

单词 事务
释义 文馨英漢☞事務事务 shìwù1) work; routine2) general affairs工作中常有很多琐碎的事务。 There are often a lot of trifling matters in one's work.3) lg. transaction事务shìwù(political, economic etc) affairsworktransaction (as in a computer database)事务事情business行政事务 administrative business国际事务 international business日常事务 daily business烦琐的日常事务 niggling daily chores忙于日常事务 be busy with the daily grind干涉内部事务 interfere in internal affairs事务上的谈话 business conversation事务接触 business contact事务繁忙 be busy with work总务general affairs(plural)事务工作 general affairs事务主任 general director事务 shì wù (事情) work; routine; affairs:  事务繁忙 have a lot (of work) to do;  政治事务 political affairs;  世俗事务 secular affairs;  办公室的日常事务工作 ordinary routine of office work;  他不久就能处理日常事务。 He will be able to take up his normal routine shortly. (总务) general affairs 事务处理 transaction; 事务处理系统 transacter; 事务工作自动化 office automation; 事务管理 office management; 事务计算 service computation; 事务计算程序 service program; 事务数据 transaction data; 事务图形 business graphics; 事务员 office clerk; 事务长 chief steward; purser; 事务终端系统 {计} Administrative Terminal System (ATS); 事务主义 routinism; 事务主义者 a person bogged down in routine matters; routiner事务[shì wù]1.所做的或要做的事情 work; affair; routine:事务繁忙 have a lot (of work) to do 2.总务 general affairs:事务科 general affairs section事务员 staff in the general affairs section事务工作 routine work事务n.business事务,事;难事;讨厌的事;所关心的事;所干预的事;(行动、询问的)权利concern(与某人的工作等)有关的事;关切的事,感兴趣的事;[常作 concerns]事务employment(占去时间或精力的)事务,活动affair[affairs]事务pursuit实行;从事;职业,事务shebang事情;事务;事件;状况palaver〈俚〉事务nevermind事务;事情;任务事务1. routine work; administrative matters; affairs事务1. work; routine♦ ~繁忙 have a lot (of work) to do♦ ~性工作 routine work; daily routine2. general affairs♦ ~科 the general affairs section~所 office~员 office clerk~主义 routinism




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