

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶了1. entirely2. wholly3. to finish4. to understand文馨☞瞭ABCABCABCABCABC★◀▶了 liǎo1) v. end; finish; settle; dispose of赶快把这件事儿了了。 Put an end to this matter quickly.2) b.f. know clearly; understand (了解)3) cmp. used with de and bu to indicate possibility吃得了 can eat4) adv. wr. entirely了 le1) m.p. indicating a new situation好了。 It's OK now.2) a.m. indicating completed action我只请了一位客人。 I invited only one guest.了 liàoobserve; look out over (了望)了 liāo(微微了了)了 liáo(了高儿)了le(modal particle intensifying preceding clause)(completed action marker)liǎoto finishto achievevariant of 了[liǎo]to understand clearlyliǎo(of eyes) brightclear-sightedto understand clearlyliàounofficial variant of 瞭[liào]了 auxiliary word 用于实际已经发生的动作或变化used to indicate a completed action or a change in action水位低了一米 the water level is one metre lower用于预期的或假设的动作used to indicate anticipated or assumed action我写了信就来。 I'll come when I've written the letter.他要知道了会不高兴的。 He wouldn't be happy if he found out.表示已经出现或将要出现某种情况used to indicate that a certain situation has already occurred or will occur下雨了。 It's raining.春天来了。 Spring is here.雨下大了。 It's raining heavily.今天去不成了。 You will not be able to go today.表示在某种条件下出现某种情况used to indicate a hypothetical situation occurring under certain conditions,植物不浇水,就要干枯了。 If one does not water plants, they will wither.如果有机会的话,他早就给办了。 If he'd had the opportunity he would have done it long ago.表示认识、想法、主张、行动等有变化used to indicate change in knowledge, opinion, view, action我现在明白他的意思了。 I understand what he means now.表示催促或劝止used to urge or caution someone走了,走了,我们不能再等了! Come on, come on, we can't wait any longer!你们别再说这个了。 Don't you mention this again.你们歇一会吧,不要累坏了。 Why don't you rest for a while? Don't tire yourselves out.了 liǎo 动 (完毕; 结束) finish; complete; end; fulfill; dispose of; settle:  不了了之 leave it unsettled;  没完没了 endless; non-stop; ceaseless; without stop;  未了之事 unfinished task; an unsettled matter;  好吧! 这事儿就这样了啦。 All right, so that's that. (明白; 懂得) understand; know; realize:  明了 understand;  了悟 comprehend; understand;  一目了然 be clear at a glance (放在动词后, 跟 “得、不”连用, 表示可能或不可能):  办得了 can manage it;  受不了 cannot stand it 副 (书) (完全; 一点) entirely; a bit:  了无惧色 not a bit of fear;  了不相涉 completely irrelevant 另见 le; “瞭” 另见 liào。 2) 了 le 助 (用在动词或形容词后, 表示动作或变化已经完成):  读了两遍 read twice;  苹果红了。 Apples got red. (用在句子的末尾或句中停顿处, 表示变化, 表示出现新的情况, 表示催促或劝止):  春天了, 桃花都开了。 The spring comes and peach blossoms (flowers) are all open.  天一下雨, 我就不出门了。 I don't go out whenever it rains.  他本来不想说这件事, 后来还是说了。 He didn't want to say it, but he said it in the end.  好了, 别再提那件事了。 Well, don't bring that up again. 另见 liǎo。林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶了了 533C10  32.00  部居  畫數 2ㄌㄧㄠˇ [liao3] ([le0]  see vb. complement).V.t.(1)  To understand: 了解,了悟,了事,了然 [liao3jie3], [liao3wu4], [liao3shi4], [liao3ran2].↓(2)  To finish, complete, settle, dispose of, fulfill: 完了 to finish;了畢,了卻,了結,了清,了事 [liao3bi4], [liao3qUe4], [liao3jie2], [liao3qing1], [liao3shi4]↓;了案 settle case;了債,了賬 settle debt, accounts;未了之事 unfinished business;以不了了之 leave it unsettled, conclude without conclusion;不了情 unrequited but eternal love;不得了 disastrous;了不得 see [liao3bu4de2]↓;得了此願,了此心願 able to fulfill this wish;了此宿緣 fulfill this love regarded as working out of destiny.(3)  (Coll.) to put in, take away: 誰把一塊石頭了到井裡了 who threw a rock into the well? 皮襖也讓他了去了 consider the fur jacket as also taken away; forget about it.Vb. complement.(1)  ([liao3]) 得了 and 不了 after vbb. are idiomatic complements for “can” and “cannot” or “able” and “unable”: 此事辦不了 unable to finish this business;不容易辦得了 not easy to finish;他來不了 he is unable to come (prevented by business);去不了 cannot go (on account of rain, etc.);死不了 there will never be an end to these rascals.(2)  ([le0]) Unaccented, complement with the sense of conclusion (Eng. perfect tense);([liao3]) if accented: 他走了 he has gone;畢業了 has graduated;飯熟了 rice is cooked;病好了 illness is recovered;債還了 debt has been paid;with the sense that s.t. has started moving: 來了,來了 (he) has come or is coming! (I) am coming!Fin. Part.In imperative sentence: 好了,好了,不要多講了 well, well, don't talk any more! 大家回房去睡了 go back to your rooms and get in bed!Words1. 了畢 [liao3bi4], v.i., to finish.2. 了不得 [liao3bu4de2], adj., oft. in excl., marvellous (praise of person); adj., 好的了不得 very, very good; 他的本領真了不得 his skill is truly marvellous; extremely: 痛的了不得 extremely painful; note: 不得了 has opposite mening of “disastrous.”3. 了清 [liao3qing1], v.i., settle (accounts).4. 了卻 [liao3qUe4], v.t., as in 了卻一樁心事 finish s.t. I have always wanted to do; 了卻這些糾紛 settle all this dispute.5. 了當 [liao3dang4], adj., as in 直截了當 simple and direct, uncomplicated; (MC) settled.6. 了得 [liao3de2], (1) v.t., settle, complete, also understand: 可以了得,了得了 can understand or able to settle (business); v.t., 這還了得 how horrible! (s.t. has got out of control); (2) adj., very good, useful, serviceable: 十分了得 very good, commendable indeed; adj., 著實了得 really excellent; see difference between 了不得 and 不得了 [liao3bu4de2]↑.7. 了鳥 [liao2diao3] ([liao2niao4]), (1) adj., hanging and swinging; (2) n., brass or iron knocker ring on gate; n., device to hold window in position.8. 了斷 [liao3duan4], v.i., settle (case): 自尋了斷 find short way out, commit suicide.9. 了賬 [liao3zhang4], v.i., settle account; (coll.) pass away.10. 了解 [liao3jie3], v.t., to understand: 你不了解我 you do not understand me.11. 了結 [liao3jie2], v.t., conclude (affair).12. 了局 [liao3jU2], n., end settlement: 也不是個了局 this will not be the end--is no settlement.13. 了兒 [liao3er0], n., the end: 到了兒還是落空 in the end get nothing; 這事未了兒之前 before this affair has ended.14. 了了 [liao2liao3], adj., understanding at heart: 心中了了 understand (without saying much); 不甚了了 do not quite understand; (MC) intelligent: 小時了了 was intelligent as a child.15. 了亮 [liao3liang4], adj., simple, direct (in conduct, negotiations, etc.).16. 了然 [liao3ran2], v.i., understand: 心中了然 understand in one's mind; 一目了然 understand at one glance.17. 了事 [liao3shi4], (1) v.t., to settle disputes, dispose of (matter): 敷衍了事 to do s.t. in a perfunctory manner; (2) adj., 了事的,了事之人 experienced, competent person; adj., 了事人 arbitrator, settler of disputes.18. 了悟 [liao3wu4], v.i. & t., to comprehend, understand (truth, teaching), wake up to, realize (one's mistakes): 了悟前緣 understand fate caused by previous incarnation.了了 [liao2liao3], adj., understanding at heart: 心中了了 understand (without saying much);林语堂☞瞭了[le](·ㄌㄜ)〈助词 aux.〉1.用在动词或形容词后面,表示动作或变化已经完成 [used after a verb or an adjective to indicate the completion of an action or a change] (a)用于实际已经发生的动作或变化 [used after an action that has taken place or sth. that has changed]:这个小组受到了表扬。This group has been commended.水位已经低了两米。The water level has dropped by two metres. (b)用于预期的或假设的动作 [used for an anticipated or presupposed action]:你先去,我下了班就去。You'll go first, and I'll go there after work.他要知道了这个消息,一定也很高兴。He will also be very happy if he hears this news. 2.用在句子的末尾或句中停顿的地方,表示变化或出现新的情况 [used at the end of a sentence or a pause in the middle of a sentence to indicate a change or a new situation] (a)表示已经出现或将要出现某种情况 [indicating that sth. has happened or is about to happen]:下雨了。It's raining.春天了,桃花都开了。It's spring, and the peach trees are all in bloom.他吃了饭了。He has had his meal.天快黑了,今天去不成了。It's getting dark, and we can't go there today. (b)表示在某种条件之下出现某种情况 [indicating a certain situation under certain conditions]天一下雨,我就不出门了。I won't go out once it rains.你早来一天就见着他了。You would have seen him if you had come one day earlier. (c)表示认识、想法、主张、行动等有变化 [indicating a change in one's understanding, idea, view or action]:我现在明白他的意思了。I have now understood what he meant.他本来不想去,后来还是去了。He didn't want to go at first, but he went later. (d)表示催促或劝止 [indicating a request or a command]:走了,走了,不能再等了!Let's go. We can't wait any longer.好了,不要老说这些事了!Stop. Don't keep talking of these things!另见 liǎo了1[liǎo](ㄌㄧㄠˇ)1.完毕;结束 finish; end; complete; settle; dispose of:了结 finish; end; settle; wind up; bring to an end了账 bring to an end; settle or square accounts没完没了 endless; ceaseless; without stop; nonstop一了百了。All troubles end when the main trouble ends.不了了之 unresolved; leave unsettled; end up by doing nothing; end up with nothing definite这事儿已经了啦!This matter has been settled. 2.放在动词后,跟‘得、不’连用,表示可能或不可能 [used in conjunction with 得·de and 不 bù after a verb to express possibility]:办得了 can be done做得了 can be made来不了 unable to come受不了 cannot stand or bear 3.〈书 fml.〉完全(不);一点(也没有)entirely (not); not a bit:了不相涉 totally or completely unrelated or irrelevant了无惧色 show no trace of fear; show no fear at all; look completely undaunted了无进展 make little progress了2[liǎo](ㄌㄧㄠˇ)(瞭) 明白;懂得 understand; know; realize:了然 understand; be clear了解 understand; know; comprehend明了 understand; know clearly了如指掌 familiar with; know sth. Like the palm or back of one's hand; as plain as pointing to one's hand; be thoroughly familiar (with sth.)另见 ·le and 瞭 liào相关词组罢了 | 便了 | 不了 | 除了 | 得了 | 公了 | 临了 | 明了 | 末了 | 私了 | 完了 | 为了 | 未了 | 知了 | 终了 | 到了儿 | 不得了 | 大不了 | 短不了 | 免不了 | 秦吉了 | 少不了 | 不了了之 | 一了百了 | 不甚了了 | 一目了然 | 直截了当 | 可惜了儿的 | 赔了夫人又折兵 | 吃不了,兜着走 | 远水解不了近渴 | 远水救不了近火了当 | 了得 | 了断 | 了结 | 了解 | 了局 | 了了 | 了却 | 了然 | 了事 | 了手 | 了无 | 了悟 | 了账 | 了不得 | 了不起 | 了如指掌了1. to understand2. to end3. [Formal] (in the negative) very; fully4. as function word to indicate a past tense\\le\\ㄌㄜ˙\\1·an expletive in the Chinese language了[liǎo]动1. finish; conclude; settle; dispose of♦ 这事情还没~哇。 This matter hasn't been settled yet.♦ 账也~了, 我的心事也~了。 The debt is settled, and my worry is over.2. (used after a verb plus 得 or 不) to a finish♦ 办得~ can manage it♦ 受不~ cannot stand it♦ 你骗不~我。 You can't fool me.副书 (not) in the least♦ ~不相涉 have nothing at all to do with it动know clearly; understand♦ 明了




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