单词 | 临时 |
释义 | 文馨英漢☞臨時临时 línshí1) adv. at time when sth. happens2) attr. temporary; provisional导演雇了一些临时演员。 The director hired some temporary actors.临时línshías the time draws nearat the last momenttemporaryinterimad hoc临时事到临头at the last moment事前做好准备,省得临时费事。 Preparation in advance will save on trouble at the time.临时发现原料不够用 discover at the last minute that there are not enough materials暂时temporary临时政府 provisional government临时议程 provisional agenda临时措施 temporary measure临时发票 provisional invoice临时收据 temporary receipt临时贷款 temporary loan临时代理 act on behalf of temporarily临时代理人 temporary deputy临时的现象 temporary phenomenon临时的决定 provisional decision临时工作人员 temporary worker临时凑合 do in a perfunctory fashion向别人临时借用 borrow from others temporarily例外的,非常的exceptional临时动议 emergency motion召开临时会议 hold an emergency session这次游行是临时安排的。 The parade was arranged at the last minute.临时 lín shí (临到事情发生时) at the time when sth. happens: 他正在临时准备考试。 He was boning up for an examination. (暂时的) temporary; provisional; for a short time: 临时办法 a temporary arrangement; makeshift measures; 临时补缺的人 filler-in (pl. fillers-in); 临时凑合 make do for the moment; 临时工作人员 a temporary member of the staff; 临时起作用的因素 a factor which could play only a temporary role 临时板条路 gangway; 临时包工 contracts on a temporary basis; occasional contracts; 临时保单 provisional policy; 临时保险费 provisional premium; 临时变量 temporary variable; 临时兵营 flying camp; 临时薄膜 {冶} temporary film; 临时布线 haywire wiring; 临时采伐 incidental felling; accidental cutting; 临时餐室 canteen; 临时仓库 transit depot; transit godown; 临时插入系统 {讯} camp-on system; 临时超前支架(护) {采矿} foreset; 临时撑 shoving; shoring; 临时撑木 cross-spale; 临时撑柱 {工} shoring; 临时撑住 timberjack; 临时成本 nonrecurring cost; 临时出口 temporary export; 临时措施 (诉讼进行中法院裁定的) interim measures; 临时贷款 interim credit; bridging loan; temporary loan; 临时代办 {外} chargé d'affaires ad interim; 临时代理人 acting agent; 临时地理坐标图 {军} temporary geographic grid; 临时电路 patch; 临时电线 haywire; 临时顶柱 gag; 临时动议 extempore motion; 临时短工 jobbing work; 临时堆栈 transit shed; 临时法庭 provisional court; 临时房屋建筑 shelter; 临时放牧场 emergency pasture; 临时费用 incidental expenses; 临时分保 facultative reinsurance; 临时分保合同 facultative treaty; 临时浮标 {航海} dan buoy; 临时负荷 provisional weight; 临时盖 substitution cover; 临时钢支柱 {采矿} roof jack; 临时工 casual laborers; temporary workers; odd-jobbers; seasonal workers; fill-in; 临时构筑物 booth (pl. booths); 临时股份 temporary share; 临时股票 scrip; 临时股票持有者 scrip holder; 临时罐道 temporary guide; 临时过境证 ATA carnets; 临时过夜客 overnight transient; 临时巷道 {矿} temporary working; 临时横撑 {采矿} false stull; 临时互助组 temporary mutual-aid teams; provisional mutual-aid teams; seasonal mutual-aid teams; 临时户口 temporary residence permit; 临时基底型应变计 {物} strain gauge with temporary base; 临时机场 opportunity airfield; 临时机动部队 emergency mobile forces; 临时记号 temporal sign; 临时记事本 blotter; 临时降价 temporary reduction; 临时接入或撤出 {讯} patch in or out; 临时接线 {电工} patch; 临时进口证 ATA carnet (admission temporaire carnet); 临时拘留 temporary detention; 临时军火列车 provisional ammunition train; 临时开支 interim charge; interim expenses; 临时客车 passenger extra; 临时扣押 interim attachment; 临时利润 threshhold returns; 临时铆钉 temporary rivet; 临时棚屋 (澳) mia-mia; 临时凭证 scrip; 临时铺板 {船} waist board; 临时起岸报(送)单 bill of sight; 临时牵条船 harpin; 临时桥 temporary bridge; 临时区域 temporary realm; 临时权力机构 provisional organ of state power; 临时燃烧器 extra burner; 临时山洪 arroyo-running; 临时设备表 special list of equipment; 临时试验 interim trial; 临时收据 interim receipt; temporary receipt; 临时收入账户 temporary receipts account; 临时收益 nonrecurring gains; nonrecurring income; 临时替用线 relief track; relief line; 临时填补物 fill-in; 临时调挡 makeshift; 临时停火 suspension of arms; 临时停机 hesitation; 临时通融 temporary accommodation; 临时透支 occasional overcraft; 临时舞台 makeshift stage; 临时协议 interim agreement; provisional agreement; 临时修理 temporary repair; running repair; 临时许可进口 admission temporaire; 临时演员 atmosphere person; 临时移动装置 makeshift; 临时议程 provisional agenda; 临时应急装置 {采矿} juryrig; 临时用户 casual user; 临时邮票 provisional; 临时预算 temporary budget; 临时载荷 short-time load; 临时暂定价格 provisional price; 临时(事故备用)闸门 emergency gate; 临时张索 gilguy; 临时证书 {外} temporary credentials; temporary papers; 临时政府 provisional (interim) government; 临时支撑{建} underpinning; 临时支撑扶垛 erisma; 临时支护 {采矿} gib; temporary lining; temporary support; 临时职工 temporary employee; 临时执照 provisional certificate; temporary licence; 临时终点站 railhead; 临时仲裁裁决 interim award; 临时主席 interim chairman; 临时住房 barong-barong (菲); 临时住宿之处 crashpad; 临时桩 grouser; 临时准备应考 cramming; 临时作业 one-shot job临时[lín shí]1.临到事情发生的时候 moment when sth. happens:临时抱佛脚 embrace the Buddha's feet in one's hour of need - seek help at the last moment or the eleventh hour; make a frantic last-minute effort事先准备好,省得临时着急。Advance preparation helps avoid any last-minute rush. 2.暂时;短期 temporary; provisional; interim; for a short time:临时工 temporary worker; casual labourer; odd jobber; fill-in临时政府 provisional or interim government临时借用一下,明天就还。Let me borrow it awhile, and return it tomorrow.临时a.temporary暂时的,临时的Odd临时的,不固定的;非经常的;各种各样的casual临时的;不定期的;〈英〉不定期领取救济的flying匆忙的;短促的,短暂的,临时的occasional临时的temp临时的Interim暂时的,临时的transient临时的;路过的;暂住的provisional临时的,暂时性的,暂定的Band-Aid〈美〉草草凑成的;权宜的,临时的stopgap补缺的;暂时的,临时的nonce特定场合的;只发生(或使用)一次的;短暂的;临时的extemporaneous临时的,权宜之计的unstudied即席(而成)的;临时的;随便的extempore即席的,即兴的,当场的;无准备的,临时的short-life供暂时占有(或居住)的;临时的ad.extempore即席,即兴,当场;无准备地,临时地phr.pro re nata临时的临时on feet即兴地,临时地pro tempore〈拉〉暂时的,临时的 暂时,临时ad interim〈拉〉过渡地(的),临时(的),暂时(的)临时1. temporary; provisional2. extemporaneous; impromptu3. at the last moment; for the occasion双向☞临时的--中间--过渡性的双向☞临时--随机--不规则双向☞多余--零散--奇数双向☞偶然--临时临时1. at the time when sth. is needed or is expected to happen♦ 你现在不准备, ~怎么办呢? If you don't prepare now, what will you do when the time comes?2. temporarily; for the time being♦ 我们~就用这个办法吧。 Let's use this method temporarily.♦ ~凑合 make do for the moment3. temporary; provisional♦ ~办法 a temporary solution (or arrangement); makeshift measures♦ ~工作人员 a temporary member of the staff♦ ~舞台 a makeshift stage♦ ~协议 a provisional (or interim) agreement♦ ~议程 a provisional agenda~代办 chargé d'affaires ad interim~动议 extempore motion~法庭 provisional court~费用 interim (or incidental) expenses~工 casual labourer; temporary worker~户口 temporary residence permit~协议 provisional agreement~执照 temporary license~证书 (in diplomacy) temporary credentials (or papers)~政府 provisional (or interim) government~主席 interim chairman |
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