

释义 ABCABCABC★◀▶个 ge1) m. general measure word打个结 tie a knot2) cons. used between verb and complement忙个不停 be nonstop busy问个明白 ask for clarification个 gè1) pref. individual2) m. reading/citation pronunciation for ge个 gě(各个儿)个gèindividualthisthatsizeclassifier for people or objects in generalgèvariant of 个[gè]个 measure word 用于东西, 一般不译used before nouns without fixed measure words of their own八个鸡蛋 eight eggs五个苹果 five apples作为一个战士 as a fighter他一个人来的。 He came on his own.个个满意。 Everyone is satisfied.用于约数前used before an approximate number走个百十步 walk over a hundred steps哥儿俩也不过差个两三岁。 There are only two or three years in age between the two brothers.用于带宾语的动词后,一般不译used between a verb and its object见个面儿 meet说个话儿 say something用于动词和补语中间used between a verb and its complement吃个饱 eat until full玩儿个痛快 have a great time笑个不停 laugh and laugh prefix 用于“些”后, 一般不译used after 些 to emphasize how many of something那些个花儿 all those flowers这么些个书哪看得完。 How would it be possible to finish reading all of these books? adj. 单独的individual个 gě (构词成分) 见“自个儿”(zì gěr)另见 gè。 2) 个(個、箇) gè 量 (用于没有专用量词的名词前):  一个理想 an ideal;  两个月 two months;  三个梨 three pears (用于约数的前面):  差个两 三岁 about two or three years short;  这点活有个两三天就干完了。 This bit of work can easily be finished in a couple of days. (用于带宾语的动词后面):  见个面儿 meet a person;  说个话儿 have a talk;  他在农村锻炼了两年, 扶个犁, 赶个车, 都拿得起来。 After a couple of years in the countryside, he was quite good at handling a plough and driving a cart 助 (用于动词和补语之间):  笑个不停 keep on laughing;  吃个饱 eat one's fill;  砸个稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens;  明天我们要玩个痛快。 We'll have a wonderful time tomorrow. (用在指示代词后面):  这个 this;  那个 that;  这些个 these ones  (方) (加在某些时间词后面):  昨儿个 yesterday;  今儿个 today;  明儿个 tomorrow 形 (单独的) individual:  个人 individual (person) 另见 gě。林语堂林语堂★◀▶林语堂☞個林语堂☞箇个[gě](ㄍㄜˇ)(個)另见 自个儿 zìgěr另见 gè个1[gè](ㄍㄜˋ)(個、箇)1.〈量词 classifier〉(a)用于没有专用量词的名词(有些名词除了用专用量词之外也能用‘个’) [used before nouns without a special classifier of their own (some nouns can also use this instead of using their special classifier)]:三个苹果 three apples一个理想 one ideal两个星期 two weeks (b)用于约数的前面 [preceding an approximate number]:哥儿俩也不过差个两三岁。There's only a difference of two or three years between the two brothers.一天走个百儿八十里,不在话下。There is no problem to walk 80 or 100 miles a day. (c)用于带宾语的动词后面,有表示动量的作用(原来不能用‘个’的地方也用‘个’) [used between a verb and its object to indicate momentum; orig. 个 gè was not used]:见个面儿,说个话儿。Let's meet and have a talk. (d)用于动词和补语的中间,使补语略带宾语的性质(有时跟‘得’连用) [used between a verb and its complement sometimes together with 得·de]:吃个饱 eat one's fill玩儿个痛快 have a wonderful time笑个不停。keep laughing雨下个不停。It kept raining.学了个八九不离十 have basically learned the ropes扫得个干干净净 give it a thorough cleaning 2.单独的 individual:个人 individual个体 individual个2[gè](ㄍㄜˋ)(個、箇)1.量词‘些’的后缀 [used as a suffix after classifier 些 xiē]:那些个花儿 all those flowers这么些个书哪看得完?How can I finish reading so many books?有一些个令人鼓舞的消息。There is some inspiring news. 2.〈方 dial.〉加在‘昨儿、今儿、明儿’等时间词后面,跟‘某日里’的意思相近 [used after 昨儿 zuór,今儿 jīnr,明儿 míngr,etc., similar in meaning to ‘on a certain day’]另见 gě相关词组各个 | 哪个 | 那个 | 谁个 | 些个 | 这个 | 真个 | 整个 | 逐个 | 挨个儿 | 成个儿 | 蹿个儿 | 单个儿 | 翻个儿 | 换个儿 | 是个儿 | 自个儿 | 夜儿个 | 三个代表 | 一个劲儿 | 扛大个儿 | 一个心眼儿 | 一个巴掌拍不响 | 一步一个脚印儿 | 一个萝卜一个坑儿个案 | 个别 | 个儿 | 个股 | 个例 | 个人 | 个体 | 个位 | 个性 | 个展 | 个中 | 个子 | 个体户 | 个头儿 | 个人主义 | 个体经济 | 个人所得税 | 个体所有制 | 个人数字助理个n.piece(一套或一组中的)件,个;[常作 pieces 或与数词连用] (乐队人员的)一名个1. piece2. single3. a numerary adjunct\\\\1·a numerary adjunct for practically everything个[gè]名size, height♦ 个儿 ♦ 个头儿 量1. (before nouns without special measure words of their own)♦ 三~苹果 three apples♦ 一~故事 a story♦ 两~星期 two weeks; a fortnight♦ 一~心眼儿 be of one mind♦ 第五~年头 the fifth year2. (used to replace certain measure words)♦ 一~ (or 所) 学校 a school♦ 一~ (or 家)工厂 a factory♦ 两~ (or 只)耳朵 two ears3. (before an approximate number)♦ 他每星期来~一、两趟。 He comes here once or twice every week.4. (between a verb and its object)♦ 洗~澡 have a bath♦ 睡~好觉 have a good sleep助1. (between a verb and its complement)♦ 砸~稀巴烂 smash sth. to smithereens♦ 忙~不停 be as busy as a bee2. (used as a suffix after 些)♦ 那些~花儿 all those owers♦ 这些~书哪能看完? How can I finish reading so many books?形individual♦ 个别 ♦ 个人




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