[shì hòu] 事情发生以后,也指事情处理、了结以后 after the event; afterwards:事后方知其中真相 get to know the truth of the matter after the event事先周密考虑,事后认真总结。Consider the matter carefully before taking action and make a detailed summary after the event.事后a.post-mortem事后的phr.ex post facto事后的事后after the fact事后post hoc事后Ex post事后after the event; afterwards♦ 不要老是只作~的批评。 Don't get into the habit of criticizing only after the event.




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