

单词 买方
释义 文馨英漢☞買方买方 mǎifāngbuyer买方mǎifāngbuyer (in contracts)买方参见:买主[mǎizhǔ]买方牌价 buyer's rate买方 mǎi fāng buyer; purchaser; vendee; the buying party:  买方负担风险 let the buyer beware 买方仓库交货价 {外贸} ex buyer's godown; 买方出价(发价) buying offer; 买方货栈交货价格 ex buyer's bonded warehouse; duty unpaid; 买方居住处(当地)所交货价 {外贸} fraco domicile (全部费用在内价格); 买方决定 buyer's option; 买方决定运货路线权 buyer's right to route; 买方垄断, 买主独家垄断 monopsony; 买方市场 buyer's market; 买方信贷 buyer's credit; 买方选择权 buyer's option; 买方样品 buyer's sample买方1. the buying party (of a contract, etc.); a buyer2. [Law] a vendee买方the buying party (of a contract, etc.); buyer♦ ~市场 a buyer's market




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