

释义 主1. Allah2. god3. host4. lord5. main6. master7. owner8. primary主 zhǔI b.f.1) master (主仆)2) owner (主人)3) person/party concerned (买主)4) host (主人)5) opinion; view (主观)6) manage; direct (主管)7) indicate; betoken8) advocate (主张)9) main; principal (主要)10) ancestral tablet (神主)II n.God主zhǔownermasterhostindividual or party concernedGodLordmainto indicate or signifytrump card (in card games)主 n. 参见:主人宾主 guest and host车主 car owner当家作主 be one's own master主仆 master and servant当事人person or party concerned卖主 vendor失主 person who has lost property上帝;真主【宗】God; Allah牌位memorial tablet见解have an opinion about something他心里没主。 He didn't know what to do. v. 预示to foretell晚霞主晴。 Red sky at night, shepherd's delight.参见:主持[zhǔchí]参见:主张[zhǔzhāng]主和 advocate peace主战 advocate war adj. 参见:主要[zhǔyào]自立更生为主,争取外援为辅 focus on self-reliance, supplemented by foreign aid从自身出发的take the initiative主 zhǔ 名 (接待别人的人) host:  宾主 host and guest;  东道主 host (权力或财物的所有者) master; owner; possessor:  一家之主 the master of the house;  债主 creditor;  业主 proprietor;  奴隶主 slave owner (当事人) interested persons or parties:  失主 owner of lost property;  买主 buyer (基督教徒对上帝、伊斯兰教徒对真主的称呼) God; Lord; Allah:  万军之主(指耶和华) the Lord of Hosts; the God of Hosts;  真主 Allah (对事情的确定的见解) view; opinion; idea:  颇有主见 have definite views of one's own;  我一时心里没主。 For a moment I just didn't know what to do. (姓氏) a surname:  主问礼 Zhu Wenli 动 (负主要责任; 主持) lead; manage; take charge of:  主婚人 parents or guardians of bride and bridegroom;  主事 manage the affairs; take charge of the business (主张) advocate; stand for:  主战 advocate war;  主战派 the hawks;  主和 stand for negotiation; advocate peace (预示) indicate; betoken; presage:  主凶 betoken ill luck;  早霞主雨, 晚霞主晴。 Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather. 形 (最重要的; 最基本的) main; principal; primary:  主截面 the principal section; principal cross-section (从自身出发的) subjective:  主格 the subjective case; nominative case 主主 812B05  60.11  部居  畫數 5ㄓㄨˇ [zhu3] N.(1)  Master, chief owner, possessor: 主人,主子 [zhu3ren2], [zhu3zi0]↓;主奴 master and servants or slave;作主 make final decision;是誰作主 who makes the decisions? 由他作主 let him assume final responsibility;一家之主 head of the family;房主 house owner;船主 the boatman (boat owner, oft. the captain);車主 car owner;債主 creditor;財主 a wealthy man, the person who puts up the money.(2)  Host: 主客 host and guest;guest of honor (opp. 陪客 all other guests).(3)  Main aim, goal: 主旨 [zhu3zhi3]↓;以清潔為主 the principal thing is cleanliness.(4)  Lord, sovereign: 救主 Lord Saviour;天主 (Roman Catholic) God;主上[zhu3shang4]↓;一國之主 head of the state.(5)  公主 princess.(6)  神主,木主 spirit tablet for worship: see 點主 41S.40.V.t.(1)  To direct, to head (group, activity): 主管 [zhu3guan3]↓;主持 [zhu3chi2]↓;君主,民主 monarchy, democracy;主其事 direct the whole business;主婚 [zhu3hun1], 主任 [zhu3ren4]↓.(2)  To control, determine: 心不由主 lose self-control;六神無主,沒有主心骨兒 a floating feeling of not knowing what one is doing;自主 be independent (country);主動,主使 [zhu3dong4], [zhu3shi3]↓.(3)  (AC) to lodge at (s.o.’s house).(4)  (Divination) indicate: 主吉,主凶 indicates good, bad, luck.(5)  To stand for, to sponsor, lead or hold (an opinion against others): 主戰,主和 stand for war, for negotiation;主張 [zhu3zhang1]↓.Adj.Main, principal: 主題,主旨,主要 [zhu3ti2], [zhu3zhi3], [zhu3yao4]↓;主流 main stream;主峰 principal peak;主犯,從犯 main culprit, accomplice;主食 staple food (rice, wheat, etc.).Words1. 主辦 [zhu3ban4], v.t. & n., (be) prime mover, director: 誰主辦的 who is the director (of paper, movement)?2. 主編 [zhu3bian1], v.t. & n., (be) editor in chief.3. 主筆 [zhu2bi3], v.t. & n., (be) editor; editorial writer.4. 主持 [zhu3chi2], v.t., (1) to manage, direct (household, organization); (2) to uphold (an opinion, theory): 主持正義 uphold justice.5. 主權 [zhu3qUan2], n., sovereignty (of a country); power of decision: 主權在我 I make the decisions; 主權國 a sovereign country; not dependent.6. 主動 [zhu3dong4], v.i. & n., (to hold, retain) initiative; to initiate:誰主動的 who is back of this (the prime mover)?7. 主犯 [zhu3fan4], n., main culprit.8. 主婦 [zhu3fu4], n., mistress of a house; 家主婦 housewife.9. 主稿 [zhu3gao3], v.i. & n., person elected or appointed to draft a statement.10. 主管 [zhu2guan3], v.t. & n., to manage; manager.11. 主觀 [zhu3guan1], adj., subjective (opinion, criticism), opp. 客觀 objective; oft. 主觀的.12. 主顧 [zhu3gu4], n., customer.13. 主公 [zhu3gong1], n., (MC) address to ruler, somewhat similar to “My Lord.”14. 主婚 [zhu3hun1], v.i., to officiate at wedding; 主婚人 [zhu3hun1ren2], n., such person.15. 主張 [zhu3zhang1], (1) v.i. & t., to decide, to believe in: 主張去,不去 (person) decides to go, not to go; v.i. & t., 主張讓步 believe in making concessions; (2) n., opinion, decision: 是誰的主張 whose idea is this? 各有主張 each has his opinion; n., 主張不同 opinions differ; 主張公道 stand for justice.16. 主講 [zhu2jiang3], v.i., make the main speech; speak on special subject.17. 主角 [zhu2jiao3], n., main actor or actress; main character in story.18. 主見 [zhu3jian4], n., (1) subjective view: 這人沒主見 this person has no opinions of his own; (2) preconceived opinion, cf. 成見 prejudice.19. 主將 [zhu3jiang4], n., commander in chief.20. 主教 [zhu3jiao4], n., bishop; 總主教 archbishop.21. 主計 [zhu3ji4]1, n., formerly, treasurer.22. 主祭 [zhu3ji4]2, v.i. & n., (be) the officer offering sacrifices.23. 主旨 [zhu2zhi3], n., aim goal.24. 主客 [zhu3ke4], n., (1) host and guest; (2) principal guest.25. 主兒 [zhu3er0], n., master; anyone of master's family or class.26. 主力 [zhu3li4], n., principal strength, force; main body of army.27. 主謀 [zhu3mou2], v.i. & n., (person who) hatches idea of a plan; the mastermind.28. 主母 [zhu2mu3], n., mistress, the lady of the house.29. 主腦 [zhu2nao3], n., (1) the essential point or aspect of matter; (2) leader in group action.30. 主僕 [zhu3pu2], phr., master and servant.31. 主任 [zhu3ren4], n., chairman of committee, commission, group, department, bureau; chief, head (of publicity, promotion, etc.): 主任秘書 chief secretary; 主任委員 chairman of committee.32. 主人 [zhu3ren2], n., (1) the owner (of house, shop, dog, umbrella, etc.); n., (2) master, boss: 主人翁,主人公 [zhu3ren2weng1], [zhu3ren2gong1], n., (a) principal character in play, novel; n., (b) address of master.33. 主日 [zhu3ri4], n., (Christian) the Lord's Day, Sunday; 主日學 Sunday school.34. 主上 [zhu3shang4], n., Your Majesty.35. 主席 [zhu3xi2], n., chairman of meeting; chairman of political party or committee: 主席團 presidium, board of chairmen in collective leadership system.36. 主刑 [zhu3xing2], n., punishment for the chief count or charge, dist. other counts.37. 主帥 [zhu3shuai4], n., address to commander in chief.38. 主使 [zhu2shi3], (1) v.i. & t., to instigate; (2) n., instigator.39. 主體 [zhu2ti3], n., (1) main body, item; (2) principal aim, idea, purpose; (3) the active element.40. 主題 [zhu3ti2], n., main theme (of speech, music composition, etc.) chief point of interest (in painting, photograph).41. 主子 [zhu3zi0], n., (1) address to master; (2) Your Majesty.42. 主宰 [zhu2zai3], n., lord (of creation); master.43. 主位 [zhu3wei4], n., (1) host's seat at table; (2) seat of the throne.44. 主文 [zhu3wen2], n., leading paragraph of judge's review, summing up the juristic position of case.45. 主物 [zhu3wu4], n., (law) principal object of dispute (such as property rights).46. 主演 [zhu2yan3], v.i., to be the main speaker or performer; to have for subject (of speech, etc.).47. 主要 [zhu3yao4], adj., principal, main, essential (point, aim, problem, agency, etc.).48. 主意 [zhu3yi4]1, n., see [zhu3zhang1]↑.49. 主義 [zhu3yi4]2, n., equivalent of “-ism” in “socialism,” “pragmatism,” “opportunism,” “patriotism,” etc.).50. 主因 [zhu3yin1], n., principal factor or cause.主[zhǔ](ㄓㄨˇ)1.接待别人的人(跟‘客、宾’相对 as opposed to ‘guest’ or ‘visitor’)host:宾主 guest and host东道主 host 2.权力或财物的所有者 owner:物主 owner of property车主 owner of a car物归原主 return sth. to its rightful owner 3.旧社会中占有奴隶或雇用仆役的人(跟‘奴、仆’相对 as opposed to ‘slave’ or ‘servant’)master:主仆 master and servant奴隶主 slave owner 4.当事人 person or party concerned:失主 owner of lost property事主 victim of a crime卖主 seller主顾 customer; client 5.基督教徒对上帝、伊斯兰教徒对真主的称呼 (Christ.) God; Lord; (Islam) Allah 6.最重要的; 最基本的 main; primary:主要 main主力 main force; main strength of an army 7.负主要责任;主持 manage; direct; be in charge of:主办 sponsor主讲 give a lecture 8.主张 advocate:主战 advocate war主和 advocate peace; stand for negotiation力主改革 do one's utmost to advocate reform 9.预示(吉凶祸福、自然变化等) indicate; signify (one's fate or changes of nature):左眼跳主财,右眼跳主灾(迷信 superstition)。Twitching of the left eyelid signifies fortune; and twitching of the right signifies calamity.早霞主雨,晚霞主晴。Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather. 10.对事情的确定的见解 hold a definite view about sth.:他心里没主。He did not know what to do. 11.从自身出发的 subjective:主动 initiative主观 subjective 12.死人的牌位 memorial tablet of the deceased:神主 spirit tablet木主 sacred wooden tablet 13.(Zhǔ) 姓 a surname相关词组霸主 | 班主 | 帮主 | 宾主 | 财主 | 车主 | 得主 | 地主 | 公主 | 顾主 | 雇主 | 户主 | 火主 | 货主 | 寄主 | 教主 | 君主 | 苦主 | 狼主 | 力主 | 领主 | 买主 | 卖主 | 盟主 | 庙主 | 民主 | 牧主 | 神主 | 失主 | 施主 | 事主 | 天主 | 窝主 | 物主 | 雄主 | 宿主 | 业主 | 原主 | 债主 | 真主 | 自主 | 做主 | 班主任 | 本主儿 | 唱主角 | 打主意 | 大主教 | 君主国 | 民主国 | 拿主意 | 女主人 | 馊主意 | 天主教 | 宗主国 | 宗主权 | 东道主 | 二地主 | 房产主 | 封建主 | 救世主 | 农奴主 | 奴隶主 | 小业主 | 造物主 | 君主立宪 | 君主专制 | 民主党派 | 民主改革 | 民主革命 | 入主出奴 | 爱国主义 | 本本主义 | 本位主义 | 地方主义 | 帝国主义 | 封建主义 | 改良主义 | 个人主义 | 功利主义 | 共产主义 | 古典主义 | 官僚主义 | 国际主义 | 机会主义 | 集体主义 | 教条主义 | 军国主义 | 浪漫主义 | 利己主义 | 列宁主义 | 马列主义 | 蒙昧主义 | 民权主义 | 民生主义 | 民族主义 | 命令主义 | 平均主义 | 人道主义 | 人文主义 | 三民主义 | 沙文主义 | 社会主义 | 实用主义 | 事务主义 | 唯物主义 | 唯心主义 | 现实主义 | 写实主义 | 形式主义 | 修正主义 | 虚无主义 | 折衷主义 | 执行主席 | 殖民主义 | 种族主义 | 资本主义 | 自然主义 | 自由主义 | 宗派主义 | 不由自主 | 独立自主 | 反客为主 | 六神无主 | 先入为主 | 喧宾夺主 | 民主集中制 | 达尔文主义 | 大民族主义 | 法西斯主义 | 马克思主义 | 无政府主义 | 社会主义革命 | 人民民主专政 | 辩证唯物主义 | 地方民族主义 | 官僚资本主义 | 机械唯物主义 | 科学共产主义 | 科学社会主义 | 客观唯心主义 | 历史唯物主义 | 历史唯心主义 | 右倾机会主义 | 共产主义青年团 | 社会主义所有制 | 新民主主义革命 | 马克思列宁主义主办 | 主笔 | 主币 | 主编 | 主场 | 主持 | 主创 | 主词 | 主次 | 主从 | 主打 | 主刀 | 主导 | 主动 | 主队 | 主儿 | 主伐 | 主犯 | 主峰 | 主父 | 主妇 | 主干 | 主根 | 主攻 | 主顾 | 主观 | 主管 | 主婚 | 主机 | 主祭 | 主见 | 主将 | 主讲 | 主角 | 主教 | 主考 | 主课 | 主力 | 主粮 | 主流 | 主楼 | 主麻 | 主谋 | 主脑 | 主权 | 主人 | 主任 | 主食 | 主使 | 主事 | 主诉 | 主题 | 主体 | 主文 | 主席 | 主线 | 主星 | 主刑 | 主演 | 主要 | 主页 | 主义 | 主意 | 主因 | 主语 | 主宰 | 主张 | 主旨 | 主轴 | 主子 | 主动脉 | 主力舰 | 主力军 | 主人公 | 主人翁 | 主视图 | 主题词 | 主题歌 | 主席团 | 主心骨 | 主旋律 | 主板市场 | 主动脉弓 | 主观主义 | 主观能动性 | 主观唯心主义主a.Main【语】(复合句中)主(要)的,表达主要陈述的;句法上独立的dominical主的,基督的n.Land〈美〉〈婉〉[用于感叹句]上帝,主master[the M-]【宗】耶稣基督,主lord[L- (God)] 上帝(除用作呼语外一般常用冠词 the);耶稣基督,主(其前常冠以 our)Herr主(指上帝或耶稣基督)Adonai主,上帝(诵读希伯来文《圣经》时用以代替不得直呼的雅赫维)phr.our Master【宗】耶稣基督,主主1. an owner; a master2. the host3. main; primary4. to be in charge of5. God主coolant primary双向☞总--主--干线双向☞主要的--主双向☞一次--主双向☞主--主机双向☞主--主管主[zhǔ]名1. host♦ 宾主 2. owner; master♦ ~仆 master and servant♦ 企业~ proprietor of an enterprise3. person or party concerned♦ 买主 ♦ 事主 4. God; Lord5. Allah6. 方 trunk card (in poker)♦ 你有几张~?How many trunk cards do you have?形main; primary♦ ~航道 main (or principal) channel动1. manage; direct; be in charge of♦ 主管 2. indicate; signify♦ 早霞~雨, 晚霞~晴。 Rosy morning clouds indicate rain, and a rosy sunset means fine weather.3. hold a definite view about sth.; advocate♦ 我一时心里没~。 For a moment I just didn't know what to do.




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