

单词 了解
释义 文馨文馨★◀▶了解1. understand2. get the message文馨☞瞭解了解 liạ̌ojiěI v.1) understand; comprehend2) find out; acquaint oneself with你了解他吗? Do you know him well?II n.understanding; comprehension; conception了解liǎojiěto understandto realizeto find outliǎojiěto understandto realizeto find out了解知道得清楚to understand了解问题的本质 understand the basic nature of the problem了解人,熟悉人 understand and get to know people互相了解 mutual understanding对工厂的具体情况有全面的了解 have a comprehensive understanding of the situation on the ground in the factory他任职不久,还不大了解具体情况。 He hasn't been in the post very long, so he still doesn't understand the situation on the ground all that well.一点也不了解实际情况 not understand the real situation at all我完全了解你。 I understand you completely.你了解我的意思吗? Do you understand what I mean?必须使群众了解这一点 must make the masses understand this point自然界的许多规律已经为人所了解。 Many laws of nature are now understood by mankind.调查;打听to investigate; to find out了解情况 look into the situation深入了解工作性质 look into the nature of the job in depth去了解一下,这是怎么回事 go and find out what is going on我想了解一下厂里的工作。 I want to find out about the work of the factory.了解 liǎo jiě (知道得清楚) understand; comprehend; acquaintance:  了解事物发展的规律 understand the laws of development of things;  一位优秀的教师必须了解儿童。 A good teacher must understand children.  你如果能正确和有效地使用一个字, 你就了解它了。 If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it. (打听, 调查) find out; acquaint oneself with:  了解国内外科学技术发展情况 keep abreast of current development in science and technology at home and abroad 林语堂林语堂★◀▶了解 [liao3jie3], v.t., to understand: 你不了解我 you do not understand me.了解understand, know thoroughly;了解[liǎo jiě]1.知道得清楚 understand; know; comprehend:只有眼睛向下,才能真正了解群众的愿望和要求。Only by contact with the people can we really understand their aspirations and needs. 2.打听;调查 look into; find out; acquaint oneself with:先去了解情况 first find out what's going on这究竟是怎么回事?你去了解一下。What's going on? Please go and find out.了解a.ON〈俚〉了解的,知情的wise了解的;知情的;消息灵通的intelligent了解的,熟悉的 (of,about)tuned-in注意的;了解的,熟悉的n.light(启发性的)事实,知识,信息;了解;解释knowledge了解;理解;辨别understanding理解;了解;明了;领会;认识penetration洞察,了解;洞察力;敏锐acquaintance认识,相识;了解acquaintanceship认识,相识;交往关系;了解vi.see察看,查看;了解know确知;了解;懂;知道;知情wise知道;了解 (up)penetrate洞察,了解;〈口〉被了解vt.know懂,理解;了解,知道understand了解;明了;意识到;认识到reach〈古〉使领悟,使了解sense了解,领悟realize体会,体认;认知,认识;知道,明白,了解inform[inform oneself] 使了解,使熟悉(of)hip使知悉;使了解wise教导,点拨;使知道,使了解 (up)interpret理解,了解penetrate洞察,了解acquaint使认识,介绍;使了解discern认识,了解phr.acquaint oneself with知悉,了解be acquainted with与…相识;了解be party to参加,参与;支持,了解make head or tail of[常用于否定句]弄清楚,了解,弄明白know about知道…的情况;了解,知道see into调查;领会,了解be next to〈美俚〉熟悉,了解了解1. to understand; to comprehend; to interpret; to know; to grasp; to catch on2. to find out; to acquaint oneself with; to come at3. understanding; comprehension; acquaintance双向☞实现--了解--认识到双向☞理解--综合--了解了解1. understand; comprehend♦ 我完全~你。 I understand you perfectly.♦ 我很~你的困难。 I very much understand your difficulty.2. find out; acquaint oneself with♦ 我们必须设法~全部情况。 We must try to find out about the whole situation.3. understanding; comprehension♦ 我对市场经济的~很差。 My understanding of market economy is very limited.英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞GRASP




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