

单词 严格
释义 文馨英漢☞嚴格严格 yángéstrict; rigorous严格说来,他不能入学。 Strictly speaking, he shouldn't be admitted to the school.严格yángéstrictstringenttightrigorous严格严肃认真strict严格说来 strictly speaking严格要求的 having strict requirements严格要求自己 impose strict requirements on oneself严格执行命令 implement an order strictly严格遵守纪律 strictly keep to discipline不严格的监督 lax supervision产品出厂前进行严格检验。 Before products leave the factory, they are subjected to a rigorous inspection.必须严格区分两类不同性质的矛盾 must strictly distinguish between two conflicts of differing natures使严格to tighten严格交通管理 tighten traffic management严格商品验收条件 tighten product acceptance conditions严格各项规章制度 tighten all articles of the regulatory system严格 yán gé strict; rigorous; rigid; stringent:  严格的规则 strict rules;  严格的质量管理 strict quality control;  严格规章制度 rigorously enforce rules and regulations;  严格说来 strictly speaking; in the strict sense;  严格要求自己 make strict demands on oneself; be strict with oneself;  严格训练, 严格要求 strict training and strict demands;  严格控制物价上涨 strictly control price rises 严格递减 strictly decreasing; 严格递增 strictly increasing; 严格对位 strict counterpoint; 严格法纪 strict enforcement of law and discipline; 严格法律 blue law; 严格方法 rigorous method; 严格控制 strict control; subjugate; 严格检查 close check; 严格检验 tightened inspection; acid test; 严格赔偿责任 strict liability; 严格容差 stringent tolerance; 严格容差要求 stringent tolerance requirement; 严格容限 severe tolerance; 严格凸集 strictly convex sets; 严格温度控制 rigid temperature control; 严格限制 close confinement; 严格写法 composition in the strict style; 严格蕴涵 strict implication; 严格责任制 strict liability; 严格遵守合同条款 strict performance of contract; 严格执行 execute to the letter; 严格制止 nip严格[yán gé] 在遵守制度或掌握标准时认真不放松 strict; rigorous; rigid; stringent:严格遵守 observe (discipline, law, etc.) strictly他对自己要求很严格。He is very strict with himself.严格ad.properly[作句副词用]严格地;实际上precisely严格地;细致地narrowly严格地n.precision严格;细致severity严格;严厉;严肃austerity严峻,严厉;严格;严酷rigidity严格;严厉;死板stricture〈废〉严格;严厉;苛刻;精确exactitude严格,严谨stringency严格;严厉rigour严格;严厉;苛严rigorism(生活方式、道德标准等的)严格;严厉;死板;(艺术风格的)严谨,刻板vt.stiffen使严厉;使严格严格1. strict; severe; exacting; rigid; stern; stringent国家教育研究院双语词汇双向☞气道--严格严格1. strict; rigorous; rigid; stringent♦ 队长对我们要求很~。 Our team leader is very strict with us.♦ ~说来 strictly speaking2. rigorously enforce♦ ~规章制度 rigorously enforce rules and regulations




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