

单词 为止
释义 为止 wéizhǐ1) up to; till到昨天为止,共有八人签了名。 As of yesterday, eight people in all had signed their names.2) no further为止wéizhǐuntil(used in combination with words like 到[dào] or 至[zhì] in constructs of the form 到...到...为止)为止up until自一日起到十五日为止 from the first of the month up until the 15th到今日为止 up until today展览会展出到三十日为止。 The exhibition is on until the 30th.为止 wéi zhǐ up to; till:  到去年年底为止 up to the end of last year;  迄今为止 up to now; so far;  今天的工作就到此为止。 That's all for today.  到昨天为止, 他才做完那工作。 He did not finish the work till yesterday. 为止[wéi zhǐ] 截止;终止(多用于时间、进度等 of time, progress, etc.)up to; till:到目前为止,报名的人已超过一千。The number of those who have signed up has exceeded 1,000 by now.为止1. up to; till; until为止up to; till♦ 迄今~ up to now; so far♦ 到去年年底~ up to the end of last year♦ 一直等到他回来~ wait till he returns♦ 今天的讨论到此~。 That's all for today's discussion.




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