

单词 中文
释义 中文1. Chinese中文 ZhōngwénChinese (written) language中文ZhōngwénChinese language中文Chinese中文 zhōng wén the Chinese language; Chinese:  中文书刊 books and magazines in Chinese 中文电传打字机 Chinese teleprinter; teletype for Chinese character; 中文电传机 Chinese character teleprinter; 中文收报机 Chinese character telegraph receiver; Chinese character printer; 中文数据库 Chinese database; C base; 中文系统 Chinese information processing system; CHIPS; 中文信息处理 information processing in Chinese; 中文译码机 Chinese character code translation equipment; Chinese character translator; 中文语词处理机 Chinese word processor中文[Zhōng wén] 中国的语言文字,特指汉族的语言文字 Chinese language; esp.Chinese, the language of the Han people中文a.Chinese中国话的,汉语的;中文的;中国文化的Sinitic汉语的,中文的;中国文化的n.Chinese中国话(尤指普通话),汉语;中文Sinitic汉语,中文中文1. Chinese language; Chinese中文the Chinese language; Chinese♦ ~书刊 books and magazines in Chinese




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