

单词 临渊羡鱼
释义 临渊羡鱼 línyuānxiànyúbetter practical steps than wishful thinking临渊羡鱼línyuānxiànyúsee 臨淵羨魚,临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网[lin2 yuan1 xian4 yu2 , bu4 ru2 tui4 er2 jie2 wang3]临渊羡鱼to admire in vain without taking action to achieve one's aim; to stand by a pond and long for fish临渊羡鱼 lín yuān xiàn yú (比喻徒有愿望, 不去实干, 于事无补) stand on the edge of a pool and idly long for fish; irresoluteness; shilly-shally; stand on the brink of a pond in pleasurable contemplation of the fish to be caught there without taking action:  临渊羡鱼, 莫如退而结网。 It's better to go back and make a net than to stand by the pond and long for fish.; Better return home and make a net than long for fish by the waterside.; It's better to go back and make a net than to covet the fish by merely staring into the water -- one should have a down-to-earth style of work to attain one's goal.; One should take practical steps to achieve one's aims. 临渊羡鱼[lín yuān xiàn yú]《汉书·董仲舒传》:‘临渊羡鱼,不如退而结网’。后用‘临渊羡鱼’比喻只有愿望,不去实干,就无济于事。History of Han·Biography of Dong Zhongshu: ‘Better to return home and make a net than to stand by the pond longing for fish.’ (fig.)It is useless to dream without taking action.临渊羡鱼stand by a pond longing for fish; one should take practical steps to achieve one's aims




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