

释义 文馨文馨★◀▶丰1. fine2. graceful3. luxuriant文馨☞豐丰 fēngplentiful; bounteous (丰富)丰fēngluxuriantbuxomvariant of 丰[fēng]variant of 风[fēng]appearancecharmFēngsurname Fengfēngabundantplentifulfertileplumpgreat丰 n. surname adj. 丰富abundant大great丰 fēng 形 (丰富) abundant; plentiful; rich; full:  五谷丰登 an abundant harvest of all food crops (大) great:  丰功伟绩 great contributions and heroic deeds; great achievements (容貌和姿态美好的) fine-looking; good-looking; handsome; full and round:  丰采 fine manners; graceful bearing 名 (姓氏) a surname:  丰稷 Feng Ji 林语堂林语堂林语堂★◀▶丰丰 16C55  10.10  部居  畫數 4ㄈㄥ [feng1] . [Var. of豐 21.30]Adj.Good-looking handsome, full and round.Words1. 丰標 [feng1biao1], n., looks, appearance.2. 丰容 [feng1rong2], n., (court. to ladies) your face.3. 丰神 [feng1shen2], n., handsome looks.4. 丰態 [feng1tai4], n., demeanor.5. 丰采 [feng1cai3], n., personal appearance: 一瞻丰采 (court.) to have a look at person's beautiful appearance, i.e., to meet personally.6. 丰姿 [feng1zi1], n., handsome or pretty looks, demeanor (oft. of ladies).7. 丰儀 [feng1yi2], n., esteemed personality.8. 丰韻 [feng1yUn4], n., personal charm.丰 (風) 采不減當年 (ofperson) as goodlooking as ever;林语堂☞豐丰1[fēng](ㄈㄥ)(豐)1.丰富 rich; abundant; plentiful:丰满 full; plentiful丰盛 rich; abundant; lavish; sumptuous丰收 bumper harvest; big harvest丰衣足食 have ample food and clothing; be well-fed and well-clad 2.大 great:丰碑 monument; monumental work丰功伟绩 magnificent exploits and great feats 3.(Fēng) 姓 a surname丰2[fēng](ㄈㄥ)美好的容貌和姿态 good looks; graceful carriage:丰采 graceful bearing丰姿 elegant demeanour丰韵 graceful bearing相关词组咸丰 | 打抽丰 | 人寿年丰 | 羽毛未丰丰碑 | 丰采 | 丰产 | 丰登 | 丰富 | 丰厚 | 丰满 | 丰茂 | 丰美 | 丰年 | 丰沛 | 丰饶 | 丰润 | 丰赡 | 丰盛 | 丰收 | 丰硕 | 丰盈 | 丰腴 | 丰裕 | 丰韵 | 丰姿 | 丰足 | 丰功伟绩 | 丰衣足食丰1. abundant; plentiful; luxuriant2. great3. fine-looking; handsome丰[fēng]形1. abundant; plentiful♦ 丰收 2. great♦ 丰功伟绩 3. fine-looking; handsome




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