

单词 丢丑
释义 丢丑 diūchǒulose face丢丑diūchǒuto lose face丢丑参见:丢脸[diūliǎn]丢丑 diū chǒu lose face; be disgraced; make an exhibition of oneself:  简直是丢丑! It's really a disgrace! 林语堂当代汉英繁简☞丟醜丢丑[diū chǒu] 丢脸 lose face; be disgraced:他不愿在众人面前丢丑。He doesn't want to be disgraced in public.丢丑1. to cause embarrassment to; to be disgraced; to make a monkey of oneself; to make a fool of oneself丢丑lose face; be disgraced♦ 简直是~!It's really a disgrace!




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