

释义 文馨英漢☞丟丢 diū1) lose; misplace别丢了你的钱包。 Don't lose your wallet.2) discard3) put aside我的中文丢了十几年了。 I haven't used my Chinese for more than ten years.4) toss; throw别乱丢东西。 Don't throw (your) things around.丢diūto loseto put asideto throw丢 v. 参见:丢失[diūshī]他丢了钱。 He lost some money.丢了的东西找到了。 The missing object was found.扔to throw丢在脑后 push to the back of one's mind别把孩子丢在家里。 Don't leave the children at home.搁置to put aside真可惜,我早把这方面的知识丢了。 It's a real shame, I forgot all that I knew about that a long time ago.丢 diū 动 (遗失) lose; mislay; be missing:  我不知把英语课本丢在哪儿了。 I mislaid my English textbook.  我的钱包丢了。 I've lost my purse.  这套书丢了一本。 There's a book missing from the set. (扔) throw; cast; toss:  把纸丢进废纸篓 throw the paper away into the wastebasket;  丢在脑后 let sth. pass out of one's mind; clean forget; completely ignore;  他丢给乞丐一便士。 He tossed a penny to the beggar.  劳动人民的本色不能丢。 We mustn't lose the good qualities of the labouring people. (搁置; 放) put (lay) aside:  我的法语丢了好几年了, 都忘得差不多了。 I haven't used my French for years and have forgotten almost all of it.  只有这件事丢不开。 That's the one thing that keeps worrying me.; That's my only worry. (留下) leave(behind):  把孩子丢给保姆 leave the child to the nurse;  当心别丢下东西。 Take care not to leave anything behind. 丢[diū](ㄉㄧㄡ)(丟)1.遗失;失去 lose; forfeit; be missing:钱包丢了 lose a wallet丢了工作 lose a job 2.扔 throw; cast; toss:不要随地丢果皮。Please don't litter the place with fruit peel. 3.搁置;放 toss aside; lay aside; pigeon-hole; put on the shelf:技术丢久了就生疏了。A skill that hasn't been used for a long time will become rusty.只有这件事丢不开。That's the one thing that keeps worrying me.相关词组灰不溜丢 | 酸不溜丢丢丑 | 丢掉 | 丢份 | 丢脸 | 丢弃 | 丢却 | 丢人 | 丢失 | 丢手 | 丢面子 | 丢眼色 | 丢三落四丢vt.tip〈俚〉给;丢;递fling(用力地)扔,掷,抛,丢bung〈英俚〉扔,丢丢1. to lose; to find something missing2. to have lost a part or component of something3. to throw; to toss4. [Dialect] to discard; to throw away5. to leave aside丢[diū]动1. lose; mislay♦ 这套书~了一本。 There's a book missing from the set.♦ 我把钳子~哪儿了? Where have I left my pliers?2. throw; cast; toss♦ 把菜帮子~给小兔吃 throw the outer leaves to the rabbit♦ 不要随地~果皮。 Please don't litter.3. put (or lay) aside♦ ~在脑后 let sth. pass out of one's mind; clean forget; completely ignore♦ 我的法语~了好几年了, 都忘得差不多了。 I haven't used my French for years and have forgotten almost all of it.




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