

单词 事与愿违
释义 文馨英漢☞事與願違事与愿违 shìyǔyuànwéithings go contrary to one's wishes事与愿违shìyǔyuànwéithings turn out contrary to the way one wishes (idiom)事与愿违to not go according to plan事与愿违 shì yǔ yuàn wéi get the opposite of what one wants; achieve the opposite of what one intended; be contrary to what one expects; Events do not happen as one wishes.; One did not succeed in carrying out one's intention.; Reality does not accord with hopes.; The result is (turns out) contrary to one's expectations.; The result ran counter to one's desire.; The result was the reverse of one's wishes.; Things did not turn out the way one wanted it (had anticipated).; Things do not (always) turn out as one wishes.; Things go athwart (one's purpose).; Things go contrary to one's wishes.; Things have come out against sb.; Things have not been going the way one expected.; Things were not moving in the direction desired.事与愿违[shì yǔ yuàn wéi] 事情的发展跟主观愿望相反 things run counter to one's wishes事与愿违a.untoward事与愿违的;不顺利的;不合宜的,不适当的事与愿违1. to get the opposite of what one wants; to get an outcome cross to the purpose2. counter-productive事与愿违Things turn out contrary to one's wishes .




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