

单词 久而久之
释义 久而久之1. as time passes久而久之 jiǔ'érjiǔzhīin the course of time; as time passes久而久之我们已经习惯了国外的生活。 As time passes we are getting used to living abroad.久而久之jiǔérjiǔzhīover timeas time passesin the fullness of time久而久之as time passes久而久之 jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī in the course of time; as time passes; with the lapse of time; gradually; in good time; in the long run:  只要你注意搜集,久而久之, 资料就丰富了。 If you keep on collection, in time you'll have a wealth of data.  机器要不好好养护,久而久之就要生锈。 If the machinery were not maintained properly, It would get rusty as time passes. 久而久之[jiǔ ér jiǔ zhī] 经过了相当长的时间 in the course of time; with the lapse of time; as time passes:机器要不好好养护,久而久之就要生锈。Without proper maintenance, the machine will become rusty over time.久而久之1. in the course of time; as time passes; over a long period of time久而久之in the course of time; with the lapse of time; as time passes♦ 只要你注意搜集, ~, 资料就丰富了。 If you keep on collecting, in time you'll have a wealth of data.




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