

释义 文馨英漢☞為ABCABC★◀▶为 wéiI v.1) do; accomplish2) act/serve as3) be; become4) governII cov.byIII cons.为 N suǒ V: be V'ed by N为敌所败 be defeated by the enemyIV suf.1) added to s.v. to form adv.大为可贵 very valuable/praiseworthy2) added to adv. as intensifier极为可怕 extremely frightening为 wèi1) v. wr. stand for; support2) cov. for; on account of; to你这样做为谁? For whom are you doing this?3) cons. 为 N ér V: to V for or on behalf of N为人民而死 die for the people4) b.f. for; because of (为什么, 因为)为wéias (in the capacity of)to take sth asto act asto serve asto behave asto becometo beto doby (in the passive voice)wèibecause offortowéivariant of 为[wéi]as (i.e. in the capacity of)to take sth asto act asto serve asto behave asto becometo beto dowèivariant of 为[wèi], because offorto为 prep. 被,一般用动词的被动态形式表达used to express the passive form of a verb为实际所必需 be necessary for the sake of practicality为仇者快,亲者痛 bring joy to one's enemies and sadness to one's friends他为人所骗。 He was cheated by somebody.这种艺术形式为广大人民所喜闻乐见 this art form is adored by the masses v. 做,行to do所作所为 one's behaviour充当act as聘请老工人为顾问 hire an old worker as a consultant选他为代表 elect him as representative任他为秘书 appoint him as secretary以...为饵 use ... as bait以此为例 use this as an example以...为借口 use ... as an excuse以助人为乐 help others for pleasure以...为条件 on the condition that...以...为依据 use ... as evidence以...为目的 with the aim of ...成为become合而为一 become one化为乌有 vanish into thin air变沙漠为良田 turn desert into farmland分为若干项 split into a certain number of items每十人为一组 ten people to a group是to be小心为是 play it safe长为两公尺 measure two metres in length为时尚早 too soon期限为三个月 it lasts for a three-month period假期为一个月 the holiday is a month long运费每吨公里为五元。 The freight charge is five yuan per ton-kilometre.中华人民共和国首都为北京。 The People's Republic of China has Beijing as its capital.关心他人比关心自己为重 be more concerned with looking after other people than oneself auxiliary word 表示疑问<书>used to indicate a rhetorical question何以家为? why do I need a home anyway?为 wèi 动 (书) (帮助; 卫护) support; stand for; 介 (表示行为的对象):  为人民服务 serve the people;  为农民唱歌 sing for the peasants;  为顾客着想 think about the interests of the customers;  为农村服务 serve the countryside (表示目的):  为实现四个现代化而努力工作 work hard for realizing the four modernizations;  为生活而写作 write for a living (表示原因):  为友谊干杯 toast our friendship;  为胜利而欢呼 hail a victory (对; 向):  不足为外人道 not worth speaking to others;  且为诸君言之。 Now I'll inform you about it. 另见 wéi。 2) 为(為、爲) wéi 动 (做; 作为) do; act:  为善 do good;  敢作敢为 act with daring; bold in action;  事在人为。 Human effort is the decisive factor. (充当) serve as; act as; play the part of:  指鹿为马 call a stag a horse;  以此为凭。 This will serve as a proof. (变成; 成) become; turn into:  人满为患 so crowded as to become a source of trouble;  化干戈为玉帛 turn hostility into friendship;  化整为零 break up the whole into parts;  一分为二。 One divides into two. (是) be; mean:  1公里为2华里。 One kilometre is equivalent to two li.  100厘米为一米。 One hundred centimetres make one metre. (附于某些单音形容词后,表示程度、范围):  广为流传 spread far and wide;  深为感动 be deeply touched (moved) (附于某些表示程度的单音副词后,加强语气):  极为重要 most important;  尤为出色 particularly splendid 介 (跟“所”字合用,表示被动) by:  为人所害 be murdered;  为贼所盗 be stolen by a thief;  不为表面现象所迷惑 not be confused by superficial phenomena 助 (书) (常跟“何”相应,表示疑问):  何以妻为? What need have I of a wife? 名 (姓氏) a surname:  为昆 Wei Kun 另见 wèi。为1[wéi](ㄨㄟˊ)(為、爲)1.做;作为1 do; act:事在人为。It all depends on human effort.敢作敢为 act with courage and determination; make bold to大有可为 have bright prospects; well worth doing青年有为 young and up-and-coming 2.充当 act as; serve as:选他为代表。He was elected a delegate. 3.变成;成 turn; become:一分为二。A whole divides into two.or Everything tends to divide into two.化为乌有 come to naught; turn to dust变沙漠为良田 turn deserts into farmlands 4.是 be; mean:十寸为一尺。Ten cun equal one chi.为2[wéi](ㄨㄟˊ)(為、爲)〈介词 prep.〉被(跟‘所’字合用)[used with 所 suǒ in passive voice]:这种艺术形式为广大人民所喜闻乐见。The broad masses of the people love to see and hear this artistic form.为3[wéi](ㄨㄟˊ)(為、爲)〈书 fml.〉〈助词 aux.〉常跟‘何’相应,表示疑问 [oft. used with 何 hé in a rhetorical question]:何以家为(要家干什么)?What do I need a home for? (usu. a remark by a patriot in a national crisis)为4[wéi](ㄨㄟˊ)(為、爲)1.附于某些单音形容词后,构成表示程度、范围的副词 [used after a monosyllabic adjective to form an adverb to indicate degree or scope]:大为高兴 very happy广为传播 spread far and wide深为感动 be touched deeply 2.附于某些表示程度的单音副词后,加强语气 [used after a monosyllabic adverb for emphasis]:极为重要 extremely important甚为便利 rather convenient颇为可观 rather impressive; considerable尤为出色 rather outstanding另见 wèi为[wèi](ㄨㄟˋ)(為、爲)1.〈书 fml.〉帮助;卫护 help; defend; protect:为吕氏者右袒,为刘氏者左袒。Those who take sides with Lü please bare your right shoulder, and those take sides with Liu please bare your left shoulder. 2.〈介词 prep.〉表示行为的对象;替 in the interest of; for:为你庆幸 congratulate you为人民服务 serve the people为这本书写一篇序 write a preface for the book 3.〈介词 prep.〉表示目的 for the purpose of; for the sake of:为大家的健康干杯。A toast to everyone's health!为建设伟大祖国而奋斗。Strive to build up the great motherland. 4.对;向 to:不足为外人道 do not mention to others; not breathe about it to others 5.因为 because:为何?Why?另见 wéi相关词组成为 | 大为 | 代为 | 行为 | 极为 | 较为 | 略为 | 难为 | 人为 | 认为 | 稍为 | 特为 | 妄为 | 无为 | 以为 | 因为 | 尤为 | 有为 | 最为 | 作为 | 难为情 | 不失为 | 不为已甚 | 奉为圭臬 | 行为能力 | 好为人师 | 混为一谈 | 勉为其难 | 叹为观止 | 蔚为大观 | 言为心声 | 自为阶级 | 逼良为娼 | 不以为然 | 不以为意 | 不足为奇 | 不足为训 | 步步为营 | 察察为明 | 反客为主 | 各自为政 | 好自为之 | 化险为夷 | 画地为牢 | 狼狈为奸 | 量入为出 | 朋比为奸 | 舍己为公 | 舍己为人 | 无能为力 | 习以为常 | 下不为例 | 先睹为快 | 先入为主 | 相忍为国 | 相依为命 | 羞与为伍 | 以邻为壑 | 与人为善 | 指鹿为马 | 助桀为虐 | 助纣为虐 | 转危为安 | 自以为是 | 大有可为 | 大有作为 | 胆大妄为 | 胡作非为 | 见义勇为 | 事在人为 | 无所不为 | 无所作为 | 何乐而不为 | 化干戈为玉帛 | 识时务者为俊杰 | 巧妇难为无米之炊 | 人为刀俎,我为鱼肉为害 | 为何 | 为患 | 为了 | 为力 | 为难 | 为期 | 为人 | 为生 | 为时 | 为首 | 为数 | 为伍 | 为着 | 为止 | 为什么 | 为非作歹 | 为富不仁 | 为虎傅翼 | 为虎作伥 | 为人作嫁 | 为所欲为 | 为渊驱鱼,为丛驱雀为prep.IN[表示动作的方向或结果]入…中;成,为FOR[表示对象、用途等]为;给;对;供;适合于towards为;有助于;用于为1. to do2. to act as; to serve as3. to become4. to equal; to make\\wei\\ㄨㄟˋ\\1·for为[wéi]动1. do; act♦ 敢作敢~ be decisive and bold in action; act with daring2. act as; serve as♦ 选她~人民代表 elect her a people's deputy♦ 以此~凭。 This will serve as a proof.♦ 有诗~证。 A poem testifies to that.3. become♦ 变沙漠~良田 turn the desert into arable land4. be; mean♦ 一公里~二华里。 One kilometer is equivalent to two li.介(used with 所 in a passive sentence)♦ ~人民所爱戴 be loved and respected by the people♦ 不~表面现象所迷惑 not be confused by superficial phenomena助1. 书 (used in a rhetorical question with 何)♦ 何以家~? What need have I of a home? (usu. said during a national crisis)2. (used after an adjective to form an adverb)♦ 大~高兴 very happy♦ 广~流传 widely spread3. (used after an adverb for emphasis)♦ 极~重要 extremely important另见 wèi为[wèi]介1. in the interest of; for♦ ~大多数人谋利益 work in the interests of the vast majority of people2. because of♦ ~我们的友谊干杯!A toast to our friendship!♦ ~胜利而欢呼 hail a victory3. for the purpose of; for the sake of♦ ~方便起见 for the sake of convenience♦ 不~名, 不~利 seek no personal fame or gain4. to; towards♦ 他~我送来一份请帖。 He's sent an invitation to me.♦ 且~诸君言之。 Now I'll inform you about it.动书 stand for; support另见 wéi




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