

单词 中流砥柱
释义 中流砥柱1. mainstay2. firm rock in midstream中流砥柱 zhōngliúdǐzhùone who stands rock-firm; mainstay中流砥柱zhōngliúdǐzhùmainstaycornerstonetower of strength中流砥柱pillar of strength起着中流砥柱的作用 act as a pillar of strength中流砥柱 zhōng liú dǐ zhù mainstay; a pillar (a firm) rock in midstream; a tower of strength; stand firm as a rock in mid-stream; the chief cornerstone; the solitary rock in a turbulent stream:  那五位具有真才实学的工程师是这个小厂的中流砥柱。 The five engineers of real learning are the mainstays of the small factory. 中流砥柱 pillar of strength中流砥柱[zhōng liú Dǐ zhù]〈比喻 fig.〉坚强的、能起支柱作用的人或集体,就像立在黄河激流中的砥柱山(在三门峡)一样 (of a person or group) be an unyielding support just like Mount Dizhu (in the Sanmen Gorge), standing firm in the torrents of the Yellow River; tower of strength; mainstay中流砥柱phr.prop and stay中流砥柱;后盾,靠山中流砥柱1. pillar rock in midstream; a mainstay; a tower of strength中流砥柱a firm rock in midstream; mainstay英華字典資料庫英漢部分☞CORNER




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