

单词 两便
释义 两便 liǎngbiànbe convenient to both你吃面条,我吃米饭,咱们两便。 You eat noodles, I'll eat rice. That might be more convenient for both of us.两便彼此方便convenient for both甭等我了,咱们两便。 Don't bother waiting for me, it's easier for both of us that way.这样岂不两便。 Isn't this convenient for both of us?对双方都有好处beneficial for both公私两便 beneficial for both public and private两便 liǎng biàn be convenient to both; make things easy for both; make things convenient to both:  别等我了, 咱们两便吧。 Don't wait for me, please. That might be more convenient for both of us. 两便[liǎng biàn]1.彼此方便(多用做套语 oft. as a set expression)be convenient to both; make things easy for both:您甭等我了,咱们两便。Please don't wait for me. That might be more convenient for both of us. 2.对双方或两件事都有好处 benefit both sides or two things; be good for both:两便之法 method to the benefit of both sides公私两便 benefit both the public and the private两便be convenient to both; make things easy for both♦ 您甭等我了, 咱们~。 Please don't wait for me. That might be more convenient for both of us.




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