

释义 之1. for2. of3. that4. this5. to reach之 zhīI cons. w1) A 之 B: in a B relationship to A三天之内 within three days回家之前 before returning home钟鼓之声 the sound of bells and drums2) A 之lèi/liú: A and the like希特勒之流 Hitler and his like3) ... 之 SV: so SV that ...天气之冷,连屋子里的水都结冰了。 The weather was so cold that even the water in the room froze.得意之极 be very pleased with oneselfII pr. rit; him; her; this (used only in object position)诺之 promise it/her/himIII v. .go; leave不知所之 don't know where (he) wentIV b.f.this之子 this person之zhī(possessive particle, literary equivalent of 的[de])himherit之 pron. 代替人或事物him, her or it求之不得 just what one wishes for取之不尽 inexhaustible操之过急 act with undue haste无所指subordinate particle久而久之 as time passes不觉手之舞之,足之蹈之 involuntarily wave one's hands and stamp one's feet这;那this; that v. 往<书>to go to由京之沪 go from Beijing to Shanghai auxiliary word 表示领属关系used to express the possessive钟鼓之声 sound of drums and bells彼之父母 their parents奉指挥员之命 receive a commander's orders表示修饰关系particle used between an attribute and the word it modifies光荣之家 honourable family无价之宝 priceless treasure千里之外 thousands of miles away缓兵之计 stalling tactics丧家之犬 outcast; dog with no home to go to(literal)这是意料之中的事。 This is to be expected.原因之一 one of the reasons十分之九 nine tenths当前亟待解决之问题 a current pressing problem用在主谓结构之间used in predicate structures中国之大 the sheer size of China战争之所以胜利,在于民心所向。 The war was won due to the will of the people.哭泣之哀 the sorrow of the cries一钱之微 the smallness of the sum战斗之烈 the fierceness of battle运动发展之快,规模之大,来势之猛,都是空前的。 The speed of the movement's development, as well as its scale and fierce momentum, are all unprecedented.之 zhī (书) 代 (代替人或事物, 限于做宾语):  怒目而视之 stare at it or him;  取而代之 replace someone; take it over;  将如之何? What is to be done?  无不为之高兴。 Everybody feels excited about it. (虚用, 无所指):  久而久之 with the lapse of time; as time passes;  总而言之 in short; in a word; in brief; make a long story short;  手之舞之, 足之蹈之 dance with joy (这; 那) this:  之人也 this type of man 助 (用在定语和中心词之间, 表示领属关系或一般的修饰关系):  赤子之心 the pure heart of a newborn babe;  汝之过也 your fault;  普天之下 all under heaven; all over the world;  光荣之家 the honoured family;  钟鼓之声 the sound of drums and bells;  以我之长, 攻敌之短 utilize our strong points to attack the enemy at his weak points (用在主谓结构之间, 取消它的独立性, 使变成偏正结构):  世界之大, 无奇不有。 The world is so big that nothing is to be surprised at.  战斗之烈, 实难预料。 It is unthinkable that the fight is terribly fierce.  皮之不存, 毛将焉附? With the skin gone, to what can the hair attach itself? 动 (往) go; leave:  由(北)京之沪 leave Beijing for Shanghai;  不知所之。 Don't know where he went.  君将何之? Where are you bound for? 名 (姓氏) a surname:  之马宇 Zhi Mayu 之之 957A20  63.83  部居  畫數 4ㄓ [zhi1]  (*'ㄓ [zhi1] ).Fin.part.(*'[zhi1]) (LL) corresponding in meaning to “it”: 總之,總而言之 to sum it up;要之 the important point is;易地而居之,則皆然 if they changed places, they would behave in the same way.N.The character 之:之字路 an S-shaped road;不識之無 do not know even the simplest characters;之乎者也 four words recognized as fin. part. of the literary language.Pron.(*[zhi1zhi0]) (1)  (a) (LL, used in objective case) it, him, her, them: 怒目視之 stare at it (him);取而代之 take it over;勸之不聽,殺之可也 try to persuade him and if he won't listen, you can kill him;妻之以女 marry one's daughter to him;然之 (LL) approve of it;諾之,許之 (LL) promise him (her) or it;獎之 (LL) reward him;呼之 call him;(b) in AC, oft. precedes negative vb.: 未之知,未之聞,未之見 never knew it, heard it, or saw it (cf. 不我知 do not know me);奈之何,如之何 “why stand for it” - why, how.(2)  LL used to indicate possessive case, see Prep. ↓.V.i.(AC & LL) to go: 君將何之 where are you going? 不知所之 do not know where (person) went;將之楚 was going to 楚;心之所之 where the mind longs to be.Adj.(AC) this: 之子于歸 (AC) this girl is going to her new home;之人地,之德也 (AC) this type of man, this type of conduct.Prep.(1)  Possessive part., “of”, like vern. 的: 汝之過也 this is your fault;夫子之文章 the literary knowledge of the Master;used largely in mod. Chin. writing where there are several “of's”, 之 may replace 的 for variation or dropped: thus “the development of rural education of Taiwan” may be 今日臺灣(的)鄉村教育之發展 or 的發展;之謂 be the meaning of;政者,正之謂也 the meaning of 政 (government) is 正 (order).(2)  A preposition of position placed after the n. it governs;thus “before the table” 桌之前;桌之後,之上,之下 behind, on, under the table;之中,之間 the midst of;普天之下 all under heaven;談話之中,之間 in (during) the talk;之外 besides, outside;月薪之外 beside the monthly salary.(3)  (AC) until: 之死矢靡他 I will never marry another person until death.(4)  To: 人之其(=於其)所親而愛焉 man loves those to whom he is related.之1[zhī](ㄓ)〈书 fml.〉往 go; leave for:由京之沪 leave Beijing for Shanghai君将何之?Where are you bound for?之2[zhī](ㄓ)〈书 fml.〉〈代词 pron.〉1.代替人或事物(限于做宾语)[used in place of an objective noun or pronoun]:求之不得 (of an opportunity, gain, etc.) all that one can hope for; most welcome取之不尽 inexhaustible操之过急 too hasty言之成理 sound reasonable; speak in a convincing way取而代之 replace someone有过之无不及 go even farther than反其道而行之 act in a diametrically opposite way 2.虚用,无所指 [used in certain set phrases without a definite designation]:久而久之 with the passage of time不觉手之舞之,足之蹈之 dance with joy 3.这;那 this or that:之二虫 these two creatures之子于钓 that man fishing之3[zhī](ㄓ)〈书 fml.〉〈助词 aux.〉1.用在定语和中心词之间,组成偏正词组 [used between an attribute and the word it modifies]:(a)表示领属关系 to indicate that one thing belongs to another:赤子之心 pure-heartedness; pure heart of a newborn baby钟鼓之声 sound of drums and bells以子之矛,攻子之盾 self-contradictory; (b)表示一般的修饰关系 to indicate a descriptive phrase:光荣之家 glorious family无价之宝 priceless treasure缓兵之计 stalling tactics千里之外 thousand miles away意料之中 within expectations十分之九 nine tenths 2.用在主谓结构之间,取消它的独立性,使变成偏正结构 [used between the subject and the predicate in a S-P structure so as to nominalize]:中国之大 the vastness of China战斗之烈 the fierceness of the battle大道之行也,天下为公。When the great Way is followed, all the world belongs to the people.如因势利导,则如水之就下,极为自然。If we guide the matter along its course of development, it will proceed as naturally as water flows downwards.相关词组反之 | 加之 | 兼之 | 总之 | 犹之乎 | 换言之 | 安之若素 | 操之过急 | 嗤之以鼻 | 持之以恒 | 持之有故 | 处之泰然 | 付之一炬 | 付之一笑 | 甘之如饴 | 呼之欲出 | 溜之大吉 | 溜之乎也 | 求之不得 | 趋之若鹜 | 却之不恭 | 失之交臂 | 束之高阁 | 逃之夭夭 | 听之任之 | 玄之又玄 | 置之不理 | 置之度外 | 八拜之交 | 百分之百 | 不白之冤 | 不解之缘 | 不经之谈 | 不刊之论 | 不毛之地 | 不情之请 | 不识之无 | 不速之客 | 不祧之祖 | 不义之财 | 不易之论 | 不治之症 | 成人之美 | 城下之盟 | 乘人之危 | 池鱼之殃 | 初生之犊 | 吹灰之力 | 当务之急 | 多事之秋 | 肺腑之言 | 风中之烛 | 俯仰之间 | 覆盆之冤 | 害群之马 | 浩然之气 | 涸辙之鲋 | 后顾之忧 | 后起之秀 | 缓兵之计 | 掎角之势 | 嗟来之食 | 惊弓之鸟 | 井底之蛙 | 举手之劳 | 孔孟之道 | 立锥之地 | 略识之无 | 门户之见 | 难言之隐 | 内顾之忧 | 匹夫之勇 | 七步之才 | 前车之鉴 | 黔驴之技 | 强弩之末 | 切肤之痛 | 切骨之仇 | 燃眉之急 | 丧家之犬 | 身外之物 | 神来之笔 | 生花之笔 | 嗜痂之癖 | 首善之区 | 贪天之功 | 倘来之物 | 天府之国 | 天作之合 | 瓮中之鳖 | 乌合之众 | 无价之宝 | 无米之炊 | 无冕之王 | 无妄之灾 | 先见之明 | 弦外之音 | 象牙之塔 | 心腹之患 | 血光之灾 | 言外之意 | 一臂之力 | 一得之功 | 一得之愚 | 一定之规 | 一技之长 | 一家之言 | 一孔之见 | 一面之词 | 一面之交 | 一念之差 | 一丘之貉 | 一日之雅 | 一席之地 | 引玉之砖 | 有生之年 | 鱼米之乡 | 渔人之利 | 云泥之别 | 在天之灵 | 知人之明 | 众矢之的 | 肘腋之患 | 诛心之论 | 自知之明 | 不了了之 | 等而下之 | 感慨系之 | 姑妄听之 | 姑妄言之 | 好自为之 | 敬而远之 | 久而久之 | 取而代之 | 堂而皇之 | 一笑置之 | 总而言之 | 慷他人之慨 | 鸣鼓而攻之 | 一言以蔽之 | 有过之无不及 | 勿谓言之不预 | 不费吹灰之力 | 九牛二虎之力 | 三寸不烂之舌 | 手无缚鸡之力 | 反其道而行之 | 醉翁之意不在酒 | 冒天下之大不韪 | 英雄无用武之地 | 巧妇难为无米之炊 | 差之毫厘,谬以千里 | 皮之不存,毛将焉附 | 取之不尽,用之不竭 | 失之东隅,收之桑榆 | 失之毫厘,谬以千里 | 百足之虫,死而不僵 | 千里之堤,溃于蚁穴 | 千里之行,始于足下 | 盛名之下,其实难副 | 无源之水,无本之木 | 星星之火,可以燎原 | 以子之矛,攻子之盾 | 欲加之罪,何患无辞 | 前事不忘,后事之师 | 司马昭之心,路人皆知 | 冰冻三尺,非一日之寒之后 | 之前 | 之乎者也之1. to go to; to leave for; to arrive at2. zigzag; winding3. an expletive4. third person objective case5. this; that; these; those6. possessive particle of之[zhī]代1. 书 (used in place of an objective noun or pronoun)♦ 影片情节十分悲惨, 观众无不为~感动。 The film was so sad that none were unmoved.♦ 将如~何? What is to be done?2. (used in certain set phrases without definite designation)♦ 我们三个人我最年长, 李次~, 张又次~。 Of the three of us, I am the eldest, Li is younger, and Zhang is the youngest.♦ 手之舞~, 足之蹈~ dance with joy3. this or that♦ ~子于归。 The maiden goes to her future home.助1. 书 (used between an attribute and the word it modifies)♦ 钟鼓~声 the sound of drums and bells♦ 原因~一 one of the reasons♦ 宝中~宝 the treasure of treasures♦ 一水~隔 be separated only by a river2. (used between the subject and the predicate in a S-P structure so as to make it nominalized)♦ 如因势利导, 则如水~就下, 极为自然。 If we guide the matter along its course of development, it will proceed as naturally as water flows downwards.




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