

单词 临场
释义 临场 línchǎng1) appear on the scene2) attend an examination or participate in a contest临场línchǎngto be at the scene (sitting for an exam, performing, competing, giving directions etc)firsthand (experience)impromptu (remarks etc)临场在场to enter临场情况 performance on site缺乏临场经验 lack experience of competing临场要沉着镇静。 One must keep calm in an exam.亲自到现场to be personally present临场指导 give on-the-spot guidance林语堂当代汉英繁简☞臨場临场[lín chǎng]1.在考场参加考试;在竞赛场地参加竞赛 sit an examination (in specific location); enter a competition (in a competition venue):缺乏临场经验 lack field experience临场要沉着镇静。It's important to remain calm and cool-headed during a competition or an examination. 2.亲自到现场 be personally present:临场指导 render on-the-spot guidance临场a.extemporaneous即席的,即兴的,临场的;无准备的,随口而出的phr.on site在现场,临场国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞临场--原位临场1. when attending an examination; when participating in a contest♦ ~要沉着, 不要慌。 Keep calm during the exam. Don't panic.2. come personally to the site (or spot)♦ ~指导 come personally to give on-the-spot guidance




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