

单词 丧钟
释义 文馨英漢☞喪鐘丧钟 sāngzhōngfuneral bell; death knell丧钟sāngzhōngknell丧钟death knell丧钟 sāng zhōng funeral bell; death knell; knell:  敲响丧钟 sound the death knell; toll the death knell for sb. 丧钟[sāng zhōng]西方风俗,教堂在宣告本区教徒死亡或为死者举行宗教仪式时敲钟叫做敲丧钟。因此用丧钟来比喻死亡或灭亡。 knell; funeral bell; death knell. By the Western custom, a church rings its bells slowly and solemnly by way of announcing the death of a follower in the parish or when holding a religious service for the deceased. Hence the term, knell, referring to death or downfall.丧钟n.knell〈喻〉丧钟,(事物)结束的信号phr.death bell丧钟passing bell丧钟〈喻〉丧钟death knell丧钟(声)〈喻〉丧钟,事物完结的信号丧钟1. a funeral bell; a death knell丧钟funeral bell; death knell; knell♦ 敲响殖民主义的~ sound the death knell of colonialism




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