

单词 书记
释义 文馨英漢☞書記书记 shūji1) secretary2) clerk书记shūjisecretary (chief official of a branch of a socialist or communist party)clerkscribe书记党、团中主要负责人secretary总书记 general secretary区委书记 secretary of the Party district committee旧时称文牍员clerk书记 shū ji (党团的主要负责人) secretary:  党委第一书记 the first secretary of the Party committee;  大连市委书记 the Secretary of Dalian Municipal Committee (of the CPC);  江苏省委书记 the Secretary of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPC;  县委书记 the secretary of the Party committee of a county;  总书记 general secretary (文牍员) clerk 书记处 secretariat; 书记员 {律} court clerk; law clerk; clerk (of a court)书记[shū ji]1.党、团等各级组织中的主要负责人 secretary; head of Chinese Communist Party or Chinese Communist Youth League organizations at different levels 2.〈旧时 old〉称办理文书及缮写工作的人员 clerk; recorder and keeper of documents书记a.secretarial部长的;大臣的;书记的n.secretary书记notary〈古〉书记,秘书书记1. secretary♦ 党委~ secretary of the Party committee♦ 总~ general secretary2. clerk~处 secretariat




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