

单词 事业
释义 文馨英漢☞事業事业 shìyè1) cause; undertaking2) enterprise; facilities3) career; pursuit他一辈子从事教育事业。 He's worked in the field of education all his life.4) service事业shìyèundertakingprojectactivity(charitable, political or revolutionary) causepublicly funded institution, enterprise or foundationcareeroccupationCL:个[gè]事业人所从事的活动undertaking英勇豪迈的事业 grand heroic cause从事科学事业 follow a career in science从事文化事业 follow a career in culture非企业institution事业单位 public institution事业 shì yè (从事的活动) cause; undertaking:  革命事业 revolutionary cause;  文化教育事业 cultural and educational undertakings (非企业) enterprise; facilities:  公用事业 public utilities;  集体福利事业 collective welfare facilities or services 事业单位 institution; 事业费 operating expenses 事业心 devotion to one's work; dedication; enterprising spirit (initiative)事业[shì yè]1.人所从事的,具有一定目标、规模和系统而对社会发展有影响的经常活动 cause; undertaking; career:革命事业 revolutionary cause科学文化事业 scientific and cultural undertakings事业心强 dedicated to one's work 2.特指没有生产收入,由国家经费开支,不进行经济核算的事业(区别于‘企业’ as compared with ‘enterprise’) organization, society, foundation, etc., subsidized by the state and with no need of economic accounting; institution; facilities:事业费 operating expenses事业单位 public institution事业n.thing事业;行为;成果,产品;成就,成绩show〈英口〉事业;(正在发生的)事情;活动;组织;一群人project工程;事业,企业cause事业;运动;(奋斗的)目标venture投机活动;商业冒险;(冒险)事业;(为赢利而投资其中的)企业proposition(拟议中的或正在兴办的)企业,事业,生意;(常指工商业方面的)计划voyage〈废〉企业;事业;工程undertaking任务;事业;企业endeavour(为达到某一目的而进行的)活动,事业事业1. a career; an undertaking2. an enterprise双向☞进取心--事业心--企业双向☞企业 --任务--事业双向☞业务--事业--企业双向☞事业--作用--加工事业1. cause; undertaking; career♦ ~顺利 have a successful career♦ 文化教育~ cultural and educational undertakings2. institution; facilities♦ 集体福利~ collective welfare facilities or services♦ 公用~ public utilities~单位 institution~费 operating expenses~家 entrepreneur~心 devotion to one's work; dedication




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