

单词 乐得
释义 乐得 lèdébe only too glad to乐得to be happy to我乐得这样办。 I'm happy to do it this way.急什么,乐得先听听别人的意见。 What's the rush? One is happy to listen to other people's opinions first.乐得 lè dé readily take the opportunity to; be happy to have the chance to; be only too glad to:  如果他提出来, 我乐得帮助他。 I was only too glad to help him if he asked. 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞樂得乐得[lè dé] 某种情况或安排恰合自己心意,因而顺其自然 might as well; be only too glad to:主席让他等一会儿再发言,他也乐得先听听别人的意见。When the chairman asked him to wait for a little while before taking the floor, he was only too happy to hear what the others might have to say first.乐得readily take the opportunity to; be only too glad to♦ 既然如此, 我们~在这儿多待几天。 In that case, we'll be only too glad to spend a few more days here.




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