

单词 为了
释义 为了 wèileI conj.for; for the sake of; in order toII cons.1) 为了 N ér V: to V for or on behalf of N为了前途而努力 work hard for one's future2) 为了 A qǐjiàn: for (the purpose/sake of) A为了wèilein order tofor the purpose ofso as to为了in order to为了赢得时间 in order to gain time为了共同事业 for a common cause为了共同对敌 to confront a common enemy为了完成计划 in order to complete the plan为了表示友好 in order to be friendly为了表示感谢 in order to express gratitude为了避免误会 for the purposes of avoiding a misunderstanding为了自己的卑鄙目的 for one's own despicable purposes为了纪念鲁迅 in memory of Lu Xun为了摆脱贫困,改善生活 in order to cast off poverty and improve one's life为了抢救国家物资,与山洪英勇搏斗 to bravely battle the flash floods for the sake of saving state resources为了 wèi le for; for the sake of; in order to:  为了实现现代化 for the sake of modernization; in order to realize modernization;  为了... 的事业 for the cause of...;  为了... 的利益 in the interests of...; for the benefit of ...; on behalf of one's interests;  他为了写一本新书而在收集素材。 He is going to get material for a new book. 为了[wèi le] 表示目的 for; for the sake of; in order to:学习是为了工作 study for the sake of work一切为了人民利益 everything for the people's interests为了教育群众,首先要向群众学习。In order to educate the masses, it is, first of all, to learn from the masses.注意 NOTE:表示原因,一般用‘因为’不用‘为了’ to indicate a reason, usu. use 因为 yīn·wèi instead of 为了为了conj.AND〈口〉[用于 come, go, try 等动词后,表示目的]为了that[引导状语从句,表示目的]为了AS[与 so 连用,表示目的]为了,以便SO为了,以便prep.TO[表示目的、 意图]为了;用作IN[表示原因、目的]由于;为了;作为FOR[表示目的]为了;为了…的利益;为…作准备PRO在…之前;为了…;出自…phr.in order to为了(做某事)on behalf of为了…的利益;为了in the name of为…的缘故,为了…for the sake of由于,为了;为了…的利益in order that目的在于…,为了为了1. for; for the sake of; in order to; in order that; so as to do; in behalf of; in the cause of; on purpose为了for; for the sake of; in order to♦ ~健康戒烟 give up smoking for the sake of health♦ ~准确起见, 他再次核查数字。 To make sure, he checked all the figures over again.




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