

单词 专场
释义 专场 zhuānchǎngspecial performance专场专为某部分人演出的场次special showing儿童专场 children's showing专场舞会 special dance专演某类节目的场次special相声专场 crosstalk special专场 zhuān chǎng special performance; show intended for a limited audience专场[zhuān chǎng]1.剧场、影院等专为某一部分人演出的一场 special performance; show intended for a limited audience:学生专场 special show for students 2.一场里专门演出一种类型的若干节目 performance of a certain type of programme:相声专场 special performance of comic dialogues曲艺专场 special performance of quyi专场special performance; show intended for a limited audience♦ 相声~ a performance of comic dialogues♦ 学生~ a special show for students




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