

单词 专卖店
释义 专卖店 zhuānmàidiànspecial store专卖店zhuānmàidiànspecialty store专卖店专卖某家商品或某种品牌的商品的商店outlet三枪牌内衣专卖店 Sanqiang underwear shop中关村电子一条街上有一间蓝白相间的专卖店。 There is an outlet that is a mix of blue and white on the Zhongguancun electronics street.华晨在全国拥有800余家的特约经销商、专卖店。 Huachen has over 800 licensed dealerships and outlets across the country.专卖店[zhuān mài diàn] 专门出售某一种类或某一品牌商品的商店 franchised shop; shop exclusively selling a certain category or brand of commodities




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