

释义 文馨英漢☞亂乱 luànI s.v.1) in disorder/confusion你的房间太乱了。 Your room is too messy.2) confused; in a turmoil3) indiscriminate; random; arbitraryII v.confuse; mix up; jumble帐乱了。 The accounts are messed up.III adv.rashly; carelesslyIV n.disorder; upheaval; chaosV b.f.promiscuous sexual behavior (淫乱)乱luànin confusion or disorderin a confused state of minddisorderupheavalriotillicit sexual relationsto throw into disorderto mix upindiscriminaterandomarbitrary乱 n. 骚乱disturbance平乱 put down a revolt淫乱promiscuity v. 使混乱to throw into disorder adj. 无秩序disorderly乱吵乱闹 make a racket乱嚷乱叫 shout and yell乱窜乱跳 jump about all over the place乱了手脚 be thrown into a panic乱作一团 in total chaos使敌人乱作一团 throw the enemy into utter confusion人民斗争的怒火一旦燃起,反动派就乱成一团。 Once the angry flame of the people's struggle lights up, reactionary factions will be thrown into chaos.家里乱作一团。 The house is in total confusion.脑子里乱成一团 be in a chaotic state of mind乱跑 dash about到处乱跑 dash about all over the place一堆乱书乱纸 a messy heap of books and paper讲得很乱 waffle all over the place解释得很乱 explain haphazardly对事物的看法很乱 have muddled opinions on things他的思想很乱。 His thoughts leap all over the place.秩序很乱。 The sequence is out of order.事情很乱。 The affairs are messy.枪声乱响。 There was a racket of gunshots.在变革过程中,不免出现一些“乱”的现象,这也不可怕。 During the process of reform, there will inevitably be some "chaos" – this should not be feared.线乱了。 The threads are tangled.看这有多乱! Just look at what a mess this is!大家别乱。 Stay calm, everyone.心绪不宁in turmoil心烦意乱 vexed and confused他心里乱得一点主意也没有。 His mind was in such a turmoil he didn't have a clue what to do. adv. 任意,随便indiscriminately乱说 talk without thinking不许乱说。 Think before you speak.乱交朋友 make friends with anyone乱戴帽子 stick labels on people乱吃东西 eat whatever is going乱涂 scrawl乱扔烟头 throw cigarette butts all over the place乱用 misuse乱收费 collect arbitrary fees乱涨价 raise the price just as one feels like乱花钱 throw money around不乱花一分钱 not spend any money lightly乱搞男女关系 have indiscriminate sexual relations乱 luàn 形 (无秩序; 无条理) in a mess; confused; disordered:  杂乱 motley;  混乱 in confusion;  乱纷纷 very disordered; in a hopeless mess;  你的房间那么乱, 收拾一下吧。 Your room is in a mess, please tidy it up.  这里太乱, 找个安静点的地方谈谈。 It's too noisy here; let's find a quieter place to chat. (心绪不宁) in a turmoil; disturbed (state of mind):  心慌意乱 be alarmed and nervous;  心绪烦乱 emotionally upset; in an emotional turmoil;  我心 里 很乱。 My mind is in a turmoil. 名 (战争; 武装骚扰) chaos; riot; unrest; turmoil:  变乱 turmoil; social upheaval;  叛乱 armed rebellion; mutiny;  兵乱 turmoil; chaos (不正当的男女关系) promiscuous sexual behaviour; promiscuity:  淫乱 licentious sexual behaviour; sexually promiscuous 动 (使混乱; 使紊乱) confuse; jumble; mix up:  扰乱 disturb; make confusion;  以假乱真 mix the spurious with the genuine 副 (任意; 随便) arbitrary; random:  乱喊乱叫 shout and scream madly;  乱出主意 make an arbitrary suggestion;  乱花钱 spend money extravagantly 乱[luàn](ㄌㄨㄢˋ)(亂)1.没有秩序; 没有条理 disorder; mess; confusion:一团乱麻 a mass of tangled flax乱七八糟 a nice mess人声马声乱成一片 din of traffic; cacophony of voices and the neighing of horses这篇稿子改得太乱了,要重抄一下。The manuscript is too messy. You have to copy it out. 2.战争;武装骚扰 war; armed riot:变乱 turmoil; upheaval; unrest叛乱 rebellion; revolt; insurrection兵乱 mutiny; the scourge of war避乱 take refuge 3.使混乱;使紊乱 throw into disorder; confuse; mix up:扰乱 disturb; disrupt; harass; confuse惑乱 confuse以假乱真 mix the false with the true 4.(心绪)不宁 in a confused state of mind; in turmoil:心烦意乱 be fretful and confused; be vexed and confused; be terribly upset他的心里乱得一点主意也没有。He is so confused that he doesn't know what to do. 5.任意;随便 indiscriminate; random; arbitrary:乱吃 eat indiscriminately乱跑 run all over the place; dash about乱出主意 give offhand advice; give offhand ideas 6.不正当的男女关系 illicit sexual relations:淫乱 illicit sexual relations; promiscuous相关词组暴乱 | 变乱 | 兵乱 | 错乱 | 捣乱 | 动乱 | 烦乱 | 繁乱 | 纷乱 | 裹乱 | 胡乱 | 荒乱 | 慌乱 | 昏乱 | 混乱 | 祸乱 | 惑乱 | 霍乱 | 搅乱 | 戡乱 | 溃乱 | 愦乱 | 离乱 | 撩乱 | 缭乱 | 凌乱 | 零乱 | 忙乱 | 弭乱 | 内乱 | 叛乱 | 蓬乱 | 扰乱 | 丧乱 | 骚乱 | 添乱 | 紊乱 | 淆乱 | 淫乱 | 杂乱 | 战乱 | 作乱 | 出乱子 | 闹乱子 | 惹乱子 | 拨乱反正 | 杂乱无章 | 胡思乱想 | 欢蹦乱跳 | 活蹦乱跳 | 群魔乱舞 | 天花乱坠 | 兵荒马乱 | 神经错乱 | 手忙脚乱 | 心慌意乱 | 眼花缭乱 | 快刀斩乱麻乱兵 | 乱臣 | 乱弹 | 乱乎 | 乱离 | 乱伦 | 乱码 | 乱民 | 乱世 | 乱套 | 乱腾 | 乱营 | 乱杂 | 乱真 | 乱子 | 乱弹琴 | 乱纷纷 | 乱坟岗 | 乱哄哄 | 乱蓬蓬 | 乱腾腾 | 乱糟糟 | 乱七八糟 | 乱葬岗子乱ad.galley-west〈口〉[和动词 knock 连用](打)歪;(打)垮;(打)乱乱1. in disorder2. confused3. unrest; disorder4. indiscriminate乱[luàn]形1. in disorder; in a mess; in confusion♦ 车站很~。 The station was in a state of disorder.♦ 屋里很~, 请你把它收拾一下。 The room is in a mess; please tidy it up.2. in a confused state of mind; in a turmoil♦ 我心里很~。 My mind is in a turmoil.名1. disorder; upheaval; riot; unrest; turmoil♦ 安史之~ The Rebellion of An Lushan and Shi Siming (755—763)2. illicit sexual relationships动throw into disorder; confuse; mix up副indiscriminate; random; arbitrary♦ 各种木料~堆在一起。 Logs and planks of all shapes and sizes were jumbled together.♦ 他在墙上~写。 He scribbled on the wall.




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