

释义 予1. to give2. to bestowABCABC★◀▶予 yǔgive (予以)予 yúwr. I; me予yú(archaic) Imeyǔto give予 pron. 做主语;做宾语;做定语<书>I; me; my予 yǔ 动 (给) give; grant; bestow:  不予考虑 refuse to take into consideration;  免予处分 exempt sb. from punishment;  授予奖状 award sb. a citation of merit 另见 yú。 2) 予 yú 代 (书) (我) I另见 yǔ。予予 534C10  32.00  部居  畫數 4ㄩˊ [yU2]  (*ㄩˇ [yU3] ).Pron.(AC) I, me 予取予求 (LL) demand everything of me.V.t.(*[yU3]) (AC, LL =與): 予之 give him;不予 will not give;賜予 (court.) to give;給予 give;施予 to dispense (help, favor);予奪 (the power) to give and take away.予[yú](ㄩˊ)〈书 fml.〉我 I; me另见 yǔ予[yǔ](ㄩˇ)给 give; grant; bestow:授予奖状 award a certificate of merit免予处分 exempt sb. from punishment请予批准。Please give your endorsement.另见 yú相关词组赐予 | 赋予 | 给予 | 寄予 | 授予 | 准予 | 人莫予毒 | 生杀予夺予以 | 予取予求 | 予人口实予1. I; me\\yu\\ㄩˇ\\1.[Formal] to bestow, confer, or grant2. [Formal] to give予[yǔ]动give; grant; bestow♦ 免~处分 exempt sb. from punishment




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