

释义 文馨英漢☞臨临 línI b.f.1) face; overlook; be near to (面临)2) arrive; be present (光临)3) copy (a model of calligraphy/painting) (临摹)II adv.on the point of; just before; be about toIII cov.1) facing2) about to; just prior to临línto faceto overlookto arriveto be (just) about tojust before临 prep. 将要to be about to临睡 about to sleep临死 just about to die临走以前 just before leaving v. 参见:临近临河 near a river面对着to face城市背山临水。 The city faces the water and is backed by hills.来到to reach光临 presence参见:临摹[línmó]临字帖 copy a model of calligraphy临 lín 动 (靠近; 对着) be close to; face; overlook:  面山临河 face the mountain and be close to the river;  如临大敌 as if confronted with a formidable enemy;  面临两种抉择 be faced with two alternatives (来到; 到达) be present; arrive:  大祸临头。 Disaster strikes one's head.  双喜临门。 A double blessing has descended upon the house.  敬请光临。 Your presence is cordially requested. (将要; 快要) be about to; be going to; on the point of; just before:  临睡 be about to sleep; just before sleep;  临刑 at the time of execution; just before execution;  临走前 before going (照着字画摹仿) copy:  临帖 practise calligraphy after a model;  临一临汉碑 try to copy a Han inscription (从高处向下看) look down from above:  居高临下 look down from a height 名 (姓氏) a surname:  临孝存 Lin Xiaocun 临[lín](ㄌㄧㄣˊ)(臨)1.靠近;对着 face; overlook; confront; be close to:临街 be close to the street; overlook or face the street临河 face the river; overlook the river背山临水 with the mountain behind and the water in front居高临下 occupy a commanding position or height如临大敌 be heavily guarded as if faced with a formidable foe 2.来到;到达 arrive; be present:光临 presence (of a guest, etc.)莅临 arrive; be present身临其境 be personally on the scene双喜临门。A double blessing has descended upon the house. 3.将要;快要 about to; going to; on the point of; just before:临别 at parting; just before parting临睡 before going to bed; just before sleeping临产 about to give birth; parturient这是我临离开北京的时候买的。I bought this just before leaving Beijing. 4.照着字画模仿 copy (a model of calligraphy or painting):临摹 copy (a work of calligraphy or painting)临帖 practise calligraphy after a model临画 copy a painting 5.(Lín) 姓 a surname相关词组濒临 | 登临 | 光临 | 惠临 | 驾临 | 降临 | 君临 | 来临 | 莅临 | 面临 | 迫临 | 亲临 | 照临 | 兵临城下 | 居高临下临别 | 临产 | 临场 | 临池 | 临床 | 临到 | 临风 | 临机 | 临街 | 临界 | 临近 | 临了 | 临门 | 临摹 | 临盆 | 临蓐 | 临时 | 临帖 | 临头 | 临危 | 临刑 | 临月 | 临战 | 临阵 | 临终 | 临渴掘井 | 临深履薄 | 临时代办 | 临危受命 | 临危授命 | 临渊羡鱼 | 临阵磨枪 | 临阵脱逃 | 临终关怀临1. near; at2. just before3. [Polite] to arrive at4. to copy and emulate (a style of calligraphy or painting)临[lín]动1. face; overlook♦ ~街的窗子 a window overlooking the street♦ 东~大海 border on the sea in the east2. arrive; be present♦ 亲临 3. copy (a model of calligraphy or painting)♦ ~画 copy a painting♦ ~帖 practise calligraphy after a model介on the point of; just before; be about to♦ ~睡 just before going to bed; at bedtime♦ 这本书是我~离开北京时买的。 I bought this book just before I left Beijing.




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