

单词 乘势
释义 乘势 chéngshì1) take advantage of2) use power乘势chéngshìto seize the opportunityto strike while the iron is hot乘势就势taking advantage of momentum乘势追击 take advantage of an attack and give chase乘势滑行 slide along with the momentum凭借权势to rely on one's power and influence林语堂当代汉英繁简☞乘勢乘势[chéng shì]1.利用有利的形势;就势 make use of a favourable situation; avail oneself of an opportune moment:乘势进击 make use of a favourable situation to continue an attack 2.〈书 fml.〉凭借权势 rely on one's power and influence:乘势欺人 use one's power and influence to hoodwink others




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