

释义 丹1. cinnabar2. red丹 dān1) n. Ch. med. pellet; powder2) attr. red丹dānredpelletpowdercinnabar丹 n. 丸药;药粉pellet; powder参见:丹砂[dānshā] adj. 红色vermilion丹 dān 形 (红色) red:  丹枫 red maple 名  {矿}(朱砂) cinnabar:  炼丹 (try to) make pills of immortality (as a Taoist practice)  {药} (依成方制成的颗粒状或粉末状的中药) pellet or powder; pill:  灵丹妙药 a wonderful remedy for all diseases; panacea (姓氏) a surname:  丹云 Dan Yun 丹丹 694C40  42.42  部居  畫數 4ㄉㄢ [dan1] N.(1)  Pill: 膏丹丸散 medical pill, ointment and powder, esp. the pill of immortality sought by alchemists: 金丹,仙丹 elixir of life, the philosopher's stone;煉丹 the practice to form this pill.(2)  Cinnabar: 丹砂 [dan1sha1]↓.Adj.Red: 丹楓 red maple;丹桂 cinnamon;丹書,丹詔 imperial edict written in red.Words1. 丹忱 [dan1chen2], n., pure loyalty of heart.2. 丹誠 [dan1cheng2], n., ditto.3. 丹鉛 [dan1qian1], n., the business of proofreading or revision, from practice of using red ink (丹 vermilion and 鉛 white lead powder).4. 丹青 [dan1qing1], n., painting (red and green).5. 丹墀 [dan1chi1], n., terrace area in imperial palace.6. 丹第 [dan1di4], n., (translit.) Dante (usu. 但丁).7. 丹鼎 [dan1ding3], n., furnace of alchemists for concoction of pill of immortality.8. 丹毒 [dan1du2], n., (med.) erysipelas, a streptococcus disease of the skin.9. 丹方 [dan1fang1], n., medical prescription; prescription for making pill of immortality.10. 丹黃 [dan1huang2], n., red and yellow ink used in proofreading and revising.11. 丹魄 [dan1po4], n., amber.12. 丹砂 [dan1sha1], n., cinnabar, material for red color.13. 丹參 [dan1shen1], n., (bot.) salvia, Scutellaria indica.14. 丹心 [dan1xin1], n., heart of pure loyalty: 留取丹心照汗青 that my loyalty may leave a page in the annals.15. 丹田 [dan1tian2], n., the pubic region (seat of prostate and ovary) considered as region for forming internal pill of immortality; n., 丹田氣 n., breath control by the exercise of diaphragm.丹[dān](ㄉㄢ)1.红色 red:丹砂 cinnabar丹枫 fiery maple trees 2.依成方制成的颗粒状或粉末状的中药(从前道家炼药多用朱砂,所以称为‘丹’) pellet; powder; Chinese medicine prepared according to a prescription (in former times oft. used by Taoist alchemists, hence called‘dan’):丸散膏丹 pills, powder, extract and pellets灵丹妙药 wonder drug; panacea 3.指丹砂 cinnabar 4.(Dān) 姓 a surname相关词组蔻丹 | 炼丹 | 牡丹 | 契丹 | 书丹 | 苏丹 | 仙丹 | 果丹皮 | 灵丹妙药 | 阴丹士林丹毒 | 丹方 | 丹青 | 丹砂 | 丹田 | 丹心 | 丹顶鹤 | 丹凤眼丹n.Dan丹 (Daniel 的昵称) (m.)danio丹(一种东南亚产的热带观赏鱼)丹1. red2. [Chinese Medicine] a small pill; a pellet; a powder双向☞瓦格纳--丹双向☞丹--柯曼丹[dān]形red♦ ~枫 a flaming maple名[中]pellet or powder




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