

单词 为主
释义 为主 wéizhǔgive first place to传统家庭以男性为主。 Traditional families give first place to males.为主wéizhǔto rely mainly onto attach most importance to为主 wéi zhǔ give first place to; give priority to; take sth. as the principal thing:  疾病应以预防为主。 Stress should be put on the prevention of diseases.  以自力更生为主, 外援为辅 rely mainly on one's own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞為主为主1. to give first place to; to give priority to; to take something as the principal thing2. mainly为主give first place to; give priority to♦ 以自力更生~, 外援为辅 rely mainly on one's own efforts while making external assistance subsidiary




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