

单词 买好
释义 买好 mạ̌ihǎo1) get ready by buying what is needed2) try to win sb.'s favor; play up to买好mǎihǎoto ingratiate oneself买好to ingratiate oneself to这是他向你买好 this is him trying to win you over买好 mǎi hǎo try to win sb.'s favour; ingratiate oneself with; play up to:  向老板买好 curry favour with the boss 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞買好买好[mǎi hǎo](~儿 mǎi∥hǎor)(言语行动上)故意讨人喜欢 (in speech or behaviour) try to win sb.'s favour; ingratiate oneself with; play up to:献媚买好 resort to coquetry买好try to win sb.'s favour; ingratiate oneself with; play up to♦ 他使出浑身的解数向她~。 He did all he could to win her favour.




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