

单词 临门
释义 临门 línmén1) wr. arrive2) sport facing the goal (soccer)临门línménto arrive homefacing one's homehome-coming(soccer) facing the goalmouth临门来到家门to come to the house贵客临门。 The guests came to visit.喜事临门 a happy event has descended in the family双喜临门 a double blessing has arrived upon the house到达球门前to be close to the goal临门一脚欠功夫 have poor performance at the goal临门[lín mén]1.来到家门 arrive at the door; on the doorstep:贵客临门。The distinguished guest has arrived.双喜临门。A double blessing has descended upon the house. 2.到达球门前 at the goal:临门一脚 shot on goal临门n.Rimmon【宗】临门(《圣经·列王纪·下》中亚述人和巴比仑崇拜的神)临门1. come to the house♦ 贵客~。 A distinguished guest came to the house.2. facing the goal♦ ~一脚 (in football) shooting (at the goal) after breaking through the opponent's defence; go for the goal




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