单词 | 世 |
释义 | 世1. age2. generation3. life4. world世 shìI b.f.1) generation (一世)2) life; lifetime3) age; era; epoch (近世)4) world (世界)II n.Surname世Shìsurname Shishìlifeagegenerationeraworldlifetimeepochdescendantnoble世 n. 一生life今生今世 this life不枉为人一世 not have wasted one's time on this earth辈分generation第十世孙 tenth generation一代又一代from generation to generation世婚 marriage between generation after generation of the same two families世交的关系used for close friends of one's parents世伯 uncle社会society人间world问世 be released世上 in the world人生在世 in one's time on earth公之于世 make it known to all时代era近世 modern era当世 contemporary era世 shì 名 (人的一辈子) lifetime; life: 聪明一世, 糊涂一时 clever all one's life but stupid this once; smart as a rule, but this time a fool; 今生今世 this present life; 一生一世 one's whole life; all one's life (一代又一代) generation: 世谊 friendship spanning many generations; 四世同堂。 Four generations live under one roof. (时代) age; era: 当今之世 at present; nowadays; 近世 modern times; 盛世 flourishing age; heyday (世界) world: 公诸于世 make known to the world; 举世闻名 well known all over the world; world-famous {地质} (地质年代的分期) epoch: 古新世 the Palaeocene Epoch (姓氏) a surname: 世硕 Shi Shuo 林语堂林语堂★◀▶世世 310C20 21.21 部居 畫數 5ㄕˋ [shi4] N.(1) A generation, defined in AC as 30 years: 五世其昌 prosper for five generations;後世 future generations, posterity;先世 ancestors or their times.(2) An incarnation or one life: 今世 the present life;一世 all one's life;塵世 the material or worldly life;來世 future life or incarnation;出世,入世 (philosophy of) leaving or joining secular life;(religion) other worldliness or active interest in worldly affairs;世外桃源 a Utopia, beautiful retreat.(3) This world: 世間,世界 [shi4jian1], [shi4jie4]↓;世上 in this world;名聞於世 world-famous;世人 people of this world;舉世 the whole world;世運 [shi4yUn4]↓;蓋世 world distinguished;世無其匹 unrivalled in the world;一世之雄 a hero of the world.(4) Epoch, era: 世代 [shi4dai4]↓;世紀 [shi4ji4]↓;近世 modern times or era;中世 middle period, Middle Ages;末世 fin de siecle, latter part, latter days;亂世,盛世 chaotic, peaceful times, restless, prosperous period;當世 contemporary, of those times.(5) Experience of human society: 世道日衰 the ways of the world go from bad to worse;世態炎涼 fickleness of human friendships (“blow hot and cold”);世風日下 the world is declining in its moral values;人情世故 the ways of the world;世故,世俗 [shi4gu4], [shi4su2]↓;世面,世情 [shi4mian4], [shi4qing2]↓;不識世務 inexperienced in society;處世 how to get along in this world.Adj.For generations (of friends): 世交,世誼 [shi4jiao1], [shi4yi4]↓;address of friends connected through family relations;thus 世伯,世叔,世兄, etc. uncle, brother who are friends of the family or clan.Words1. 世伯 [shi4bo2], n., uncle who is friend of one's family or member of clan.2. 世情 [shi4qing2], n., the ways of the world.3. 世仇 [shi4chou2], n., a feud between families.4. 世傳 [shi4chuan2], adj., known or transmitted for generations.5. 世代 [shi4dai4], n., (1) a generation; (2) an epoch or era; n., (3) adv., for generations: 世代書香 a family of scholars for generations.6. 世道 [shi4dao4], n., the morals of a nation or the world.7. 世弟 [shi4di4], n., son of father's friend, younger than oneself.8. 世法 [shi4fa3], n., fashions, custom of the times.9. 世故 [shi4gu4], n., the ways of the world: 不懂人情世故 inexperienced in life; 世故甚深 or 甚知世故 well versed in art of dealing with people.10. 世好 [shi4hao3], (1) n., friends for generations; (2) ([shi4hao4]) n., fashions, vogue of the times.11. 世家 [shi4jia1], n., (1) a noble family; n.,(2) a family politically influential for generations;12. 世間 [shi4jian1], n., the world, the present life: 世間上in this world.13. 世交 [shi4jiao1], n., long-standing friendship between two families.14. 世界 [shi4jie4], n., the universe, the world: 世界大戰 world war; 世界和平 world peace; 世界大同 the world a commonwealth (Confu. ideal); 世界觀 Weltanschauung; 科學世界 the scientific world; 兒童世界 the children's world; 滿世界 (*[man3shi4jie0]) the whole world; 世界衛生組織 World Health Organization (WHO); 世界糧食方案 World Food Program (UN); 世界人權宣言 Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).15. 世紀 [shi4ji4], n., century.16. 世及 [shi4ji2], phr., (AC) handed down from generation to generation, hereditary.17. 世冑 [shi4zhou4], n., hereditary nobleman.18. 世主 [shi4zhu3], n., (LL) ruler of the times.19. 世姪 [shi4zhi2]1, n., a close friend's son.20. 世職 [shi4zhi2]2, n., hereditary title.21. 世路 [shi4lu4], n., the ways of the world (usu. untrustworthy).22. 世論 [shi4lun4], n., (1) philosophy dealing with human world, as opp. Budd.; (2) current criticism.23. 世面 [shi4](')[mian4], n., higher-class society: 沒見過世面 has never known higher society.24. 世人 [shi4ren2], n., the people of the world.25. 世上 [shi4shang4], adv., in this world.26. 世系 [shi4xi4], n., genealogy.27. 世襲 [shi4xi2], adj., hereditary (rank, post).28. 世叔 [shi4shu2], n., a younger friend of one's father.29. 世世 [shi4shi4]1, adv., from generation to generation.30. 世事 [shi4shi4]2, n., the current affairs, affairs of the world.31. 世兄 [shi4xiong1], n., (court. address) son of one's friend or teacher.32. 世俗 [shi4su2], n., (1) customs, manners of a place; (2) (Budd. or Christianity) those outside the church, non-believer.33. 世統 [shi4tong3], n., see [shi4xi4]↑.34. 世澤 [shi4ze2], n., the benefits, privileges handed down from ancestors.35. 世尊 [shi4zun1], n., (Budd.) devotees’ name for Buddha (the Revered One of the World).36. 世族 [shi4zu2], n., a family politically influential for generations.37. 世子 [shi4zi3], n., the princes, sons of the emperor except the crown prince.38. 世務 [shi4wu4], n., worldly affairs.39. 世業 [shi4ye4], n., (1) hereditary profession in the family; (2) inherited property.40. 世誼 [shi4yi4], n., long-standing friendship between two families.41. 世緣 [shi4yUan2], n., secular ties and business.42. 世運 [shi4yUn4], n., (1) the course of events, rise and fall of nations; (2) the Olympic Games (from 世界運動大會).世 356A45 22.21 部居 畫數 5ㄕˋ [shi4] . [See 21.21]世世 [shi4shi4]1, adv., from generation to generation.世[shì](ㄕˋ)()1.人的一辈子 lifetime; life:一生一世 lifetime; one's whole life; throughout one's life; all one's life 2.有血统关系的人相传而成的辈分 generation; seniority in generation hierarchy of a family or clan, passed on through people of the same blood relationship:第十世孙 the 12th in descent; descendant in the 12th generation 3.一代又一代 from generation to generation:世交 long-standing friendship between two families世仇 family feud; vendetta; sworn enemy (in a family feud)世谊 friendship dating back to two or more generations三代祖传世医 doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, with a practice spanning three generations 4.指有世交的关系 of people who maintain good family relations:世兄 father's friend's son who is older than oneself世叔 younger friend of one's father 5.时代 age; time; era:近世 modern times当世 nowadays; at present 6.社会;人间 world; society:问世 be published; come out世人 common people; people at large世道 manners and morals of the time; ways of the world世上 in the world; on earth公之于世 make sth. public; make sth. known to the world 7.(Shì) 姓 a surname相关词组傲世 | 百世 | 半世 | 避世 | 尘世 | 出世 | 处世 | 传世 | 存世 | 遁世 | 盖世 | 感世 | 隔世 | 故世 | 过世 | 后世 | 季世 | 济世 | 家世 | 今世 | 近世 | 警世 | 举世 | 绝世 | 旷世 | 来世 | 累世 | 历世 | 乱世 | 没世 | 媚世 | 面世 | 末世 | 前世 | 去世 | 人世 | 入世 | 上世 | 涉世 | 身世 | 盛世 | 时世 | 逝世 | 晚世 | 万世 | 问世 | 希世 | 稀世 | 下世 | 先世 | 现世 | 谢世 | 宿世 | 厌世 | 阳世 | 一世 | 永世 | 喻世 | 阅世 | 再世 | 在世 | 烛世 | 转世 | 陈世美 | 出世作 | 闯世界 | 观世音 | 见世面 | 救世主 | 满世界 | 现世报 | 中世纪 | 愤世嫉俗 | 盖世太保 | 混世魔王 | 惊世骇俗 | 欺世盗名 | 玩世不恭 | 与世长辞 | 大千世界 | 第二世界 | 第三世界 | 第一世界 | 宏观世界 | 花花世界 | 极乐世界 | 老于世故 | 人情世故 | 生生世世 | 微观世界 | 不可一世 | 恍如隔世 | 立身处世 | 永生永世 | 第二次世界大战 | 第一次世界大战世弊 | 世变 | 世仇 | 世传 | 世代 | 世道 | 世风 | 世故 | 世纪 | 世家 | 世间 | 世交 | 世界 | 世局 | 世面 | 世情 | 世人 | 世上 | 世事 | 世俗 | 世态 | 世袭 | 世系 | 世兄 | 世医 | 世族 | 世纪末 | 世界观 | 世界时 | 世界语 | 世代交替 | 世界市场 | 世态炎凉 | 世外桃源 | 世界贸易组织世a.epochal【地】世的n.epoch【地】世世1. a generation2. a person's life span3. an age4. the world世epochs世epoch双向☞纪元--历元--世双向☞期--世--纪双向☞历元--世世[shì]名1. lifetime; life♦ 一~ all one's life2. generation♦ 第七十~后裔 descendants of the 70th generation3. from generation to generation; through generations♦ ~爵 hereditary rank or nobility4. (used in terms of address among old family friends)♦ ~伯(叔) uncle (friend of one's father)5. age; era♦ 当今之~ at present; nowadays6. the world♦ 公之于~ make known to the world; reveal to the public7.地质epoch |
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