

释义 乖1. perverse smart乖 guāiI s.v.1) well-behaved你的孩子真乖。 Your child is so well-behaved.2) clever; shrewdII b.f.1) perverse; contrary to reason (乖谬)2) oppose; be at variance (乖离)乖guāi(of a child) obedient, well-behavedclevershrewdalertperversecontrary to reasonirregularabnormal乖 v. 违反to violate adj. 听话well-behaved乖孩子 well-behaved child机灵clever这孩子嘴真乖。 This child has a silver tongue.不正常abnormal乖 guāi 形  (不闹; 听话) well-behaved; lovely; good:  乖乖儿的 be good and quiet;  乖儿子 good son;  真是个乖孩子。 There's a dear. (伶俐; 机警) quick-witted; shrewd; alert; clever:  嘴乖 clever and pleasant when speaking;  学乖了 become a little wiser  (书) (违反情理) contrary to reason:  有乖常理 run counter to reason (反常的) perverse林语堂林语堂★◀▶乖乖 1152A55  90.22  部居  畫數 8ㄍㄨㄞ [guai1] Adj.(1)  Preverse, obstreperous: 乖戾,乖僻,乖謬,乖張 [guai1li4], [guai1pi4], [guai1miu4], [guai1zhang1]↓.(2)  Quick-witted, shrewd: see 乖覺,乖角 [guai1jUe2]1, [guai1jUe2]2↓.(3)  Well-behaved, lovely, good, usu., said of children: 乖乖兒的 be good and quiet! 乖兒子 (a doting father's) lovely son;乖孩子,乖小子 good little boy.Words1. 乖巧 [guai1qiao3], adj., clever, intelligent.2. 乖乖 [guai1guai1], n., (of children) (vocative) my darling: 小乖乖 my little darling.3. 乖張 [guai1zhang1], adj., perverse, intractable, refractory.4. 乖覺 [guai1jUe2]1, adj., quick-witted, intelligent, bright, clever.5. 乖角 [guai1jUe2]2, adj., ditto.6. 乖戾 [guai1li4], adj., (1) disagreeable, unfriendly; (2) (of conduct) unreasonable, perverse.7. 乖謬 [guai1miu4], adj., absurd, silly.8. 乖僻 [guai1pi4], adj., odd, whimsical, peculiar.9. 乖違 [guai1wei2], adj., (1) contradictory, conflicting; (2) separate(d).10. 乖異 [guai1yi4], adj., odd, eccentric, unconventional.乖乖 [guai1guai1], n., (of children) (vocative) my darling: 小乖乖 my little darling.乖1[guāi](ㄍㄨㄞ)1.(小孩儿)不闹;听话 (of children) quiet; well-behaved:小宝很乖,阿姨都喜欢他。The baby is very quiet, and every nurse likes him. 2.伶俐;机警 clever; sharp; shrewd; alert:这孩子嘴乖。The child has a honey tongue.上了一次当,他也学得乖多了。Being fooled once, he has learnt to become wiser.乖2[guāi](ㄍㄨㄞ)〈书 fml.〉1.违反;背离 violate; go against; run counter to:乖背 run counter to有乖人情 not amenable to reason 2.(性情、行为)不正常 (of character, behaviour, etc.) irregular; abnormal:乖戾 unreasonable乖谬 absurd; fallacious相关词组卖乖 | 嘴乖 | 时乖运蹇乖舛 | 乖乖 | 乖蹇 | 乖觉 | 乖剌 | 乖戾 | 乖谬 | 乖僻 | 乖巧 | 乖违 | 乖张乖a.good乖的;恭顺的乖1. (of a child) well-behaved; docile2. shrewd; clever3. [Formal] perverse乖[guāi]形1. (of a child) well-behaved; good♦ 真是个~孩子。 There's a dear.2. clever; shrewd; alert♦ 学~了 become a little wiser3. perverse; contrary to reason♦ 有~常理 run counter to reason




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