

单词 举凡
释义 文馨英漢☞舉凡举凡 jǔfánwr. all without exception举凡jǔfánsuch things as ...examples including ... (etc)without exceptioneveryany举凡<书>ranging from to用于时间from until用于地点from to举凡 jǔ fán (书) (凡是) ranging from ... to ...; all ... such as举凡[jǔ fán]〈书 fml.〉凡是(下文大多列举)ranging from ...to ...; all ...such as:戏曲表演的手法,内容非常丰富,举凡喜、怒、哀、乐、惊、恐、愁、急等感情的流露,全都提炼出一套完整的程式。The methods of expression are diverse in theatrical performance. A complete set of stylized moves have been summarized to express many kinds of emotion, such as joy, anger, grief, happiness, surprise, fear, worry, and anxiety.




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