

释义 也1. also2. and3. still也 yěI adv.1) also; too; as well; either2) even我想也没想到。 I didn't even think of it.3) more or less; by and large他的中文也还可以。 His Chinese is passable.II cons.1) (suīrán/jíshǐ) V1 也 V2: (even) if V1 nevertheless V2我少吃一顿也无所谓。 I don't mind skipping a meal.即使他没说,我也知道。 Even if she hadn't mentioned it, I would have known.2) 也 A 也 B: be both A and BIII m.p. wr.wr. used in classical language at the end of a sentence or clause是可忍也,孰不可忍也。 If this can be tolerated, what cannot?人之过也,各于其党。 People's faults are characteristic of the classes to which they belong.也Yěsurname Yeyěalsotoo(in Classical Chinese) final particle implying affirmation也 adv. 表示同样also这我们也同意。 I also agree on this.原来这里也没有地方。 There isn't any space here either.核武器的出现,并没有,也不可能解决当代世界的各种基本矛盾。 The emergence of nuclear weapons has not and will not solve the basic contradictions of the contemporary world.他学习好,工作也好。 He studies hard and works hard too.既然他做得到,我也能做得到。 Since he can do it, I can do it too.表示并列as well; used to indicate juxtaposition他也看书,也看报。 He reads both books and newspapers.也有好的,也有坏的。 There are good things and bad things.在这间屋子里也上课,也开会。 There are both classes and meetings in this room.表示无论这样或那样either动物也好,植物也好,没有太阳不能生存。 Neither animals or plants can survive without the sun.她也好,他也好,两个人都不对。 Both he and she are wrong.我左想也不对,右想也不对。 However I think about it it is wrong.表示转折或让步even好在离家也不远。 The positive side is that it's not far from home.即使不愿意,也得这样。 Even if you aren't willing, it still has to be like this.即使你不说,我也会知道的。 Even if he doesn't say it, I know.我虽然没有见过他,也听人说过。 I haven't seen him, but I have heard of him.用于强调否定语气used to emphasize negation一点儿也不错 not wrong in the slightest他什么也不会。 He can't do anything.他连这些道理也不懂。 He doesn't even understand these principles.我一个例子也找不到。 I can't find any examples.我连想也不想。 It didn't even occur to me.既然连他也不能告诉你,那就谁也不会告诉你了。 Since even he can't tell you, no one can tell you.一句话也别再说了。 Don't say another word.表示委婉used to indicate a mild tone这倒也罢了 that wouldn't be so bad这倒也不怕 this isn't so scary也只好如此。 So be it. auxiliary word 表示判断或解释used to emphasize an explanation or decision非也。 This is not so.不可不慎也。 You must be very careful.表示疑问或反诘used to indicated a question or counter-question何也? Why?何许人也? Who are they?汝不知也? You don't know?你道难也不难? do you think it is difficult?未知是也不是? don't know if it is or not是可忍也,孰不可忍也? how can this be tolerated?表示停顿used to indicate a pause吾生也有涯,而知也无涯。 My life is limited, while knowledge is limitless.也 yě 副 (表示同样) also; too; as well; either; likewise:  不哭也不闹 (A child) neither cries nor makes any trouble.;  你不去, 我也不去。 If you're not going, I'm not going either.  他说法语,也会说西班牙语。 He speaks French, and Spanish as well.  他也会游泳。 He can also swim.  我也是教师。 I'm a teacher, too.  中国是一个社会主义国家,也是一个发展 中国家。 China is a socialist country, and a developing country as well. (叠用, 强调两事并列) as well as:  操场上也有打球的,也有跑步的。 Some of the people on the sports ground are playing ball games, and some are running.  她也会打篮球,也会打网球。 She can play tennis as well as basketball. (叠用, 表示无论这样或那样;不以某种情形为条件):  你去也得去, 不去也得去。 You've got to go , whether you want to or not.  他左想也不是, 右想也不是。 He just couldn't make up his mind either way.  天好我们也干, 天不好我们也干。 We never stop working, rain or shine. (表示转折或让步, 常跟上文的“虽然 、即使”等呼应):  即使失败10次,我也不灰心。 I'll never lose heart even if I should fail ten times.  你不说我也知道。 You don't have to tell me. I know already. (表示委婉等语气):  也只好这样了。 We'll have to leave it at that.  这袋土豆也就一百斤。 This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred jin at most. (表示强调, 常跟 “ 再、 一点、连” 等字连用):  等了半天也没见他来。 We had been waiting for him for a long time, yet he didn't turn up.  他病得一点也不想吃。 He is so ill that he doesn't feel like eating anything.  我永远也不会忘记听她唱那支歌时的情景。 I shall never forget hearing her singing that song.  现在连偏僻的山区也用上了拖拉机。 Nowadays tractors are used even in remote mountainous regions.  再冷的天我也不怕。 I can stand colder weather than this. 助 (书) (表示判断、 解释等语气):  陈胜者, 阳城人也。 Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng.  非不能也, 是不为也。 It is not a question of ability but one of readiness. (表示疑问或反诘的语气):  何也? How is that?; Why so?  是可忍也, 孰不可忍也? If this can be tolerated, what cannot? (用于句中, 表示停顿):  地之相去也, 千有余里。 The place is over a thousand li away. (表示嘱咐):  不可不慎也。 You must be very careful. (表示感叹):  何其毒也! How pernicious! 名 (姓氏) a surname:  也伯先 Ye Boxian 也也 371C35  22.70  部居  畫數 3ㄧㄝˇ [ye3] Fin. part.(1)  (LL) indicating what s.t. is: 兵甲不多,非國之災也 not to have a strong army is not the real trouble for a nation;oft. 者…也:仁者人也 [ren2] is to be human;義者宜也 [yi4] means to be just;sometimes=modn. 了:我去也 here I go!(2)  Indicating a caesura or break in mid-sentence: 夫子之至於是邦也,必聞其政 when the Master came to a country, he always tried to find out about its government;古也,墓而不墳 in anc. days, a grave was made without a mound.Adv.(1)  Also: 你去,我也去 you go and I go, too;我也要去 I want to go also;不哭也不鬧 (child) neither cries nor makes any trouble;也就 and so;也曾 also had;也有 there also is;也有道理 also is reasonable;再也休提 don't mention it again.(2)  Used in sentence beginning, like Eng. “might as well”: 也罷 might as well call it off, or let it be! 也行,也好 all right (I agree).Words1. 也麼哥 [ye3mo2ge1], fin. part., (MC oft. in Yuarn drama) indeed: 兀的不苦殺人也麼哥 how exasperating indeed!2. 也許 [ye2xU3], adv., perhaps, maybe.3. 也似 [ye3si4], part., like: 雪花也似 (=似雪花) 申奏將來 the complaints come like snowflakes.也1[yě](ㄧㄝˇ)〈书 fml.〉〈助词 aux.〉1.表示判断或解释的语气 [used at the end of a sentence to indicate an explanation or a judgement]:孔子,鲁人也。Confucius was a native of the State of Lu.非不能也,是不为也。This is a case of choosing not to, not of being unable to. 2.表示疑问或反诘的语气 [used at the end of a question or counter-question]:何也?How is that? or Why so?是可忍也,孰不可忍也?If this can be tolerated, then what cannot be? 3.表示句中的停顿 [used in the middle of a sentence to mark off a stop]:大道之行也,天下为公。When the Great Tao prevailed, the whole world was one community.地之相去也,千有余里。The two places are more than 1,000 li apart.也2[yě](ㄧㄝˇ)〈副词 adv.〉1.表示同样 also; too; either:水库可以灌溉、发电,也可以养鱼。Reservoirs can be used for irrigation and power generation, and also for fish breeding. 2.叠用,强调两事并列或对待 [reduplicated to show two parallel or opposite things] as well as:他也会种地,也会打铁。He is good at both farming and forging iron.游客里面也有坐车的,也有步行的。Among the tourists, there are those who take buses as well as those who go on foot. 3.叠用,表示无论这样或那样;不以某种情形为条件 (reduplicated) whether ...or ...; no matter whether:你去我也去,你不去我也去。Whether you go or not, I'll go anyway.他左想也不是,右想也不是。He thinks this way and that, and still it is not right. 4.表示转折或让步(常跟上文的‘虽然、即使’等呼应 oft. used correlatively with 虽然 suīrán, 即使 jíshǐ, etc.)[used to indicate aversion or concession] still; yet:我虽然没见过,也听人说过。I've heard about it, though I have never seen it.即使你不说,我也知道。You don't have to tell me. I know already. 5.表示委婉 [used in a hesitant or guarded statement]:倒也罢了。Let it pass.也只好如此。We'll have to leave it at that. 6.表示强调(常跟上文的‘连’字呼应 used correlatively with 连 lián)[used to indicate emphasis]:连爷爷也乐得合不拢嘴。Even Grandpa was so happy that he grinned from ear to ear.相关词组空空如也 | 溜之乎也 | 之乎者也 | 成也萧何,败也萧何也罢 | 也许也ad.too[通常用于句末或单词、 词组后,但句首用法现又开始流行]也;还;而且(否定句用either)either[用于否定句或否定词组后加强语气]也,而且neither〈方〉〈口〉也 (= either)equally同样;也;此外likewise也,亦,又conj.AND[用于连接语法上同类的词、短语或句子,表示并列或附加关系]和,与,及,同;又;并;也phr.as well也,又,还and all〈口〉也也1. also; as well as; too也[yě]助1. 书 (used at the end of a sentence, indicating an explanation or a judgment)♦ 陈胜者, 阳城人~。 Chen Sheng was a native of Yangcheng.♦ 是不为~, 非不能~。 This is a case of choosing not to, not of being unable to.2. (used at the end of a question or counterquestion)♦ 何~?How is that? or Why so?♦ 是可忍也, 孰不可忍~?If this can be tolerated, what else cannot?副1. also; too; as well; either♦ 我妹妹~是售货员。 My sister is a shop assistant too.♦ 你不去, 我~不去。 If you're not going, I'm not going either.2. (used for emphasis, often before a negative expression)♦ 他病得一点~不想吃。 He is so ill that he doesn't feel like eating anything.♦ 他忙得连饭~顾不上吃。 He is so busy that he can't even stop for a meal.3. (used correlatively with 虽然, 即使, etc.) still; yet♦ 我虽然没见过, ~听人说过。 I've heard about it, though I have never seen it.♦ 我即使干不了重活, ~可以干点轻活嘛。 If I can't do heavy work, I can still do some light work.4. (used in a hesitant or guarded statement)♦ ~只好这样了。 We'll have to leave it at that.♦ 这袋土豆~就一百公斤。 This sack of potatoes weighs a hundred kilos at most.♦ 他的英语~还可以。 His English is passable.




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