

释义 事1. accident2. affair3. job4. matter5. thing6. work7. to serve事 shì(r)I n.1) matter; affair; thing; event这是你的事。 This is your business.2) trouble; accident3) job; work4) responsibility; involvement5) lg. actionII v.1) wr. wait upon2) be engaged in3) serve事shìmatterthingitemworkaffairCL:件[jiàn],桩[zhuāng],回[huí]事 n. 参见:事情[shìqing]公事 public business国家大事 matter of national importance家事 housework不当一回事 not treat as important事关紧要 the matter is highly important事到如今... things having reached this stage事已如此... the matter is already this事出意外。 It was unexpected.无事可做 have nothing to do这是真事。 This is true!绝不会有这样的事! This cannot be!竟有这样的事! To think that this sort of thing could happen!完全是另一回事 be a completely different matter这叫什么事儿? What is this called?我只有一件事不明白。 There is just one thing I do not understand.有一件事很使我奇怪。 There is something that I find very odd.我有事和你商量。 I have something to discuss with you.如果有什么事,你来好了。 If anything happens, you deal with it.怎么回事? What is it?出了一件怪事。 Something strange has happened.怪事,他怎么来了。 That is strange - why has he come?怪事,怎么来的是他。 That is strange - why is it him that has come?参见:事故[shìgù]平安无事 safe and sound不会有事 nothing will happen你别怕,什么事儿也没有。 Do not be afraid. Nothing happened.职业job谋事 look for work关系或责任responsibility这不是我的事。 This is not my problem.办法method老等着也不是事儿。 Waiting all the time is no good. v. 侍奉to serve事父母 serve one's parents从事to do终日无所事事 have nothing to do all day大事宣扬 spread the news about不事劳动 not do manual work事 shì 名 (事情) matter; affair, thing; business:  把坏事变成好事 turn a bad thing into a good one;  公事 public affairs; official business (duties);  国家大事 affairs of state;  别叫我做办不到的事。 Don't ask me to do impossible things.  还有些未完成的事需要处理。 There is still some unfinished business to settle.  我们就这事请教过他。 We have consulted him about the matter.  要是你愿意承办这件事, 我将不胜感激。 If you will undertake the affair, I shall be very grateful. (事故) trouble; accident:  出事 have an accident;  惹事 make trouble; stir up trouble;  省了不少事 save a lot of trouble;  平安无事。 All is well.  一夜无事。 The night passed without accident. (职业; 工作) job; work:  找事 look for a job;  有事大家做。 We should all share the work. (关系或责任) responsibility; involvement:  请回去吧, 没有你的事了。 Please go back; there is nothing of your concern now.  这件案子里还有他的事呢。 He was involved in the case,too. 动  (书)(侍奉) wait upon; serve:  事父母 wait upon one's parents (从事) be engaged in:  不事生产 lead an idle life;  无所事事 doing nothing; loafing 林语堂林语堂★◀▶事事 1C20  10.00  部居  畫數 8ㄕˋ [shi4] N.(1)  Affair, business, matter: 事務,事件,事情 [shi4wu4]2, [shi4jian4], [shi4qing2]↓;affair: 這件事 this affair, this business;國事,家事 national, family affairs;人事 personnel (problems);公事,私事 public, private affairs;萬事 all: 萬事如意 have all one's wishes;風流韻事 a romantic affair, a scholar's gathering;事不干己 the affair does not concern one;事急,事忙 matter is urgent, business is pressing;事半功倍 half the work with double results;事倍功半 twice the work with half of results.(2)  Fact, event, happening: 事實 [shi4shi2]↓;事與願違 events do not happen as one wishes;事過境遷 events have passed and times have changed;事出有因 this happens not without reason;事前,事後 before, after the event;喜事 happy event (wedding, celebration);喪事 funeral;紅白事 happy and unhappy events;事故,事端 [shi4gu4], [shi4duan1]↓.(3)  Trouble, accident, undesirable event: 出事 have an accident (in travel);肇事 cause trouble, a row;事變 [shi4bian4]↓;平安無事 all is well;多事之秋 year of many troubles;大事化為小事,小事化為無事 reduce a big trouble into a small one, and a small one into nothing;省事 save trouble;費事 takes a lot of doing;少管閒事 don't meddle in others’ affairs;造謠生事 cause trouble by spreading rumors;惹事生非 be meddlesome;了事 close a dispute, lawsuit;息事寧人 stop dispute and live and let live;舉事,起事 start rebellion;事到如今 things have come to such a pass that.(4)  Matter in gen., matters: 這是怎麼一回事 What is all this? 醫事 medical matters;政事 politics, government;軍事 military matters or affairs;任事 take charge of matters;史事 historical matters;軼事,趣事 anecdotes;房事 sexual intercourse;月事 menstruation.(5)  Oft. part of title: 董事,理事 board directors;監事 supervisor;幹事 executive officer, secretary or manager;推事 judge;通事 formerly, official interpreter of foreign language;領事 consul;執事 (LL) oft. used in letters like 先生 you, sir;管事 men in charge;縣知事 county magistrate.V.i. & t.(1)  To do: 不事農商 will not take up farming or a trade;不事生產 does not attend to business or hold a job;從事教育 devote oneself to education;無所事事 do nothing all day.(2)  To serve: 事親,事君 serve parents, ruler.Words1. 事變 [shi4bian4], n., sudden turn of events (relellion, coup d'etat, etc.)2. 事情 [shi4qing2], n., (1) course of events, story; (2) ([shi4qing0]) affair, event: 這件事情 this affair; 沒有事情 nothing has happened; 有什麼事情 what is up?3. 事權 [shi4qUan2], n., duties and responsibilities (of an official), legal power in a case.4. 事端 [shi4duan1], n., an event, a dispute: 引起事端 causes disputes.5. 事故(兒) [shi4gu4]([er0]), n., an affair; some trouble.6. 事蹟 [shi4ji1]1, n., record of events, a person's activities.7. 事機 [shi4ji1]2, n., crux of a situation, happenings behind the scenes.8. 事件 [shi4jian4], n., an event, an item of business: 這些事件交給你 you will take charge of these several items; 事件發生 something happens.9. 事主 [shi4zhu3], n., party in an accident dealing or lawsuit.10. 事兒 [shi4er0], n., see [shi4qing2]↑.11. 事例 [shi4li4], n., case history, case law.12. 事略 [shi4lUe4], n., brief biographical sketch.13. 事項 [shi4xiang4], n., item of business, see [shi4jian4]↑.14. 事先 [shi4xian1], adv., prior to event.15. 事勢 [shi4shi4]1, n., trend of events.16. 事事 [shi4shi4]2, pron., everything: 事事小心 be careful in everything.17. 事實 [shi4shi2], n., fact: 事實如此 that is the fact; n., 事實上 [shi4shi2shang4], adv., as a matter of fact, factually (impossible, etc.).18. 事畜 [shi4xU4], v.i., (LL) to serve (parents) and raise (children).19. 事態 [shi4tai4], n., the look of things, situation, circumstances.20. 事體 [shi4ti3], n., business (important, unimportant): 事體單,複雜 matter is simple, complicated.21. 事物 [shi4wu4]1, n., things, articles, objects: 各種事物 different things (coats, umbrellas, etc.).22. 事務 [shi4wu4]2, n., business, business duties, gen. affairs; 事務員 (also wr. 庶務) man in business office in charge of business side (outings, arrangements, etc.); 事務所 business office (as of lawyer, doctor).23. 事樣兒 [shi4yang4er0], n., look or appearance of things: 成什麼事樣兒 what will it look like?24. 事業 [shi4ye4], n., (1) a man's business or life work, career; (2) business enterprise: 公共事業 a public enterprise.25. 事宜 [shi4yi2], n., (official) event, case, subject dealt with.26. 事由 [shi4you2], n., story (of event, dispute, etc.); n., 事由兒 [shi4you2er0], n., some kind of work or event: 什麼事由兒他也做 he'll take up any kind of work.事事 [shi4shi4]2, pron., everything: 事事小心 be careful in everything.事[shì](ㄕˋ)1.(事儿 shìr)事情 matter; affair; thing; business:公事 public affairs家事 family affairs国家大事 state or national affairs新人新事 new people and new things老王有事请假。Lao Wang asked for leave of absence to attend to some personal business.这事儿容易办。This matter is easy to manage. 2.(事儿 shìr)事故 trouble; accident:出事 have an accident平安无事。All is well.别怕,什么事儿也没有。Don't be afraid. There is nothing amiss. 3.(事儿 shìr)职业;工作 job; work:谋事 look for a job找事儿 seek employment 4.关系或责任 responsibility; involvement:回去吧,没有你的事了。You can go home now; we know this is not your responsibility. 5.〈书 fml.〉侍奉 be in the service of sb.; wait upon; attend upon:事父母至孝 attend upon one's parents with great filial piety 6.从事 be engaged in:大事宣扬 actively publicize a major event不事劳动 lead an idle life相关词组碍事 | 暗事 | 白事 | 办事 | 本事 | 边事 | 差事 | 常事 | 尘事 | 成事 | 丑事 | 出事 | 处事 | 炊事 | 蠢事 | 从事 | 大事 | 抵事 | 顶事 | 董事 | 懂事 | 多事 | 发事 | 法事 | 凡事 | 犯事 | 房事 | 费事 | 偾事 | 佛事 | 干事 | 工事 | 公事 | 共事 | 供事 | 故事 | 怪事 | 管事 | 国事 | 海事 | 憾事 | 行事 | 好事 | 恨事 | 横事 | 后事 | 花事 | 坏事 | 绘事 | 婚事 | 混事 | 祸事 | 即事 | 急事 | 记事 | 纪事 | 济事 | 家事 | 监事 | 接事 | 旧事 | 就事 | 举事 | 军事 | 快事 | 来事 | 乐事 | 了事 | 理事 | 领事 | 没事 | 美事 | 蒙事 | 民事 | 谋事 | 拿事 | 难事 | 闹事 | 能事 | 年事 | 农事 | 怕事 | 启事 | 起事 | 亲事 | 情事 | 趣事 | 惹事 | 人事 | 赛事 | 丧事 | 善事 | 生事 | 省事 | 盛事 | 失事 | 师事 | 施事 | 时事 | 实事 | 世事 | 视事 | 受事 | 私事 | 琐事 | 厅事 | 听事 | 通事 | 同事 | 推事 | 外事 | 完事 | 万事 | 往事 | 问事 | 物事 | 误事 | 喜事 | 闲事 | 心事 | 刑事 | 幸事 | 叙事 | 寻事 | 要事 | 一事 | 遗事 | 议事 | 逸事 | 用事 | 韵事 | 杂事 | 战事 | 招事 | 找事 | 肇事 | 正事 | 政事 | 知事 | 执事 | 主事 | 滋事 | 做事 | 百事通 | 办事员 | 大事记 | 当事人 | 董事会 | 故事片 | 和事老 | 记事儿 | 监事会 | 领事馆 | 没事人 | 万事通 | 刑事犯 | 叙事诗 | 不济事 | 尽人事 | 两回事 | 两码事 | 总领事 | 多事之秋 | 故事片儿 | 国事访问 | 好事多磨 | 就事论事 | 军事法庭 | 军事管制 | 军事基地 | 军事科学 | 军事体育 | 民事法庭 | 民事权利 | 民事诉讼 | 实事求是 | 无事生非 | 息事宁人 | 刑事法庭 | 刑事警察 | 刑事拘留 | 刑事判决 | 刑事诉讼 | 刑事责任 | 一事无成 | 遇事生风 | 踵事增华 | 东窗事发 | 公用事业 | 名山事业 | 七七事变 | 情随事迁 | 人身事故 | 无所事事 | 西安事变 | 责任事故 | 置身事外 | 便宜行事 | 不省人事 | 感情用事 | 行若无事 | 红白喜事 | 例行公事 | 人浮于事 | 若无其事 | 煞有介事 | 少不更事 | 无济于事 | 虚应故事 | 意气用事 | 因人成事 | 纪事本末体 | 领事裁判权 | 安全理事会 | 九一八事变 | 卢沟桥事变 | 像煞有介事 | 有志者事竟成 | 无事不登三宝殿 | 成事不足,败事有余 | 前事不忘,后事之师 | 万事俱备,只欠东风 | 不经一事,不长一智事变 | 事典 | 事端 | 事故 | 事后 | 事机 | 事迹 | 事假 | 事件 | 事理 | 事例 | 事略 | 事前 | 事情 | 事权 | 事实 | 事态 | 事体 | 事务 | 事物 | 事先 | 事项 | 事业 | 事宜 | 事由 | 事主 | 事半功倍 | 事倍功半 | 事必躬亲 | 事出有因 | 事过境迁 | 事务主义 | 事与愿违 | 事在人为事n.thing事,事情,事件business事务,事;难事;讨厌的事;所关心的事;所干预的事;(行动、询问的)权利operation[常作 operations]活动;工作;事;动作affair(个人的)事事1. affairs2. business3. a job; work4. [Informal] a trouble事[shì]名1. matter; affair; thing; business♦ 没你的~。 It's not your business.♦ 这是怎么回~? What's this all about?2. trouble; accident♦ 出事 3. job; work♦ 她找到~儿了。 She's got a job.4. responsibility; involvement♦ 这件案子里还有他的~呢。 He was involved in the case too.♦ 有我什么~, 干吗怪我? Why put the blame on me? It has nothing to do with me.动1. 书 wait upon; serve♦ ~父母 wait upon one's parents2. be engaged in♦ 不~生产 lead an idle life




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