单词 | 中 |
释义 | 中1. middle2. to hit3. to attainABCABC★◀▶中 zhōngI b.f./suf.1) center; middle; interior (中心)2) China (中国)3) middle; mid (中央)4) medium; intermediate (中等)5) mean; halfway between two extremes (中间)6) neutral (中立)7) lg. neutral (中性)8) fit for; good for (中用)II s.v.topo. all right; OK.这样中不中? Is this OK?中 zhòngI v.1) hit (a target); attain2) be hit by3) fall into4) pass an examII suf.accurately; on the dot你猜中了。 You guessed right.中ZhōngChinaChinesesurname Zhongzhōngwithinamonginmiddlecenterwhile (doing sth)during(dialect) OKall rightzhòngto hit (the mark)to be hit byto sufferto win (a prize, a lottery)中 n. 参见:中心居中 be placed in the middle华中 central ChinaZhōng,指中国China中西医结合 combine traditional Chinese and western medicine中方人员 Chinese personnel参见:中人[zhōngrén]作中 act as a middleman范围内in家中 in the home城中 in the city水中 in the water空中 in the air山中 in the mountains心中 in one's heart朋友中 among one's friends队伍中 among the team参见:中间途中 en route在两极之中 between two extremes v. 成,行<方>to be OK中不中? Is that OK?适于to be suitable for用在动词后表示持续状态used after a verb to show the continuous aspect of an action在战争中学习战争 learn to fight while fighting前进中的非洲 rising Africa在雄壮的《国际歌》乐声中 amidst the majestic sound of the Internationale列车在运行中。 The train is moving.工厂在建设中。 The factory is under construction. adj. 位置在两端之间的midway等级在两端之间的medium中批量生产 produce on a medium scale不偏不倚impartial适中 moderate中 zhōng 名 (跟四周的距离相等; 中心) centre; middle: 居中 in the centre; 正中 midmost; 辽中 central Liaoning (指中国) China: 日中关系 relations between China and Japan; 洋为中用 make foreign things serve China (范围内; 内部) in; among; amidst; inside: 水中 in the water; 心中 at heart; in mind; 园中 in the garden; 家中 at home; 学生中 among the students (位置在两端之间的) middle; mid: 中西部 Middle West; 中途 halfway; midway; 月中 in the middle of a month (等级在两端之间的) medium; intermediate: 中等身材 of medium height; 中号 medium size (不偏不倚) mean; halfway between two extremes: 适中 moderate; 中立国 neutral country; 中庸 mean (中人) intermediary; intermediator: 作中 act as an intermediary; be an intermediator (姓氏) a surname: 中京 Zhong Jing 副 (适于; 合于) good for; agreeable to: 中用 useful; 不中用 no use; good for nothing; 中听 agreeable to the hearer; pleasant to the ear 形 (方) (成; 行; 好)all right; O.K.;well: 中不中? Is it all right? 这办法中! This way works! 另见 zhòng。 2) 中 zhòng 动 (正对上; 恰好合上) hit; fit exactly: 打中 hit the target (mark); 射中靶心 hit the bull's eye; 中吃 good to eat; tasty; 中听 agreeable to the ear;(words, advice) pleasing to listener; 你没猜中。 You didn't guess right. 你说中了。 You've hit it.; That's right. (受到; 遭受) be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer; sustain: 中诡计 be caught in a trap; 中埋伏 fall into an ambush; 中煤气 be gassed; 胳膊上中了一枪 be shot in the arm 另见 zhōng。中中 356C15 22.22 部居 畫數 4ㄓㄨㄥ [zhong1] (*ㄓㄨㄥˋ [zhong4] ).N.(1) Center, middle, inside: 當中 center;內中 inside;居中 in the center;中間 [zhong1jian1]↓;中央 [zhong1yang1]↓;中樞 [zhong1shu1]↓.(2) Middle of time, place, period, area used after n., thus forming what must be called postpositions, in place of prepositions, like “within” “during”: 國中,家中,校中 in the country, home, school;之中 in the course of 說話之中 during the talk;also in area: 吳中 in the [wu2] region;貞觀中 during the reign [zhen1guan1];局中人 a person involved in the case;在考慮中 under consideration;入其圈中 fall inside trap, circle.(3) Short for 中國:中外人士 Chinese and foreign gentlemen;中西合璧 Chinese and Western (styles, texts) combined;中俄關係 relations between China and Russia.(4) Short for 中學:高中,初中 senior, junior high school.V.t.(1) (*[zhong4] Hit (target): 中彩,中獎 win lottery, prize;中選 win election;中槍,中彈 be hit by bullet;中計,中的 [zhong1ji4], [zhong1di4]1↓.(2) Be touched by (weather, poison, etc.): 中暑,中寒,中風,中毒 [zhong1shu3], [zhong1han2], [zhong1feng1], [zhong1du2]↓.(3) Pass examination: 中舉,中式 [zhong1jU3], [zhong1shi4]3↓.(4) To fit taste, liking, be agreeable to: 中聽,中吃,中用 [zhong1ting1], [zhong1chi1], [zhong1yong4]↓;中肯,中理 [zhong1ken3], [zhong1li3]↓;中意 [zhong1yi4]↓.(5) As vb. complement like “on”in “hit on,” “hook on”: 考中 pass examination;猜中 guess right;看中了 take a fancy to (object, girl).Adj.(1) Middle, mid-: 中世紀 the Middle Ages;中古 mid-ancient period, [zhong1gu3]↓;十九世紀中葉 mid-nineteenth century;中圈 middle circle;中立,中正 [zhong1li4], [zhong1zheng4]1↓;中庸,中和 [zhong1yong1], [zhong1he2]↓.(2) Medium-grade, mediocre: 中等身材 of medium height;中等人材 medium or average talent;中姿 middling looks;中篇小說 a novelette;適中 just right;中產,中學 [zhong1chan3], [zhong1xUe2]↓.Adv.In the middle, halfway: 中斷,中輟 stop halfway.Words1. 中保 [zhong1bao3]1, n., guarantor.2. 中飽 [zhong1bao3]2, v.i., to put into personal pocket (accounts); to “squeeze”public funds.3. 中表 [zhong1biao3], n., first cousin, child of father’s sister or mother's brother.4. 中變 [zhong1bian4], n., unexpected change in events.5. 中部 [zhong1bu4], n., central part (of anything).6. 中產 [zhong1chan3], n., as in 中產階級 the middle class.7. 中朝 [zhong1chao2], n., (1) Chin. court (government); (2) the officialdom: 中朝半為黨人 (MC) half of the officials are party men.8. 中秋 [zhong1qiu1], n., (中秋節) 15th day of the eight month of the lunar calendar, Mid-Autumn Festival.9. 中吃 *[zhong4chi1], adj., good to eat, tasty.10. 中權 [zhong1qUan2], n., (LL) (1) (AC) main army; (2) those in power.11. 中道 [zhong1dao4], (1) n., the middle course: 中道而行 follow the middle course; (2) adv., halfway: 中道而廢 stop halfway.12. 中點 [zhong1dian3], n., (math.) middle point.13. 中的 *[zhong4di4]1, phr., hit the target.14. 中第 *[zhong4di4]2, v.i., pass the civil examinations.15. 中斷 [zhong1duan4], v.i., break in the middle, break off.16. 中東 [zhong1dong1], n., Middle East (Asia).17. 中毒(兒) *[zhong4du2]([er0]), v.i., be poisoned.18. 中耳 [zhong1er3], n., (physiol.) the middle ear;19. 中耳炎 [zhong1er3yan2], n., Otitismedia20. 中飯 [zhong1fan4], n., lunch, luncheon.21. 中非 [zhong1fei1], n., Central Africa.22. 中費 [zhong1fei4], n., agent's fee.23. 中風 *[zhong4feng1], n., a paralytic stroke: 中風不語 paralysed in speech.24. 中鋒 [zhong1feng1], n., (1) (football) center forward; (2) (callig.) the use of the brush point perpendicularly, rather than on a slant.25. 中耕 [zhong1geng1], v.i., to till the farm after the sprouts have come up.26. 中冓 [zhong1gou4], n., (AC & LL) 中冓之言 gossip about private morals.27. 中官 [zhong1guan1], n., (1) eunuch; (2) (AC) the officials.28. 中宮 [zhong1gong1], n., the empress.29. 中國 [zhong1guo2], n., China;30. 中國人 [zhong1guo2ren2], n., Chinese.31. 中古 [zhong1gu3], n., “mid-ancient”or medieval period (generally 漢晉 Hahn and Jihn Dyns., preceded by 上古時代--terms with fluctuating connotations).32. 中寒 *[zhong4han2], v.i., to catch a cold.33. 中和 [zhong1he2], (1) v.t. & adj., moderate, not extreme; (2) n., 中和作用 (chem.) neutralization.34. 中華 [zhong1hua2], n., China; 中華民國 the Republic of China (oft. abbr. ROC).35. 中悔 [zhong1hui3], v.i., change one's mind in middle course; regret.36. 中正 [zhong1zheng4]1, adj., the central and the upright.37. 中證 [zhong1zheng4]2, n., personal witness.38. 中將 [zhong1jiang4], n., (mil.) lieutenant general.39. 中堅 [zhong1jian1]1, n., the core; (football) center half back: 中堅分子 the hard-core of a group, party.40. 中間 [zhong1jian1]2, n., (1) the inside, the middle between (as alley between houses); (2) in the course of: 說話中間 while speaking;41. 中間人 [zhong1jian1ren2], n., go-between, agent, mediator.42. 中節 *[zhong4jie2], phr., (1) in rhythm; (2) (AC) not too much of anything, proper and just: 發而皆中節 (emotions) are expressed justly (not repressed).43. 中計 *[zhong4ji4], phr., fall into trap.44. 中酒 *[zhong4jiu3], phr., suffer from over drinking.45. 中涓 [zhong1jUan1], n., (AC) palace eunuchs.46. 中軍 [zhong1jUn1], n., formerly, (mil.) central column, main army.47. 中舉 *[zhong4jU3], phr., to pass the second degree of 舉人 [zhu3ren2] in Imperial Examinations.48. 中止 [zhong1zhi3]1, v.i., to stop in the middle.49. 中指 [zhong1zhi3]2, n., the middle finger.50. 中肯 *[zhong4ken3], adj., (of remarks) to the point.51. 中饋 [zhong1kui4], n., (AC) as in 主中饋 cooking as wife's job; also later used for “wife.”52. 中立 [zhong1li4], adj. & n., neutral, -ity: 中立國 neutral country; 武裝中立 armed neutrality.53. 中理 *[zhong4li3], adj., reasonable (=合理).54. 中流 [zhong1liu2], (1) n., midstream, river current: 中流砥柱 pillar of strength; (2) adj., middle average: the middle class: 中流社會; adj., 中流人品 average character or looks.55. 中路 [zhong1lu4], (1) n., middle of road; (2) adj., mediocre (goods).56. 中落 [zhong1luo4], v.i., (of fortunes) to decline.57. 中滿 [zhong1man3], adj., (Chin. med.) have a swollen belly.58. 中美 [zhong1mei3], (1) n., Central America; (2) phr., China and U.S.59. 中年 [zhong1nian2], n., middle of life, after forty.60. 中波 [zhong1po1], n., (electronics) medium wave.61. 中人 [zhong1ren2], n., (1) person of medium or average grade; (2) (AC) middle class; (3) friends in the palace; eunuchs.62. 中山 [zhong1shan1], n., courtesy name of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (孫逸仙), father of Chinese Republic; (oft. used as name of roads, schools, etc.); 中山裝 style of man's jacket with closed collar without tie.63. 中傷 *[zhong4shang1], v.t., to hurt s.o. by remark; (p.p.) hit by sword or bullet.64. 中殤 [zhong1shang1], v.i., (AC) die between 12-15 of age.65. 中生代 [zhong1sheng1dai4], n., (geol.) Mesozoic era.66. 中夏 [zhong1xia4], n., (LL) China.67. 中線 [zhong1xian4], n., (math.) line from apex of triangle to middle of base.68. 中宵 [zhong1xiao1], n., middle of the night; midnight.69. 中校 [zhong1xiao4], n., (mil.) lieutenant colonel.70. 中性 [zhong1xing4], n. & adj., neutral, neutral character.71. 中心 [zhong1xin1], n., center (of problem, attention, etc.), core (of group, matter), center of related studies, study or service center, etc.: 中心思想 basic idea in philosophic system; 中心軸 central axis; 中心蝕 central eclipse; 中心點 central point.72. 中興 [zhong1xing1], n., resurgence, restoration of power after temporary collapse in dynastic rule: 中興名臣 minister who gave a new lease of life to ruling house.73. 中行 [zhong1xing2], n., (AC) one who follows the middle road.74. 中樞 [zhong1shu1], n., (lit.) the “axis” of power--the highest council of state; 中樞神經 central nervous system.75. 中數 [zhong1shu4], n., (math.) the median number.76. 中書省 [zhong1shu1sheng3], n., (Tarng Dyn.) cabinet of ministers.77. 中暑 *[zhong4shu3], n., sunstroke.78. 中士 [zhong1shi4]1, n., (mil.) sergeant.79. 中世 [zhong1shi4]2, n., see [zhong1gu3]↑.80. 中式 [zhong1shi4]3, (1) adj., Chin. style; (2) (*[zhong4shi4]) v.i., formerly, to pass civil examinations.81. 中學 [zhong1xUe2], n., high school.82. 中旬 [zhong1xUn2], n., the middle ten days of a month.83. 中使 [zhong1shi3], n., palace petty officer, eunuch.84. 中堂 [zhong1tang2], n., a wide scroll hung in center of hall.85. 中聽 *[zhong4ting1], adj., agreeable to the ear, (words, advice) pleasing to listener.86. 中材 [zhong1cai2], n., men of average quality or stature.87. 中餐 [zhong1can1], n., (1) midday lunch; (2) Chin. dinner.88. 中途 [zhong1tu2], adv., midway.89. 中子 [zhong1zi3], n., (phys.) neutron.90. 中尉 [zhong1wei4], n., (mil.) first lieutenant (少尉 second lieutenant).91. 中位數 [zhong1wei4shu4], n., (statistics) the median.92. 中午 [zhong1wu3], n., midday.93. 中亞 [zhong1ya3], n., Central Asia.94. 中央 [zhong1yang1], n. & adj., (1) the center; (2) central government; 中央威信 prestige of the national government; 中央情報局 Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); 中央研究院 Academia Sinica.95. 中夜 [zhong1ye4]1, n., the middle of the night.96. 中葉 [zhong1ye4]2, n., middle period (of dyn., century, reign).97. 中衣 [zhong1yi1]1, n., underclothing.98. 中醫 [zhong1yi1]2, n., Chin. medicine; Chin. doctor.99. 中意 *[zhong4yi4], v.i., (person) takes fancy to (girl), likes: 中意她或他 love her or him.100. 中元 [zhong1yUan2]1, n., the fifteenth of the seventh lunar month.101. 中原 [zhong1yUan2]2, n., the “central plains” of China, actually the Yellow River valley.102. 中用 *[zhong4yong4], adj., serviceable, convenient: 不中用了 hopelessly ill.103. 中庸 [zhong1yong2], n., the Doctrine of the Golden Mean, name of a chapter in 禮記 and one of the Four Books in Confu. school.中[zhōng](ㄓㄨㄥ)1.跟四周的距离相等;中心 centre; middle:中央 centre; middle; midst华中 central China居中 in the middle; at the centre 2.(Zhōng) 指中国 China:中文 Chinese古今中外 at all times and in all countries; in the past or present, in China or anywhere else 3.范围内;内部 in; among; amid; amidst:家中 in the family; at home; in the house水中 in the water山中 in the mountains心中 at heart; in mind; on one's mind队伍中 in the procession; within the ranks 4.位置在两端之间的 middle; mid:中指 middle finger中锋 centre forward中年 middle age; mid-life; middle-aged中秋 Mid-Autumn (Festival)中途 halfway; midway 5.等级在两端之间的 medium; intermediate:中农 middle peasant (political term used before or after the liberation in China to refer to self-sufficient farmers)中学 middle school; high school; secondary school中型 medium; medium-sized中等 medium; moderate; average; secondary 6.不偏不倚 impartial; even-handed; neutral:中庸 mean; middle of the road; middlebrow; golden mean适中 moderate 7.中人 go-between; mediator; middleman:作中 act as an intermediary; be a middleman 8.适于;合于 suitable for; fit for; good for; equal to:中用 be helpful; be of use; be useful中看 be pleasant to the eye; be presentable; look nice中听 be pleasant to the ear 9.〈方 dial.〉成;行;好 all right; okay; OK; fine; good:中不中?Is it all right?这办法中。It works!饭这就中了。Dinner is soon ready. 10.用在动词后表示持续状态(动词前有‘在’字)[with 在 zài before the verb, used after a verb to indicate continuity] in the course of; in the process of:列车在运行中。The train is running.工厂在建设中。The factory is under construction. or The factory is being built.另见 zhòng中[zhòng](ㄓㄨㄥˋ)1.正对上;恰好合上 fit exactly; hit:中选 be selected; be chosen猜中了 guess right; hit it on the nose三枪都打中了目标。None of the three shots missed the target. 2.受到;遭受 be affected by; be hit by; undergo; suffer:中毒 poisoning; toxication; toxicosis中暑 collapse from sunstroke; heatstroke; sunstroke; insolation; calenture; siriasis; thermic fever胳膊上中了一枪。(He) was shot in the arm.另见 zhōng相关词组暗中 | 便中 | 不中 | 尺中 | 初中 | 从中 | 当中 | 附中 | 高中 | 个中 | 彀中 | 关中 | 华中 | 集中 | 就中 | 居中 | 看中 | 空中 | 郎中 | 命中 | 内中 | 其中 | 切中 | 热中 | 人中 | 日中 | 适中 | 五中 | 相中 | 央中 | 月中 | 折中 | 震中 | 正中 | 卒中 | 半中腰 | 杯中物 | 鼻中隔 | 集中营 | 笼中鸟 | 囊中物 | 排中律 | 肉中刺 | 上中农 | 下中农 | 眼中钉 | 意中人 | 无形中 | 正当中 | 当中间儿 | 风中之烛 | 管中窥豹 | 闳中肆外 | 火中取栗 | 急中生智 | 空中楼阁 | 空中小姐 | 连中三元 | 美中不足 | 目中无人 | 水中捞月 | 瓮中之鳖 | 瓮中捉鳖 | 无中生有 | 胸中无数 | 胸中有数 | 雪中送炭 | 庸中佼佼 | 正中下怀 | 初级中学 | 砥柱中流 | 富裕中农 | 高级中学 | 计算中心 | 如日中天 | 食物中毒 | 外强中干 | 百发百中 | 胎死腹中 | 谈言微中 | 秀外慧中 | 言必有中 | 鱼游釜中 | 职业高中 | 锥处囊中 | 民主集中制中班 | 中饱 | 中保 | 中标 | 中表 | 中波 | 中餐 | 中策 | 中层 | 中常 | 中辍 | 中词 | 中档 | 中道 | 中稻 | 中等 | 中东 | 中毒 | 中断 | 中队 | 中耳 | 中幡 | 中饭 | 中风 | 中锋 | 中缝 | 中伏 | 中耕 | 中古 | 中和 | 中华 | 中级 | 中坚 | 中间 | 中将 | 中奖 | 中焦 | 中介 | 中局 | 中楷 | 中看 | 中考 | 中肯 | 中馈 | 中栏 | 中立 | 中流 | 中路 | 中落 | 中脑 | 中年 | 中农 | 中跑 | 中频 | 中期 | 中气 | 中签 | 中秋 | 中人 | 中伤 | 中士 | 中式 | 中枢 | 中暑 | 中水 | 中堂 | 中听 | 中途 | 中外 | 中卫 | 中尉 | 中文 | 中午 | 中西 | 中线 | 中校 | 中心 | 中型 | 中兴 | 中性 | 中休 | 中选 | 中学 | 中雪 | 中旬 | 中央 | 中药 | 中叶 | 中医 | 中意 | 中庸 | 中用 | 中游 | 中雨 | 中原 | 中允 | 中灶 | 中正 | 中止 | 中指 | 中州 | 中转 | 中装 | 中子 | 中短波 | 中国画 | 中国话 | 中国字 | 中果皮 | 中继线 | 中继站 | 中间儿 | 中间派 | 中间人 | 中立国 | 中拇指 | 中山狼 | 中山装 | 中世纪 | 中提琴 | 中学生 | 中央税 | 中元节 | 中州韵 | 中子弹 | 中子态 | 中子星 | 中不溜儿 | 中产阶级 | 中等教育 | 中华民族 | 中流砥柱 | 中路梆子 | 中篇小说 | 中枢神经 | 中央银行 | 中国同盟会 | 中石器时代 | 中央商务区 | 中国工农红军 | 中文信息处理 | 中国人民解放军中phr.knock over a doll〈澳俚〉打中,中的;引起必然的后果中1. center; middle2. in; inside; among3. in between4. average, mean, or middle (class, grade, etc.)5. in the course of6. fit for\\zhong\\ㄓㄨㄥˋ\\1·to hit (a target)2. to suffer; to sustain中meso-双向☞中--零电位自耦变压器--有电气零点的自耦变压器双向☞中位数--正中--中中[zhōng]名1. centre; middle♦ 上、~、下 upper, middle, lower♦ 冀~ central Hebei2. China♦ 中文 3. in; among; amidst♦ 记在心~ keep in mind♦ 跳入水~ jump into the water4. middle; mid♦ 月中 5. medium; intermediate♦ 中号 6. mean; halfway between two extremes♦ 适中 7. intermediary♦ 作中 8. in the process of♦ 在修建~ being built; under construction♦ 历史在斗争~发展, 世界在动荡~前进。 History develops in struggle and the world advances amidst turbulence.动fit for; good for♦ 中看 形方 all right; O. K.♦ ~不~? Is it all right?♦ 这办法~! This way works!另见 zhòng中[zhòng]动1. hit; fit exactly♦ 射~靶心 hit the bull's eye♦ 你说~了。 You've hit it. or That's right.♦ 打三枪~两枪, 第三枪没有~。 Two shots out of three hit the target. The third shot missed the target.2. be hit by; fall into; be affected by; suffer♦ ~煤气 be gassed♦ 他腿上~了一枪。 He got shot in the leg.另见 zhōng |
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